Monday, August 28, 2023


(Xiangqi News) Vietnam is sending 6 top Xiangqi players to participate in the 19th Asian Games (ASIAD), which will open from the 23rd of September to closing in the 8th of October, to be held in the City of Hangzhou, China.

The selected players are Nguyen Thanh Bao, Lai Ly Huynh, Nguyen Minh Nhat Quang, Nguyen Hoang Yen, Le Thi Kim Loan and Nguyen Phi Liem.

According to the Sports Authority, a total of 320 athletes from Vietnam will attend the ASIAD in September, competing in 31 sporting events, including Xiangqi.

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Decades ago, Vietnam's No. 1 Trần Nga Sang said : I play Xiangqi like "evil-possessed"

by Ge Wanli(葛万里)
Yangcheng Evening News
12th August 2002

From the appearance alone, if Zheng Yasheng, who is thinly built walks on the streets of Guangzhou, no one would think that he is not a native. The writer Ge Wanli was curious when he had dinner with the Vietnamese team members yesterday and learned that Master Zheng is indeed from Guangdong and can also speak Cantonese.

Although Zheng Yasheng(郑亚生)has repeatedly stated that he speaks Cantonese poorly, this has not prevented him from clearly telling the media about his experience as "Vietnam's number one Xiangqi Master".

"I came across Xiangqi very accidentally, I could almost say very suddenly, as if I had "fallen for evil-possession". Zheng Yasheng's opening conversation made everyone laughed.

He explained with a smile that when he was 17 years old, one day he watched his neighbour friend Zhang Yaming(张亚明)playing the game, he was quite fascinated just by watching it.

At that particular moment, he realized instantly that the variations and combinations, the possibility of change and choice were so fascinating and unpredictable, that he became interested in starting playing.

"Since then, I have been playing as if there is no tomorrow, even neglecting my business and focusing just on the game. Playing in a Xiangqi café every day, and at nights too. Then, when my chess improved sufficiently, I went out to seek for masters players to practice, and yet more practice!" Zheng said.

Zheng Yasheng said that it was thanks to lot of actual over-the-board playing that his chess skills could be rapidly improved. From the beginning when Zhang Yaming could give him odds of a Knight, he has now progressed so much that he won the Vietnamese national championship for three consecutive years (2000, 2001 and 2002), and became the first international grandmaster of Vietnam by winning third place in the Asian Leading Players Tournament and 4th place of the World Xiangqi Championship 2001 respectively.

Zheng Yasheng, 40 years old now, has two daughters who are still at school. He told reporters that although Vietnam does not yet have professional Xiangqi players, he can basically make ends meet on tournament prizes and bonuses, and from coaching and a championship allowance (US$100 per month) from the government. He also said that there are many Xiangqi masters in the country, and if you slacken or inattentive for a moment, you will be caught up quickly, so if you want not to fall behind, you must constantly be able to compete with other masters.

As the main player of the Vietnamese team, Zheng Yasheng's opponent on the evening of 7th August was "China's number one Grandmaster" Xu Yinchuan(许银川). Speaking of Xu Yinchuan, Zheng Yasheng immediately looked a little excited, and his eyes full of admiration. He nodded towards Xu Yinchuan, who was sitting opposite and said, "Xu Yinchuan and Lu Qin(吕钦)are superstars. I came here mainly to learn, and I was so happy to have the opportunity to learn from Master Xu. Xu's Xiangqi is solid, his skills are comprehensive, especially there is no weakness."

Speaking of this when, at the same moment, a fan took out a small chess set, laid out an endgame on the table, and asked Xu Yinchuan for some playing hints. As soon as Zheng Yasheng saw it, he immediately stood up and walked quickly to Xu's side to listen to the endgame's analysis. Watching carefully at his focused expression, the reporter had another visual understanding of the meaning of what he had repeatedly said about his "obsession" and "learning from the master".

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Source : Yangcheng Evening News
12th August 2002

Friday, August 18, 2023





在一本很久没有翻动的棋书中(方长勤 郭淑珑 温满红 编著),看到首页的“前言”提到善弈。换位思想,足球的善踢也一样道理吧。

棋有开局,中局,残局。足球也有开局,如 4-2-4,3-4-3,1-2-4-3 等等。中局是半场休息前后的一大段战役。残局是赛事将要结束前的一段最后战斗,有补充体力的考虑,加时续赛及踢罚球(penalties)的安排等等。



纹枰对弈如用兵打仗,阵形变化,深不可测。两军相搏,是智取,是强攻;是速战速决,是固守待机; 一切全在用兵有方,审时度势。古人说:“拈两指之兵,恍若千钧之弩”。可见,棋走一着,份量不轻。积前辈经验的棋谱好似兵书,古往今来,善弈者,莫不精研古谱,常拆排局(set piece)。他们之所以能作战有方,举棋若定,皆是受益其中。

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Friday, August 11, 2023


第27届智力奥林比亚运动会(27th Mind Sports Olympiad)定于8月20日到8月28日在伦敦举行。


比赛地点 :JW3, 341 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET




Diving Chess(跳水棋)则提前于8月13日(星期日)上午9时举行,地点 :Leonardo Royal Hotel, London E1 8GP




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Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Manchester's Xiangqi Tournament On 12th September

(Xiangqi Newsletter) It is reported that the British Xiangqi Association (Manchester) will hold a Xiangqi Championship Tournament on Tuesday 12th of September, at the Zhiye Haibao Restaurant, Manchester, Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW.

The registration fee is £15 per person. The competition consists of two events: team competition and individual competition.

The tournament follows the Asian Rules and will be a five rounds of Swiss system. Basically players have 25 minutes allocated to them to finish their games, over-stepping the time limit is counted as negative result.

The first and second place winners of the team competition will be awarded certificates.

The individual competition winner will be awarded prize of £120, the runner-up will be awarded prize of £80, the third prize will be £50, the fourth prize will be £30. Each of them will also receive a trophy to keep as souvenir.

During the break, participants will enjoy complimentary refreshments and tea. Dinner is at participants' own expense, with a voucher of £30 per person.

For registration, the following are person to contact :
Huang Jianrong (President) Tele No. : 07446 111890
Zhang Dongrong (Vice President) Tel: 07598 141639
Peng Huangxiu (Vice President) Tele : 07477 913831

The world is like a game each not the same
Great designs hidden solving to be gradual

People from all walks of life and Xiangqi enthusiasts are welcome to participate in the competition.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2023


象棋通讯,据悉 :英国中国象棋协会(曼城)将于九月十二日(星期二)举办象棋锦标赛,地点在曼城志业海宝大酒楼。(Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW)





报名联络人 :
黄健荣(会长)电话号:07446 111890
张东荣(副会长)电话:07598 141639
彭煌秀(副会长)电话:07477 913831

世事如棋 局局新
玄机藏奥 步步解


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