Sunday, July 21, 2024

The UK Xiangqi Championship

Since 1997 Mindsportsolympiad has organized the world's most diverse board game tournament, this year will be the 28th version.

The Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Championship will be held on Sunday 25th August 2024, in the afternoon from 4.30pm to 6.45pm, at the venue JW3 341 351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET

Registration is now opened at


(象棋通讯)象棋活动专稿 :2024年度英国智力运动会的全英象棋锦标赛,将于8月25日(星期日)举行。

时间下午 4.30pm - 6.45pm

比赛地点 :JW3 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET

网上报名 :请浏览

英国智力运动会自1997年以来, 就举办着世界最多的不同项目桌上游戏 (board game) 比赛。今年的活动将是第28届。

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Learn Chinese Chess from Mr. Lam

(象棋通讯)伦敦 - 甘顿华人社区中心活动消息,英国象棋大师林伯恺供稿 :

Camden Chinese Community Centre

Camden Chinese Community Centre has invited Mr. Lam, PAK HOI to teach Chinese Chess. Grab this great opportunity to learn Chinese Chess from him. Welcome all to join!

Mr. Lam has participated in various top ranking tournaments organized in UK, Europe and World Xiangqi Championships with good results. He once ranked among the top five players in the UK. He is still very active with the game.

象棋班 - Chinese Chess Class

日期 - Date 7th September 2024 - 26th October 2024

时间 - 2.00pm - 3.30pm

地点 - Venue - 本中心 Our Centre (9 Tavistock Place WC1H 9SN)

导师 - Trainer/Instructor - 林伯恺 Lam Pak Hoi

费用 - Fee - pound sterling 40 / 8 lessons or pound sterling 6 per lesson

联系/报名 - Tel/Registration - Tel 020 7388 8883

+ + + +

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


(象棋通讯)英国曼彻斯特消息,黄健荣(会长)供稿:中国象棋集聚中华民族特色;揽文化、科学、哲学、军事、游戏等特色于一身,象棋自是千百年来国之精华,博大精深,既具优雅又不落俗气,世界和举国上下弈者不计其数。英国中国象棋协会,经过召开会员大会商议,决定2024年全英中国象棋锦标赛,于10月8日(星期二)中午一时正,在曼城志业海宝大酒楼举办(Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW)。希望各会员踊跃参加,并为此报名为实。多谢合作!(详情请看目录)

世事如棋 局局新
玄机藏机 步步解



黄健荣 Tel 07446111890;
张东荣 Tel 07598141639;
李运福 Tel 07920524996。

+ + + +

Monday, July 15, 2024




名次 姓名

1 梁瑋珊
2 鄺子淳
3 劉雪櫻
4 卜芷晴


名次 姓名

1 吳諾行
2 梁瑋軒
3 陳焯匡
4 葉靖朗
5 練卓嵐
6 文光耀
7 馮柏喬
8 莊子星
9 關云彰
10 聶卓朗
11 廖子謙
12 陳睿哲
13 駱洭泓
14 梁桸楠
15 葉彥希
16 李康舜
17 許家浩
18 陳子傑
19 何逸朗
20 賴卓謙
21 黎焯熙
22 鍾厚君


名次 姓名

1 蘇律齊
2 沈家熙
3 李明傑
4 蔣一德
5 陳鉉濤
6 趙梓棟
7 陳文樂
8 吳鋑軒
9 陳逸澄
10 陳宇恒


名次 姓名

1 彭浩
2 馬維亮
3 江劭源
4 張森斌
5 郭楚烽
6 梁銳
7 成孝添
8 龍貳

+ + + +

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

A game good enough for a friendly

A game played on Monday the 8th of July 2024 in an English pub, the writer won the toss and have the Red pieces. He proposed both players to write down the moves, the opponent did not think it was necessary. We set the clocks, each side had 60 minutes to complete all the moves.

To share is a joy. Here let us see how the game went on. Of course it is not of the professional level, just good enough for a friendly.

Opening : 7th Pawn Advance versus Right-hand Central Cannon

1. P7+1 - - C2=5
2. N8+7 - - N2+3
3. R9=8 - - R1+1
4. G4+5*- - P7+1
5. N2+3 - - N8+9
6. C2+4 - - R1=6
7. C2=7 - - B3+1
8. R1=2 - - R9=8
9. R2+4 - - C8=7
10.R2+5 - - N9-8
11.B7+5 - - P9+1
12.C8=9 - - C7+4
13.C7=8 - - R6+3
14.N7+6 - - R6=4
15.C8-2 - - C5=7
16.N3-4*- - fC=8
17.C9=6 - - R4=2
18.N6+7 - - C8+3*
19.C6=8 - - R2=6
20.G5+4 - - P7+1
21.fC=3 - - C7+7
22.B5-3 - - R6+3
23.G6+5 - - R6=7
24.N7+9 - - G6+5
25.N9+7 - - K5=6
26.C3=4 - - R7=3
27.P7+1 - - N8+9
28.P7+1 - - N3-1
29.C4-1 - - N9+8
30.C8+2 - - R3-2
31.R8+2 - - N8+9
32.C4-2 - - K6+1
33.C8+4 - - (1-0)

* Comments :

4. G4+5, a waiting move, at the same time reinforce the centre.

16.N3-4, instead, 16.N3-2 seems better.

18....C8+3, pinning Red's Bishop and Knight.

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Sunday, June 30, 2024





红棋甲 先和 黑棋乙

1. 相三进五 - - 卒7进1
2. 马二进三 - - 炮2平5
3. 炮八平六 - - 马2进3
4. 兵七进一 - - 车1平2
5. 马八进七 - - 马8进9
6. 士四进五 - - 炮8平7
7. 炮二进四 - - 车9平8
8. 炮二平七 - - 象3进1
9. 兵一进一 - - 车2进4
10.车一平四 - - 车8进5
11.车四进七 - - 马9退8
12.炮七平一 - - 士6进5
13.车四进一 - - 马8进9
14.兵一进一 - - 炮7进4
15.车九平八 - - 车2平4
16.车八进六 - - 马9进7
17.炮一进三 - - 车8退5
18.车四平一 - - 卒7进1
19.车八平七 - - 马3退2
20.车七平五 - - 象1退3
21.相五进三 - - 马7进6
22.车五退二 - - 马6进7
23.马七进六 - - 车4平7
24.相三退五 - - 炮7平6
25.炮六平三 - - 车7进3
26.车五平二 - - 炮6退6
27.车二进五 - - 炮6平8
28.车一平二 - - 炮5平6
29.马六进五 - - 象3进5
30.车二退二 - - 炮6退2
31.马五退四 - - 车7退3
32.兵一进一 - - 车7平6
33.马四退三 - - 车6平7
34.马三进一 - - 马2进3
35.马一进三 - - 马3进2
36.兵一进一 - - 马2进1
37.兵一进一 - - 马1退3
38.兵五进一 - - 马3进2
39.兵五进一 - - 马2退4
40.士五进六 - - 马4退5
41.马三进五 - - 车7平5
42.车二平九 - - 炮8进9
43.车九平二 - - 炮8退5
44.炮一平四 - - 士5退6
45.兵一平二 - - 炮8平7
46.车二平四 - - 车5进1
47.帅五平四 - - 士4进5
48.兵二平三 - - 炮7平3
49.兵三平四 - - 炮3退4 (和)

+ + + +

Friday, June 28, 2024


A short sharp struggle of 41 moves where two top players shared the point in a 1st Division League match. Both players opted for the Pawn's Opening :


红方 :王天一 (杭州环境集团队)

黑方 :武俊强 (四川成都懿锦金弈队)


对兵局 (21回合和)

1. 兵七进一 卒7进1
2. 炮八平五 马2进3
3. 马八进七 车1平2
4. 车九平八 马8进7
5. 马二进一 卒9进1
6. 炮二平三 马7进8
7. 车一进一 卒9进1
8. 马七进六 卒9进1
9. 马六进五 马3进5
10.炮五进四 炮2进1
11.炮五平八 卒9进1
12.车一平四 炮8平5
13.炮三平五 马8进7
14.车四进二 马7进8
15.仕六进五 车9进6
16.车四平一 马8退9
17.相三进一 马9进7
18.兵五进一 马7退8
19.相一退三 马8进6
20.炮五进五 象3进5
21.车八进三 (和)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


by * 明 *





+ + + +

That was in a weekend a Sunday precisely
Watching white clouds flying in the sky

The rooftop garden becomes an aerial garden
And chimney seems to be an armored warrior

The warrior can join the battle at any time
And sing and dance at ease in the darkness

Be prepared is your real name even at night
Rise up early to exercise Rook Cannon Knight

Saturday, June 22, 2024


(象棋通讯)在广东省东莞市的凤岗镇体育馆举行、棋坛瞩目的2023年第九届 “杨官璘杯” 全国象棋公开赛男、女子专业组,经过五天的激烈角逐,已于9月26日圆满结束。







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Thursday, June 13, 2024


(象棋通讯)2023年 “博实乐杯” 第十一届少儿象棋赛决赛及颁奖仪式于3月31日拉开帷幕,来自博实乐14个学校84位 “冠军队” 选手齐聚广州市增城区凤凰城中英文学校,展开精彩激烈对弈,决出了团体及个人冠、亚、季军!




教育集团副总裁程晋升在颁奖典礼中表示:本次少儿象棋赛,响应了国家对青少年素质教育的号召,也是 “新素质教育” 理念的体现。办学以来,始终不忘初心,致力培养具有家国情怀和全球视野的、博雅、修实、乐志的终身学习者。学校为中国象棋的发展提供了充分的人力、物力和财力上的保障。




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Sunday, June 02, 2024



by Wang Ran



+ + + +

(Editor's note: Poems on the game of Xiangqi are not often seen or heard. We are glad to present one recently written by the player poet Wang Ran :)

Things change in many ways, people also changing
The gathering in the country a forty years through
Chariots attack straight on, horses leaping brave
Difficult to divide winner from loser, raise our cups

Lost of a chariot or a horse, when it's out of the blue
Whatever happens, it's a joy, our hearts in combination
Music, chess, literature and painting are vital matters
Friends it's an opportunity to chat over chessboard true

Friday, May 24, 2024


(象棋通讯)笔者觉得找题材不容易,这要我们去发掘 : 此篇主题香港象棋总会(跟据香港象棋总会网页)






+ + + +

The Hong Kong Xiangqi Association is a non-profit organization in Hong Kong with the aim of researching chess art, promoting national culture, and promoting the popularization of chess in Hong Kong, making it a major leisure activity for the public. Our Association is committed to organizing various types of local competitions, including the Hong Kong Xiangqi Individual Tournament, Hong Kong Xiangqi Team Tournament, Hong Kong High School Xiangqi Tournament, and Hong Kong Primary School Xiangqi Tournament. The number of registrations for these competitions is increasing year by year and is highly welcomed by Xiangqi enthusiasts. Up to now, an average of nearly 200 people have registered for each competition.

In addition, our Association has also hosted large-scale international competitions, including the 5th and 8th World Xiangqi Championships, both of which were held in Kowloon Park. More than 20 countries or regions participated, and many Xiangqi enthusiasts attended, creating a lively and exciting atmosphere. By hosting international competitions, we have enhanced the image of Xiangqi and made the public aware of our Association.

In addition to hosting competitions, our Association has also participated in international competitions multiple times, mainly the World Xiangqi Championships organized by the World Xiangqi Federation and the Asian Xiangqi Championships organized by the Asian Xiangqi Federation. Our Association has repeatedly achieved excellent results, and multiple participating representatives have won titles such as Xiangqi International Grand Master, Xiangqi International Master, Asian Xiangqi Grand Master, and Asian Xiangqi Master.

Our Association also frequently engages in exchange matches with the mainland, with important events including the Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao Xiangqi matches, the Hong Kong, Panyu, Macao, and Shunde Xiangqi Friendship Tournament, and the Perez Cup Huizhou Xiangqi Invitational Tournament; In addition, our Association also holds friendly matches with Chinese Xiangqi organizations overseas, including Canada, Australia, the United States, and others. These competitions play an important role in enhancing friendship and exchanging chess skills among different areas and regions.

In terms of regional promotion, our Association has collaborated multiple times with other organizations to organize competitions, including the Hong Kong Youth Art Competition and the Hong Kong Individual Xiangqi Tournament for Visually Impaired People. We also provide support and advice to those who are interested in hosting Xiangqi activities, in order to promote the game skills and make the game a popular leisure activity in the city.

Friday, May 10, 2024

"The Cycle"

by Wang Ran

The sun descends, then rises anew,
Summer wanes, winter ensues.
People come and go.

The world appears static, Yet it
shifts and grows, as some hearts
touched, and some wounds
miraculously closed.

Babies are born, bringing us
beacons of hope and love, The smile
on their faces, a reminder of the joy
untouched within us.

Every moment is worthwhile,
despite the cycles, expected or
unforeseen waiting ahead.

We must head on, as if death lurks
in the shadows.
We glimpse lights illuminating our
We witness rainbows after the
Suddenly, we feel much lighter
ascending into the sky.

Becoming an eagle who soars freely,
just occasional flaps,
with no worries, expected or 

+ + + +

Wednesday, April 24, 2024



A rare Xiangqi and other cultural activities including table tennis and karaoke,will be organized on Wednesday May 15th, provided kindly by 欧华耆英,details are as follow :

欧华耆英2024年春季活动日期 :


时间 :下午1时30分至5时

地点 :华心会会址 The Meritage Centre, Church End, London NW4 4JT

Hendon Station, bus 143, 183, 326;
Colindale Station, bus 125,
由Hendon Station步行15-16分钟

主持 :黄明坤先生,周素兰女士

节目 :(全体)

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Saturday, April 13, 2024

4th World Xiangqi Open to be held in Dublin

(Xiangqi News) Organized by the World Xiangqi Federation, hosted by the Ireland Xiangqi Association and co-hosted by the European Xiangqi Federation, the 4th World Xiangqi Open 2024 will be held on August 10th-13th, at the Confucius Institute for Ireland, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland.

The Ireland Xiangqi Association has joined the World Xiangqi Federation recently, it has hosted with success the European Xiangqi Championships last year and in 2022.

Closing date for the Open tournament registration to be on June 30th, 2024.

Competition events include Men’s team; Women’s team; Men’s individual; Women’s Individual, as well as youth group U18, U15 and U12.

Expenses arrangement: Note that each team shall bear its own cost including international traveling expenses and local accommodations. Please book the hotels by yourselves, the Organizing Committee can offer help with recommendations.

A warm welcoming for all participants is waiting at UCD Confucius Institute in Dublin in the golden season of summer!

For further information kindly contact : Mr Xue Zhong Secretary-General European Xiangqi Federation Tel.: +49-89-3795 9568 E-Mail:

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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Weakness In Moving Forward

Weakness in Moving Forward

by Wang Ran

When verse evades my grasp,
I grasp for it once more,

In moments where progress halts,
I press on as before.

Eyes heavy, feet unsure,
Yet grateful to persist,

To gather fragments of life's lore,
In joy or sorrow's midst.

What flavour does it bear,
This life of ours, we ask?

As we glance back with a gentle air,
All the triumphs, all the misdeeds
Just laughable
Before scattering in the breeze

How to shake off these heavy tones,
And let our spirit ease?

Cold winds rush through my mind,
Leaving thoughts behind.

All empty like a void.
Dead silence, all my senses are shutting down
This moment of ‘lightness’
Enlightens me!

+ + + +

A Poem by Wang Ran (惘 然)

前 行 乏 力

(作者)惘 然




+ + + +

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Through Time Machine back to bygone days

Through the "Time Machine", can we go back to the bygone days, so that we see and feel everything still remained the same, almost?

A friend of mine told me frankly that lately there has been fewer updates to the blog, he wondered if there is a shortage of conversation topics, whether the usual activity is at a low point, fading?

The writer searched the shelf and showed him an original diary manuscript that had been kept for a long long time, and after a while, both of us said, why not have it toured on-screen? Okay, let's go. We shall see whether the good old days and the present have anything in common?

And sure, with the words "All rights reserved"!


A new outlook

Last year was quickly gone in the blink of an eye. It's a bit sad to say. Before you know it, a new year has already came into the world. How long has it been since I left my M place? Besides from my family, what happened to my friends over there?

I haven't heard anything from them. In fact, I have no time or interest to write to them yet. .....


Here in this R place, which is somewhat full of French cultural influence, from my personal experience, last year was very ordinary, nothing eventful, and the average local people did not have much merrymaking or drinking in excess. They are very kind and polite, to greet and wish people with Happy New Year.

+ + + +

Friday, March 22, 2024


通过 “时间机器”(Time Machine) 的穿越,可以返回到逝去的岁月,一切如旧?



或者,还有这四个字 “保留版权” (All rights reserved)!



新 的 展 望






+ + + +

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


At the 18th World Xiangqi Championship held in Houston in the United States November last year, the Singapore Men's Team won the Team Championship and the Women's Team won third place. Wu Zhonghan and Wu Lanxiang finished third in the Men's and Women's Individual Competitions respectively, while Liu Yihao, one of the members of the Men's Team, finished eighth in the Individual Competition.

On the evening of 28 December, the President of the Singapore Xiangqi Association, Mr. Lin Guanhao, hosted a grand banquet at the Senior Police Officers Club to congratulate the team members, attended among others, by Permanent Honorary President Sun Jingting, Honorary President Liang Qiyun, Honorary President and Administrative Manager Liang Peiling, Secretary General Ou Mushun, team leader Weng Wenlong, players Wu Zonghan, Wu Lanxiang and Chen Mingfang, and other staff and supporters.





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