European Cup Championship coming to Manchester
(棋讯)欧洲杯象棋锦标赛今年7月21-22日将在曼城举行,地点为曼城金煌大酒楼。欢迎棋艺爱好者报名参加,提高棋艺,增进友谊。以下英文介绍: The UK Chinese Chess Association and Manchester Xiangqi Association under the auspices of the European Xiangqi Federation, will host the 21st Xiangqi Europe Cup Individual & the 20th Team Championship in Manchester, U.K. on 21-22 July 2014 . Tournament venue : Glamorous Chinese Restaurant Manchester 1st and 2nd Floor Wing Yip Business Centre Oldham Road, Ancoats, Manchester M4 5HU, England ( uk ) Regulation and Timing : 7 rounds Swiss System, Asian Xiangqi Rules, 55 m in utes + 5 seconds increment per party per game. Tournament Schedule : Monday : 1 0 .00 – 1 0 .45 h Sign-in ...