
Showing posts from 2014

Weiqi & Xiangqi Tournaments in Dublin February 2015

We thank Mr.Rory Wales, President of the Irish Go Association for informing us they are holding their annual Go tournament in Dublin on the 6th-8th of February 2015. The Confucius Institute for Ireland, sponsoring the prestigious event, wishes to include a Chinese Chess Tournament at the same time as well, scheduled for 3 games on Saturday, and 2 games on Sunday. For those who are interested, here is a link for more information about the event: irish-go-chinese-chess- congress/ Also in Chinese here: irish-go-chinese-chess- congress/2015-2/ The Tournament Organiser very much hope you can come along to it, and tell others who might be interested too!

“少林杯” 全英象棋锦标赛10月举行

   2014年“少 林 杯”全英中国象棋锦标赛 规程    Shaolin Cup UK Xiangqi Championship 2014    主办/Organizers: 英国象棋协会 (UK Chinese Chess Association)    协办/Supported:英国少林寺 (Shaolin Temple UK)    宗旨:增进棋艺爱好者友谊,丰富社区康乐活动, 以棋会友,共同进步    Aim:  Develop friendship among all, promote cultural activities    日期:2014年10月25日(星期六)上午11时到下午6时    Date: Saturday 25th October 2014 from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.    地点/Venue:英国少林寺 (Shaolin Temple UK), 207A Junction Road,                London N19 5QA    交通/Transport: 地铁站-Underground: Tufnell Park (Northern Line)    奖励/Prizes: £150, £80, £60, £40 plus junior prizes £30, £20    棋例/Rules: 亚洲棋例,5轮瑞士制。Asian rules, 5-round Swiss system    报名/Entry: £10, 截止日期10月23日(Closing date 23rd October 2014)                (注:棋手服从主办方规例...

The 6th Hanxin Cup to be in Hamburg this November

(棋讯) 第六届韩信杯国际大师邀请赛将于今年11月7日到11日在德国汉堡举行。 (Thanks to our Xiangqi friend from Germany sending following interesting article) THIS YEAR's HAN XIN CUP WILL BE AN AWAY GAME FAR AWAY IN THE WEST by Dr Rene Gralla Germany is on its way to become the 2nd stronghold of XiangQi in Europe, just behind ( ed.note: even overtaking ) the United Kingdom. That fact has been highlighted by the premiere of an international tournament for teams of XiangQi that has been hosted by Berlin: the "1st World Open" took place from August 29th until August 31, 2014, and even Mr. Timothy Fok, the President of the World XiangQi Federation, flew in to the German capital in order to underline the significance of that historic event. And now there will be one more premiere of a great event of XiangQi in Germany: This year's "6th Han Xin Cup International Masters Invitational Tournament" will not be battled out in China, but at Hamburg (!), Ge...

European Cup Championship coming to Manchester

(棋讯)欧洲杯象棋锦标赛今年7月21-22日将在曼城举行,地点为曼城金煌大酒楼。欢迎棋艺爱好者报名参加,提高棋艺,增进友谊。以下英文介绍: The UK Chinese Chess Association and Manchester Xiangqi Association under the auspices of the European Xiangqi Federation, will host the 21st Xiangqi Europe Cup Individual & the 20th Team Championship in Manchester, U.K. on 21-22 July 2014 . Tournament venue : Glamorous Chinese Restaurant Manchester 1st and 2nd Floor Wing Yip Business Centre Oldham Road, Ancoats, Manchester M4 5HU, England ( uk ) Regulation and Timing : 7 rounds Swiss System, Asian Xiangqi Rules, 55 m in utes + 5 seconds increment per party per game. Tournament Schedule : Monday : 1 0 .00 – 1 0 .45 h   Sign-in                                             ...


贺新年曲棋文化谱新篇特辑 一、贺年电邮(短信息)特辑发布的嘉宾名单暨公开信 (排名不分先后) 世界象棋联合会副主席阮国衡、陈承恩、郑勤霖、苏秉湛先生 德国象棋协会主席耐格勒博士 柬埔赛棋联合总会会长冯利发先生 新加坡象棋总会第一副会长林关浩先生 加拿大多伦多象棋总会副会长宋德柔先生 加拿大加西象棋总会会长何成坚先生、棋友柯勇前先生 美国纽约北美象棋协会总教练牟海勤象棋国际大师 澳大利亚棋友会执行会长鲁锺能先生 英国象棋总会领队黎池刚先生 马来西亚象棋总会副会长刘兴添先生 台湾象棋协会吴贵临象棋国际特级大师、高懿萍女子特级大师 香港象棋总会会长陈仲谋、副理事长李镜华、象棋特级大师赵汝 香港南区象棋协会会长关浩沛先生 澳门象棋总会副理事长陈步鹏、象棋特级国际大师李锦欢先生 中国象棋协会副主席、广州棋院院长容坚行先生 全国男子象棋冠军赵鑫鑫、柳大华、徐天红、于幼华特级大师 全国女子象棋冠军金海英、伍霞、尤颖钦、党国蕾特级大师 新闻界:《羊城晚报》记者葛万里 《广东电视台》郑松生科 《棋艺》主编张志强 《上海出版社》编辑杨柏伟 《南方日报》记者施绍宗 《武汉晚报》记者钱刚 《澳门乐报》刘国光 《珠江商报》记者冷卫兵 《珠江商报》记者杜达雄 《中国象棋大师网》崔惠兵 《广东象棋网》小猴子(徐美赋) 象棋大师言穆江、葛维蒲、陈富杰、黄仕清、邓颂宏先生 全国著名棋著收藏家郑平平先生、王晔先生 以上各友及世界各地和全国各地与孔广锡先 生保持有电邮联系(或短信息联系)的各界棋 友、曲友、校友、战友、工友和亲友: 您们好! 现将本 “贺新年曲棋文化谱新篇特辑” 发给您 们,希望各位喜欢,并提出宝贵意见。如条件允 许请在各友的象棋网站或有影响力的棋刊棋报发 布。如属打扰,敬请原谅。 此致 敬礼!  孔广锡 2014年1月1日 二、贺年语 1、恭祝各友: 万马奔春,着着领先。  铁马金戈,一马当先。 策马奔腾,驰骋天下。 龙腾马跃,东方神骏。 千军万马,龙马精神。 马年大吉,马到功成。 (注:今年马年,试用马字的组合句致贺,欢迎雅正。) 2、“一支好曲可令万众欢腾,一...