
第67届欧洲歌唱大赛决赛将于明日星期六(五月十三日)在英国利物浦举行。BBC One 及 iPLayer 将首次进行现场直播。



以下是全部参加明日歌唱大赛决赛入围名单, 号码顺序根据抽签 :

1.  奥地利	
2.  葡萄牙
3.  瑞士	
4.  波兰	
5.  塞尔维亚
6.  法国	
7.  塞浦路斯	
8.  西班牙	
9.  瑞典	
10. 阿尔巴尼亚	 
11. 意大利	
12. 爱沙尼亚	
13. 芬兰	
14. 捷克共和国	
15. 澳大利亚	
16. 比利时	
17. 亚美尼亚	
18. 摩尔多瓦	
19. 乌克兰	
20. 挪威	
21. 德国	
22. 立陶宛	
23. 以色列	
24. 斯洛文尼亚	
25. 克罗地亚	
26. 英国

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Eurovision Song Contest 2023

The grand final of the 67th Eurovision Song Contest will be held tomorrow Saturday (May 13) in Liverpool, England. BBC One and iPLayer will broadcast live for the first time.

37 countries participated in the semi-finals, seeking 20 selected places. The semi-finals, divided into two groups, were successfully held on Tuesday of May 9th and Thursday of May 11th respectively.

6 countries are automatically entered for the final, they are UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and last year's champion Ukraine.

Here is a list of all the finalists who are going to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest tomorrow :

1.  Austria	
2.  Portugal
3.  Switzerland	
4.  Poland	
5.  Serbia
6.  France	
7.  Cyprus	
8.  Spain	
9.  Sweden	
10. Albania	
11. Italy	
12. Estonia	
13. Finland	
14. Czech Republic	
15. Australia	
16. Belgium	
17. Armenia	
18. Moldova	
19. Ukraine	
20. Norway	
21. Germany	
22. Lithuania	
23. Israel	
24. Slovenia	
25. Croatia	
26. United Kingdom

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