
Showing posts from September, 2013

全英赛黄春龙冠军 女子奖乔弘菲夺得

全英赛黄春龙冠军 女子奖乔弘菲夺得 (伦敦棋讯)2013年全英中国象棋锦标赛已于9月21日(星期六)在唐街 Leicester Court 华人社区中心如期举行,棋赛旨在支持中西文化交流,增进棋艺爱好者与社会大众友谊,丰富社区文娱康乐活动。赛事由英 国象棋协会主办,华人社区中心协办,英人赞特莱博士赞助。比赛于上午11时开始,下午六时圆满结束,五轮瑞士制,高分对高分,低分对低分。 经过六七个小时的激烈战斗,欧洲象棋特级大师黄春龙勇夺冠军,世象联象棋大师亚蓝迪克取得亚军,首次参加大赛的俞坚取得季军。女子奖由来自中国的乔弘菲夺得。午间,棋手们还品尝奇华饼家及另一家餐厅热心提供的糕饼点心和寿司。 是日参赛好手还有保罗拜维,赞特莱博士,林伯凯,易因迪士瓦,白雪,安德鲁亚维利,黎池刚。值得一提的是,董先生三次打电话报名联系,可惜最后因感冒而放弃。头发斑白的李先生,第三轮想参加,但由于是单数,一时无对手而不再坚持。

Vigorous Answer To A Timid Opening Move

A TIMID OPENING MOVE ... DESERVES A    VIGOROUS   ANSWER   By René Gralla, Hamburg, Germany One aspect of the Screen Horse-Defence against the Central Cannon-Opening is the strategic question who will control Red Line no. 2 - that is Black line no. 8 - by Chariot in order to put pressure on the opponent. There is no doubt what Black has to do after, say,  1.C2=5 H8+7  2.H2+3  R9=8  3.R1=2 H2+3  4.P7+1 P7+1  5.R2+6 ... namely 5. ... C8=9!  6.R2=3 C9-1  7.H8+7 A4+5  8.H7+6 C9=7 and so on. But how should the Screen Horse-side react if the Central Cannon-side does not confidently cross the river with 5.R2+6 ..., but meekly stops at the river bank with 5.R2+4 ... (the latter attitude being inexplicably popular among German players whereas Chinese players prefer the more aggressive 5.R2+6 ...!)? Should the Screen Horse-side just ignore the opponent's Chariot at the river bank...