UK Championship on 16th August 2011
The UK Xiangqi Championship 2011 will be held on Tuesday 16th of August at Top of the Town Chinese Restaurant (upstairs) , 37-38 Gerrard Street, London W1D 5QB (Tel 020 7734 6910), starting at noon and finishing at 18.00pm, then prize-giving and followed by dinner. 1st prize £120, 2nd prize £80, 3rd prize £60, 4th £40, 5th £20 and 6th £15. Asian rules, 5-round Swiss, entry fee £15 (under 18 £10). Closing date: 15th of August 2011. (象棋通讯)由英国象棋协会主办的2011年全英象棋锦标赛,定于8月16日(星期二)举行,赛场假伦敦唐人街顶好大酒楼,37-38 Gerrard Street, London W1D 5QB (Tel 020 7734 6910)。不论高低手,同样欢迎报名参加。 棋赛旨在提高棋艺,以棋会友,促进棋手及社会大众友谊,丰富社区康乐活动。 奖励: 冠军£120及奖杯, 亚军£80,季军£60,殿军£40, 第五£20,第六£15. 采用亚洲棋规,5轮瑞士制,中午12时拉开战幕,下午6时结束,颁奖后有晚宴。 报名费£15 (未满18岁£10)。截止日期8月15日。 棋手得服从主办方规例和决定,以友好态度,善待大众,争取好成绩,旁观不语,不无故早退。