
Showing posts from August, 2023


(Xiangqi News) Vietnam is sending 6 top Xiangqi players to participate in the 19th Asian Games (ASIAD), which will open from the 23rd of September to closing in the 8th of October, to be held in the City of Hangzhou, China. The selected players are Nguyen Thanh Bao, Lai Ly Huynh, Nguyen Minh Nhat Quang, Nguyen Hoang Yen, Le Thi Kim Loan and Nguyen Phi Liem. According to the Sports Authority, a total of 320 athletes from Vietnam will attend the ASIAD in September, competing in 31 sporting events, including Xiangqi. + + + + Decades ago, Vietnam's No. 1 Trần Nga Sang said : I play Xiangqi like "evil-possessed" by Ge Wanli(葛万里) Yangcheng Evening News 12th August 2002 From the appearance alone, if Zheng Yasheng, who is thinly built walks on the streets of Guangzhou, no one would think that he is not a native. The writer Ge Wanli was curious when he had dinner with the Vietnamese team members yesterday and learned that Master Zheng is indeed from Guan...


女子足球世界杯赛,已连续在澳大利亚-新西兰主办国各大球场进行着,世界各地民众也可从电视及电台收看及收听精彩赛事。 八月二十日(星期日)将举行决赛,英格兰女子足球队对西班牙女子足球队,两支欧洲劲旅均是第一次打入世界杯决赛。两队势均力敌,未知鹿死谁手。 棋艺爱好者或许会发现,弈棋和踢球有很多相似的地方。人们一个共同的认识是,球是流动的,场地不会动。意思是这项运动玩起来会有各种变化,会有各种意外的结果。一如弈棋,千古无同局。知己知彼,百战百胜。 在一本很久没有翻动的棋书中(方长勤 郭淑珑 温满红 编著),看到首页的“前言”提到善弈。换位思想,足球的善踢也一样道理吧。 棋有开局,中局,残局。足球也有开局,如 4-2-4,3-4-3,1-2-4-3 等等。中局是半场休息前后的一大段战役。残局是赛事将要结束前的一段最后战斗,有补充体力的考虑,加时续赛及踢罚球(penalties)的安排等等。 前言 中国象棋,源远流长,双方对垒,奥妙有趣。弈棋能启迪智慧,锻炼意志,培养进取精神;寓于棋艺中的哲理,陶冶着人们的情操。弈棋在今天,已成为人们喜爱的娱乐活动,并已是科学和艺术相结合的一项运动项目。 纹枰对弈如用兵打仗,阵形变化,深不可测。两军相搏,是智取,是强攻;是速战速决,是固守待机; 一切全在用兵有方,审时度势。古人说:“拈两指之兵,恍若千钧之弩”。可见,棋走一着,份量不轻。积前辈经验的棋谱好似兵书,古往今来,善弈者,莫不精研古谱,常拆排局(set piece)。他们之所以能作战有方,举棋若定,皆是受益其中。 + + + +


第27届智力奥林比亚运动会(27th Mind Sports Olympiad)定于8月20日到8月28日在伦敦举行。 比赛项目多达80余项,包括中国象棋,西洋象棋,围棋,残棋解答,跳棋,双陆棋,拼字游戏,纸牌游戏等等。 比赛地点 :JW3, 341 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET 网上报名 各个项目的前三名优胜者将分别获得金牌,银牌,铜牌的奖励。部分项目还会有奖金。赞助者提供的奖金总数约有一千英镑。 参赛者务必在比赛开始10分钟前到达现场。 Diving Chess(跳水棋)则提前于8月13日(星期日)上午9时举行,地点 :Leonardo Royal Hotel, London E1 8GP 由于英国赌博许可证的规例,Backgammon与Poker项目将不设奖金。 值得一提,1997年为首届智力奥林比亚运动会,在伦敦开幕,被认为是规模最盛大的智奥会,智力运动会先行者,比赛总奖金高达10万英镑。 2020年因冠状病毒流行,在伦敦每年举行的这项赛事,当时全部改在网上进行。 + + + +

Manchester's Xiangqi Tournament On 12th September

(Xiangqi Newsletter) It is reported that the British Xiangqi Association (Manchester) will hold a Xiangqi Championship Tournament on Tuesday 12th of September, at the Zhiye Haibao Restaurant, Manchester, Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW. The registration fee is £15 per person. The competition consists of two events: team competition and individual competition. The tournament follows the Asian Rules and will be a five rounds of Swiss system. Basically players have 25 minutes allocated to them to finish their games, over-stepping the time limit is counted as negative result. The first and second place winners of the team competition will be awarded certificates. The individual competition winner will be awarded prize of £120, the runner-up will be awarded prize of £80, the third prize will be £50, the fourth prize will be £30. Each of them will also receive a trophy to keep as souvenir. During the break, participants will enjoy complimentary refreshments and tea. D...


象棋通讯,据悉 :英国中国象棋协会(曼城)将于九月十二日(星期二)举办象棋锦标赛,地点在曼城志业海宝大酒楼。(Greenside Way Middleton Manchester M24 1SW) 报名费每人£15。比赛项目有团体赛及个人赛两项。 比赛采用亚洲棋例,五轮瑞士制。双方基本用时25分钟,超时判负。 团体赛第一及第二名颁发奖状,个人赛冠军£120,亚军£80,季军£50,殿军£30,奖杯各一座。 参赛者将可免费享用点心和茶水。晚餐费自付,餐卷每位£30。 报名联络人 : 黄健荣(会长)电话号:07446 111890 张东荣(副会长)电话:07598 141639 彭煌秀(副会长)电话:07477 913831 世事如棋 局局新 玄机藏奥 步步解 欢迎各界人士和象棋爱好者踊跃参加比赛 + + + +