
Showing posts from August, 2012

[新书] 来自毛里求斯的象棋

第三届伦敦-曼城棋赛已于7月31日(星期二)在伦敦华埠绿洲圆满结束,两队各选派7名棋手,共赛四轮,双方竞争激烈,气氛友好,赛后聚餐联欢,棋友们余兴未尽,又参观夜幕下的奥运场馆。 由英国象棋协会主办的2012年全英象棋锦标赛,定于9月16日(星期日)举行,赛场在斯篤威尔社区资源中心,伦敦西南4区士达乐街(Studley Road)1号。 近日,一本定名为 “来自毛里求斯的象棋” 新书,目前排版工作全部完成,作者黎池刚,决定自费出版,和读者见面。该书集结了作者与父亲的对局100局,附录与亲友的对局16局,反映当时当地的棋艺水平。 A London-Manchester match in friendly atmosphere was conducted on Tuesday 31st of July in London, afterwards the Manchester players took the opportunity and toured the Olympic Park. A new self publish book by C. K. Lai is out in recent days, entitled "Xiangqi From Mauritius", the book is mainly a collection of games played between the author and his father, the limited numbered first edition have for each copy the author's personal seal.