Wednesday, June 04, 2008


英国的中文学校相当普遍,较早时象棋学习班曾假借顺德中文学校(Tower Hamlets Chinese School)课室进行。

该校上课地点是 Old Bethnal Green Road, Bethnal Green E2 9RG, (电话:0788 6575467),通讯地址 52 Frobisher Road, London N8 0QX. 设有幼儿班、初中班、高中班(粤语及国语班)。星期六下午一时至五时授课。

学校负责人是陈慧贤女士。据陈女士介绍称,学校师资良好,很多学生考获 GCSE 及 A level。



Monday, June 02, 2008

Some photo at a tournament

The above are some photo taken on Saturday 31st of May '08 during the annual tournament organized by the Federation of Chinese Schools in UK , all the participants and their parents, teachers, friends and the visitors and organizers have enjoyed a much pleasant day, the venue was at the prestigious V&A 's recreation room. We hope to upload some more photo.