
Showing posts from September, 2023


新加坡出现绝顶象棋高手,打平许银川及王天一,击败中国棋王蒋川,勇夺冠军。 For a very long time, the world Xiangqi arena has been the playground of the Chinese team, and during the time of such Grandmasters Hu Ronghua, Lu Qin and Xu Yinchuan, players of other countries and regions were powerless to fight back. However, in recent years, these players have gradually begun to grow in strength, they are starting threatening the status of the Chinese team. In many international competitions, on the podium of the winning champions, there are other national and regional teams, the most extreme is Grandmaster Wang Tianyi together with Grandmaster Zheng Weitong participating both at the same time, and their championship ambitions were sidelined! Now it is just like reflecting the national individual competition in China, where amateur players can also win the championship. The game of Xiangqi inevitably advances, and with the changes of times players have made a lot of difference. A top chess master now a...

My Chess Dream of Broken Blue Bridge

My Chess Dream of Broken Blue Bridge by 随缘321 Different environments and lands will shape different people. People in the South are usually different of the North. In the Southern cities, signboards of Xiangqi and Card Clubs are more openly displayed, the activity more plenty and more convenient. In the North, the activity is not that openly supported, and it is up to the local authority to decide. A friend of mine has recently opened a Xiangqi and Card Club(棋牌会所)in a Southern coastal city, it is situated right in the city center, in the 3rd floor of an Hotel, with dozens of rooms to conduct club's activity. Having large scale and luxurious setting, with bars, lounges, plenty of mahjong tables, pool tables, table tennis, with abundance of snacks, tea and so on. In-room sofa, couch, air conditioning, TV, WiFi, restrooms, all are available. Xiangqi spans the major fields of Culture and Sports, and is officially recognized and enjoye...


The way of Xiangqi is like the way of life Guest Interview at the Xiangqi Summit: The Way of Xiangqi is Like the Way of Life (Xu Yinchuan) by Shi Shaozong Grandmaster Xu Yinchuan, a 34-year-old Xiangqi world champion, national champion is an idol in Guangdong and the Xiangqi community all over the country, he is not only a superb player, but also has done much research and has deep understanding of the Xiangqi culture. The newspaper reporter interviewed the humble gentleman Xu Yinchuan during the the Guangzhou's Xiangqi Culture Summit, and talked about every aspect of the game. Shi Shaozong: "The 2 Heroes of Lingnan" have been occupying the top two places in the Xiangqi for a long time, which is very rare in the history of Chinese chess, do you think such brilliant results have anything to do with our locality? Xu Yinchuan: It should have a lot to do with it. I think there are mainly several reasons, the first is that our Xiangqi hi...

The Way and Sense of Xiangqi's 7 Pieces

The Way and Sense of Xiangqi's 7 Pieces (1) The Way of King The Jiu Gong(九宫)Palaces are the beginning of the Xiangqi game, it is the residence of the King (General), and the King should have been in the Central Palace. But the King in Xiangqi stays in the Top (or Bottom) Palace, and why is that? According to ancient divination, there is fire from the top and also from the bottom, meaning discordance, since the King has intention of annexing the vast lands in all direction. Therefore, the initial array of Xiangqi contains the trend of discord. As soon as the game begins, there is no reason to remain idle and seek peace too early. There is an old saying to the effect that there are no two Suns in the Heaven and no two Kings in the land. In Xiangqi the two opposing Generals(帅/将)cannot both be in the same open vertical line, unless there be at least a piece in between them. Thus the above meaning is clearly stated. In ancient times, the relationship between the Kin...


The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2023 Grand Opening Ceremony is on tomorrow Saturday 23rd September, and the Closing Ceremony will be on Sunday 8th October. Some competitions beginning as early as 19th September. There are a total of 481 events. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Games were postponed from last year. Schedules for Xiangqi : 28th September to 7th October Chess : 24th September to 7th October Go (Weiqi) : 24th September to 3rd October. Countries and regions participating : Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philipines, Palestine, North Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Tajikistan, Tukmenistan, Timor-Leste, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen. Competition events : Archery, Artist...


There is a 93-year-old King of Xiangqi in Nanhai Dated : 2006-September-6th There is a 93-year-old Qi Wang (Xiangqi King) In Heshun, Lishui Town, Nanhai District, there is a well-known old man "Qi Wang Guang," whose original name was Jiang Yanguang(蒋延广), and many people like to call him "Uncle Guang" or simply "Qi Wang" (King of Xiangqi). At the age of 93, he has been in the chess scene for nearly 80 years. Yesterday, the reporter met "Qi Wang Guang" in the Leisure Hall of the Heshun Village Community. The old man is in good spirits and has very sharp memory! Uncle Guang's first words when he saw the reporter, when revealing the "secret" of his longevity were: "It all came down to years of playing Xiangqi, mind power really." At the beginner: Young Worker Self-taught Art of Xiangqi Since the beginning of August this year, at the call of the township Youth League Committee and the village Community...


(象棋通讯)2023年第7届“元朗荣华杯”象棋公开赛,孟辰夺冠 2023年元朗荣华杯象棋公开赛,历经3天11轮,今已决出名次。 冠军孟辰、亚军陈泓盛、季军黄海林。 第4至第10名,分别为:赵金成、何文哲、钟少鸿、张学潮、刘宗泽、黄光颖、朱少钧。 女子组冠军宋晓琬、亚军沈思凡、季军王文君。 第4至第8名,分别为:时凤兰、何媛、董毓男、李沁、黄蕾蕾。 元朗荣华杯从2016年起,至今共举行了七届,孟辰夺冠共计三次,另外张学潮、黄仕清、邹海涛、蔡植坚也在前几届中分别折桂一次。 孟辰三度称霸,此番登顶,孟辰全程多次弃子攻杀,棋路大气磅礴,领先一场,依然进攻之心不减。 值得一提的是,孟辰与爱妻王晴大师赛前不久喜得爱女,喜气的加持,奶爸再得冠军,三阳开泰,喜笑颜开,孟辰感言我家刚出生小棉袄带来好运。 + + + + (又讯)2023年东莞市第7届“元朗荣华杯”象棋公开赛,7月21日至23日,在东莞市石碣镇天悦酒店强势演绎,比赛限报180人,执行最新象棋竞赛规则,采取11轮积分制。 本次比赛吸引了众多的特大和大师,男子特大、国际特大包括:于幼华、孟辰、庄玉庭、许国义、张学潮、苗永鹏、李锦欢、赵汝权、黄学谦。 强大师包括:曹岩磊、赵金成、李翰林等。因为名额受限,“东莞双雄”之一的金松大师报名未被接受,沧海遗珠。“东莞双雄”的另一位赵玮大师则将参加“新泰杯”。 赛程21日晚8点赛2轮,22日上午8点半、下午2点半各3轮,23日上午8点半又有3轮决战。 赛事奖励丰厚,总奖金15万,冠军3万、亚军2万、季军1万,第4至第60有奖。女子组冠军1万2,本地组、历届男女冠军另奖。 比赛特邀棋坛宗师,广东象棋灵魂人物,世界五冠王,“羊城大帅”吕钦现场颁奖。亚洲冠军李鸿嘉、一线美女武文慧担当主持。 元朗荣华杯投入巨大,7届之中,奖金加办赛,已超100万以上,这些很多都是民间私人资金的注入,殊为不易,特别是袁炜年先生,为此比赛付出很多,待棋友甚厚,成为人人认可的象棋孟尝君。 本届大赛,是三年的特殊变动(疫症)过后,重回自由办赛,大公开型模式,火爆非凡,参赛人数迅速上升到一百八十多。 当前,名单已整体截止,除个别外,组委会不再多设,其中特大、大师,强超五十人,火热十足。 男子特大、大师,国际...


(Xiangqi News) The 18th World Xiangqi Championship 2023 will be held from November 20th to 25th at the Royal Sonesta Grand Hotel in Houston, USA, with a total prize fund of 400,000 yuan. There will be four main events, including Men's Individual, Women's Individual, Men's Team, and Women's Team. Leading players Wang Tianyi, Meng Chen, Liu Huan and Shen Sifan are selected for tbe Chinese Team. In the previous World Xiangqi Championship held in Malaysia last year, Wang Tianyi and Zuo Wenjing won the Men's and Women's Individual respectively. Vietnam won the Men's Team championship, won also three more junior laurels, thus secured a total of four gold medals, and was victorious in the rapid chess tournament too. The 2023 tournament is scheduled with the first five days being the World Championships for adults and juniors, and the last day being for the Open Xiangqi. At present, the selection of personnel in various countries and...


(Xiangqi News) The "9th Yang Guanlin Cup" Xiangqi Open Tournament will be held from 22nd to 24th September 2023 at Hilton Hotel, Dongguan City, Guangdong. The main organizers are China's Xiangqi Association, Guangdong Xiangqi Association and Dongguan Cultural, Media, Tourism and Sports Bureau. Competition Projects : Men's and Women's Individual. Eligibility : According to China's Xiangqi Association, Men's Individual : the topmost ranking players. Women's Individual : the topmost ranking players. Prizes : Men: Champion 100,000 yuan, Runner-up 50,000, 3rd 30,000 RMB, 4th 15,000, 5th 12,000, 6th 10,000 down to 24th 4,000 yuan. Women : Champion 50,000 yuan, Runner-up 30,000, 3rd 20,000, 4th 10,000 down to 10th 3,000 yuan. Format of competitions : Men's 9 rounds of Swiss system. Women's all play all. Timing : Basically 60 minutes to complete all moves, with 20 seconds added for each move. Players will be provid...