
Showing posts from August, 2008


第一届世界智力运动会十月将在北京举行,各项筹备工作在积极进行中。 各国和地区的象棋协会均踊跃报名参赛,据悉,到8月12日,已有31个国家和地区的198名棋手报名。 男子团体赛有21队,男子个人赛有53人、快棋赛有44人。 女子团体赛有9队,女子个人赛有22人。其中,有8支队伍报名参加全部5个项目比赛。 罗马尼亚、尼泊尔、阿联酋、洪都拉斯等国家将首次参与如此盛大规模的国际赛事。 There will be 198 Xiangqi players from 31 countries/areas participating in the first World Mind Sports Games, to be held in Beijing early in October 2008, just after the Beijing Olympics.


第一届世界智力运动会将于奥运两月后的10月3日至18日举行,地点仍在北京。 现在了解约有30个国家和地区接近200名象棋选手报名参加首届智运会,与以前的国际大赛比较,是参赛队伍和参赛人数新的纪录。 这将是象棋的又一次盛会。 The First World Mind Sports Games will kick off in Beijing on October 3rd to 18th 2008, with nearly 200 players from around 30 countries and areas taking part in the Xiangqi competitions.

Xiangqi at XII Mind Sports Olympiad

第12届智力奥林匹亚运动会定于8月15日至25日在伦敦举行,地点在 Horticultural Halls Conference Centre, Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QD. 8月17日(星期日)将有中国象棋快棋赛,共赛六轮。欢迎报名参加,详情请登陆 。 At last an update after such a long time! The 12th Mind Sports Olympiad will be held from 15th to 25th August 2008, the venue is at Horticultural Halls Conference Centre, Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QD. There are many events such as Backgammon, Chess, Domino, Mental Activities, Specialist Abstract and much more, including a one day Xiangqi quickplay. This will take place on Sunday 17th August, 9.30am-17.45pm, the format is a Swiss system of 6 round, rate of play is 30 minutes per game per player. Entry fee is £8. For further information and download of information booklet, please visit the website at .