
Showing posts from July, 2010


第26届“慕忠杯” 欧洲象棋锦标赛定于9月11-12日在德国汉堡举行,欢迎英国及欧洲其他各地象棋爱好者报名参赛,办法:可直接联系德国象棋协会Xue Zhong先生: 电话: +49 89 3260 3395 手机: +49 176 3201 2281 电邮: 或网上报名: 又或者开赛之前在现场报名。 The 26th European Xiangqi Championship will be held in Hamburg Yu- Garden on Sep.11-12, 2010. The German Xiangqi Association have invited the Chinese Grandmaster delegation (3 grandmasters plus 1 master) to visit the tournament and make a simultanous game show during the event. Invitation at the same time to all players and enthusiasts in Europe to the 26th European Xiangqi Championship at Yu-Garden in Hamburg. The German Xiangqi Association (DXB) ( will undertake the 26th European Xiangqi Championship in Hamburg on 11-12 September 2010. The tournament is listed as one of the key events on the occasion of Hamburg ChinaTime Festival 2010 for the celebration of Shanghai World Expo. Meanwhile DXB will invite Chinese Xiangqi Association (CXA) Grandmaster delegation ...

Play Online Games

现在给大家介绍多一个在网上可以下棋的地方,下棋之余,还可以听歌、看录影、写博客等。 这个新的网址是 ,不妨一试。 A new Xiangqi website is gradually getting itself known to the general public and online game enthusiasts, after the initial step of registration, members can play online games, save games (automatically) for review, connect with friends, take part in the site's tournaments, plus enjoying videos, music, blogs etc. If you want to broaden your online playing horizon, try it at the new