“少林杯” 全英象棋锦标赛10月举行
2014年“少 林 杯”全英中国象棋锦标赛规程
Shaolin Cup UK Xiangqi Championship 2014
主办/Organizers: 英国象棋协会 (UK Chinese Chess Association)
协办/Supported:英国少林寺 (Shaolin Temple UK)
宗旨:增进棋艺爱好者友谊,丰富社区康乐活动, 以棋会友,共同进步
Aim: Develop friendship among all, promote cultural activities
Date: Saturday 25th October 2014 from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
地点/Venue:英国少林寺 (Shaolin Temple UK), 207A Junction Road,
London N19 5QA
交通/Transport: 地铁站-Underground: Tufnell Park (Northern Line)
奖励/Prizes: £150, £80, £60, £40 plus junior prizes £30, £20
棋例/Rules: 亚洲棋例,5轮瑞士制。Asian rules, 5-round Swiss system
报名/Entry: £10, 截止日期10月23日(Closing date 23rd October 2014)
语,不无故早退。Note: players to respect decisions of the Organizers,
be friendly to everyone,complete all scheduled games)