
Showing posts from May, 2009

A preliminary practice 象棋热身赛

As a preliminary practice leading up to the forthcoming June's UK Championship, and a good opportunity to be familiar with the tournament place, a small scale Xiangqi competition will be held on Saturday the 30th of May from 11.30am to 5.30pm, venue same as the June 20th UK Championship, that is at Raines Foundation Lower School (Tower Hamlets Chinese School), Old Bethnal Green Road, London E2 9RG. All players welcome, entry fee £5, registration and pay on the day. Please watch this space for any new development about this 30th of May competition. 象棋通讯:欢迎象棋爱好者参加5月30日(星期六)的象棋比赛,这可作为6月的全英锦标赛的小小热身赛事。比赛地点与全英锦标赛一样,在顺德中文学校,Old Bethnal Green Road, London E2 9RG, 比赛时间上午11点30分到下午5时30分。 报名费£5,当天现场报名及收费亦可,高手或初学同样欢迎,棋赛目的在发扬中国象棋艺术,鼓励学生及社会大众对象棋的兴趣。 5月30日的棋赛是由英国中文学校联会、英国象棋协会与顺德中文学校联合举办。 请留意这个5月30日赛事的最新报导。