Manchester-London Match January 2009
由英国象棋协会赞助暨协办的第一届曼城与伦敦友好杯中国象棋交流赛,定于明年一月十七日 (星期六) 举行,地点在伦敦市中心区的圣乔治大教堂的Upper Vestry Hall,Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2HR, 离大英博物馆(British Museum)仅两分钟。 交流赛双方将各派出六名正选,及不超出三名后备棋手,分先两局制,采用亚洲棋规。 是日并将举办一项快棋赛,作为助兴节目,设首奖£50,名额有限,快棋赛报名请与白雪女士联系,电邮 棋界人士当日将乘此机会庆贺英国象棋队今年10月在北京第一届世界智力运动会上,郭淑珑取得女子个人赛第四名,陈发佐与黄春龙取得男子团体赛第六名的骄人成绩。 Here are details of the proposed Manchester versus London's Tournament, to be held on Saturday 17th of January 2008, in central London's St George's Church, Bloombury Way. The 1st Manchester London Friendly Cup Xiangqi Tournament Organizers: Manchester & London Xiangqi Clubs and Friendly Supporters Sponsors & Co-organizers:UK Chinese Chess Association Aim : Friendship in communities, promote Xiangqi activity of the 2 cities,and celebration to the UK Xiangqi players for outstanding performance in Beijing's 1st World Mind Sports Games, held during October, 2008. Each side will have 6 selected players, plus not more than 3 reserves. As...