
Showing posts from June, 2023


Twin Brothers of Xiangqi Art has its own high and noble state of achievement, and the higher mode of Xiangqi apart of honour, that of chess luck, or chess destiny(棋运). Here is the story of two brothers sharing a common hope that Xiangqi will one day be on an equal footing with Chess and Weiqi, and that professional players will appear in the days to come, widening the Xiangqi scene. Guo Xianbin(郭宪滨)and Guo Xianfeng(郭宪丰)were twins; Guo Xianbin is the older one, and Guo Xianfeng is the younger. The interviewer at first was a little worried that he would confuse the identity of the two. But luckily there was no confusion. Do twins have same interests in life of everything? The interviewer strongly felt that the two of them had the same degree of dedication and enthusiasm for Xiangqi, and thought that this was more related due to being twins. Talking about the origin of learning the game, the two brothers have the same background, that of the influence of their eldest brother. ...


人生如棋,落子不悔 ——记中国象棋大师网创始人杨树权—— 来源 : 燕赵晚报 记者 常明 实习生 崔静 Yang Shuquan: Life is like chess, moves without regret Source: Yanzhao Evening News Among the many Xiangqi websites, "Zhongguo Xiangqi Dashi Wang" has two unique features: firstly, playing online through the website is touch and move, secondly, there is a blocking system to prevent software cheating. Mr. Yang Shuquan(杨树权), founder of the website, explained: "Life is like chess, and there is no stepping back of the previous move." The website has been founded for seven years, the aim is not for making profit, but to give Xiangqi fans a place to have fun. Yang Shuquan, the super fan interprets his love of the game with the same idea of touch and move in competition, without any regrets whatsoever. Twice in tribulations, he never relented his tenacity Yang S...


From abandoned baby to Xiangqi Master The story began 20 more years ago on an early autumn morning. Adoption: All happened from the kindness of an elderly couple Grandma Cao (曹奶奶) is a native of Sanmenxia, of Henan Province. One day September 1992, just after dawn, she opened the door, found a bundle at the doorstep, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cute little baby boy, crying from hunger and lack of warmth. There was a small piece of paper with his date of birth: November 3, 1991. The baby boy was slimy, lots of pus sores, in quite a poor mental state. What made Grandma Cao and her husband Liu Jixue (刘记学) slightly felt relieved was the baby boy did not have obvious birth defects. The old couple quickly took the little boy inside, bathed and washed and dried the baby clean. The old couple made up their minds to adopt him. This was met with strong opposition from their four children. Liu Jixue worked in the Rail...


Mistakes Commonly Made By Player The following are four mistakes commonly made by Xiangqi players at an ordinary level. Now see if you can avoid any of these mistakes. Mistake 1: The player prefers to study the opening theory and ignore more or less the endgame learning, and it is very common for amateur chess players to make this mistake for the following reasons: a) compared to the opening and the middle game, the endgame is boring, the pieces are fewer and at the minimum, the degree of attraction and entertainment element hard to perceive and detected. b) the study of endgame is painstaking, it takes time to acheiving good result. Once someone had said that he practiced hundreds of checkmate methods but found himself making no real progress at all, more like back to square one. This is because the endgame study effect is slow, maybe you have worked hard for a while and you have not made any progress, then suddenly one day out of the blue you find that your endgame lev...


A Million Yuan Winner's Interview The Mind Sports News, Beijing :On 16th of October, 2016, the first version of "Chu He Han Jie"(楚河汉界)World Xiangqi King Tournament(世界棋王赛)was held in Xingyang Honggou, Henan. The world champion Zheng Weitong, aged 22, playing Black twice sacrificed his pieces, launched a great attack and won the contest in 106 moves, in a Rook, Cannon and Pawns versus Rook, Cannon ending against Xie Jing, aged 27. The winner pocketed one million yuan for his day's effort. After the epic game, talking about his feeling, Zheng Weitong said: "Because the prize money of this competition is very high, I am also under very great pressure, and I finally won, I am really happy, very excited, and very grateful to the organizers." In today's game, the spectators saw Zheng Weitong showing a sense of positive behaviour, even in his walk. Did he have any secret preparation? Zheng Weitong smiled, "I originally wanted to prepare for the ...


From rookie to chess master Xiangqi is easy to learn but difficult to master. This saying is correct at all time. Knight moves in rectangular pattern, Bishop crosses the field diagonally, Cannon can be fired into the far side of the mountain... Once you have learned these basic moves, and then tried a few practice games, you can say that you have learned to play the game, it is much easier than Weiqi (Go). However, that is only the beginning stage, just like the first steps of a child learning to walk. Here the expert coach provides a few guidances and suggestions to newbies for reference only. 1. It is recommended to start by receiving odds of Rook, Knight and Cannon, later odds of Rook and Knight, then Rook, after that, graduate to odd of 2 Cannon only. And to keep up more practice games, take more time to master the basics, gaining a certain strength. 2. Later on, if you like you can arrange playing where some prizes or little gifts are offered, thus making the game more ...