About the Xiangqi En Blog
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This blog aims to give many people around the world access to the world of Chinese Chess and give them the opportunity to improve their game.The author
C. K. Lai is a well known Xiangqi player and enthusiast who has written and translated a dozen books on the subject, and is still writing, though less frequently nowadays. There was a time when he produced two books a year, among them his first book Chinese Chess, An Introduction To The Openings, Checkmate In Two, and Chess Of The Wuzhi Mountain (in collaboration with Mr. Shu Ming Li of San Francisco). Translations include Chinese Chess, The Endgame Technique, Victories All The Way, and Fifty Games Of GM Li Laiqun. With a few Xiangqi friends he promoted the game in Britain some four decades ago, helping to create the UK Chinese Chess Association. He is certainly at the forefront of promotion of the game in Britain. One of C. K. Lai's high achievements in Xiangqi competitions was in 1994 when he won the 11th European Xiangqi Championship held in Amsterdam. He also won on several occasions the UK Xiangqi Championship. He used to be the Editor of the Chinese Chess Cyber Newsletter, which kept many Xiangqi followers informed.