庆祝春节,迎接虎年,中国象棋友好赛将于2月27日(星期六)在 Dockland 举行,欢迎棋艺爱好者报名参加,请发e-mail给黎先生:laiqi2@gmail.com
2 0 1 0 迎 虎 年 春 节 中 国 象 棋 友 好 赛
2010 Year of the Tiger Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Friendly Tournament
主办/Organizers: 英国象棋协会 (UK Chinese Chess Association)
协办/Co-Organisor: 东伦敦越南社区协会 (Vietnamese Community in East London)
宗旨:增进棋艺爱好者与社会大众友谊,丰富社区文娱康乐活动, 迎接虎年同庆新春
Aim: Friendship in community, cultural activity & Year of the Tiger's fun
地点/Venue:Dockland Settlement Centre, 197 East Ferry Road, London E14 3BA
交通: 最近轻铁站 MUDCHUTE (Dockland Light Railway 轻铁) 约五分钟步行可到赛场。
巴士有D3、D7 (D6远些,步行约十分钟)
Transport: Nearest Station MUDCHUTE (Dockland Light Railway), 5 minutes walk.
Buses D3 and D7 (D6 will take 10 minutes walking time)
奖励: 棋艺与友谊并重,设第一奖£150, 第二奖£120, 第三奖£100, 第四£70, 第五£50,
第六£40, 第七£30,第八£20,另有其他奖品
Prizes: 1st £150, 2nd £120, 3rd £100, 4th £70, 5th £50, 6th £40, 7th £30,
8th £20 & gifts
棋例/Rules: 亚洲棋例,5轮瑞士制。报名费十五镑 (未满十八岁£10)
Asian rules. 5-round Swiss. Entry fee :£15 (U-18: £10)
截止日期/Closing date: 25th February 2010