Ending with a draw
Game 145 of “渊深海阔”. Red to play and draw, instructive.
Red 6 pieces, Black 9 pieces.
Main variation
Had Red played 3. N8+6 instead of the text move, then we have the following situation as illustrated in (a):
Red run out of luck.
Red 6 pieces, Black 9 pieces.
Main variation
1. P6+1 ch K4=5
2. P6+1 ch G5-4
3. R3=5 ch (a) G6+5 (b)
4. N8+6 ch K5=6
5. C8+5 ch K6+1
6. R5=4 ch K6+1
7. C8-2 ch B3-5
8. P5+1 ch K6-1
9. P5=4 ch K6-1
10.C8+2 ch C3-9
11.P4+1 ch R6-5
12.N6+7 G5+4 (c)
13.N7-6 ch G4+5
14.N6+8 N6+5 ch
15.K6=5 K6=5
16.N8-6 ch K5=6
17.N6+4 K6+1 (draw)
Had Red played 3. N8+6 instead of the text move, then we have the following situation as illustrated in (a):
3. N8+6 ch K5+1
4. P5+1 ch B3-5
5. C8=5 ch K5=4
Red run out of luck.