
Showing posts from April, 2024


欧华耆英2024年春季活动 A rare Xiangqi and other cultural activities including table tennis and karaoke,will be organized on Wednesday May 15th, provided kindly by 欧华耆英,details are as follow : 欧华耆英2024年春季活动日期 : 2024年5月15日(星期三) 时间 :下午1时30分至5时 地点 :华心会会址 The Meritage Centre, Church End, London NW4 4JT Hendon Station, bus 143, 183, 326; Colindale Station, bus 125, 由Hendon Station步行15-16分钟 主持 :黄明坤先生,周素兰女士 (供应热水饮用,响应环保请自备盛水皿) 节目 :(全体) (分组举行) 卡拉ok(或现场音乐伴奏) 乒乓球(球桌两张)(球拍,球) 象棋(棋) 智能手机,电视机顶盒子操作指导 交流 其他 + + + +

4th World Xiangqi Open to be held in Dublin

(Xiangqi News) Organized by the World Xiangqi Federation, hosted by the Ireland Xiangqi Association and co-hosted by the European Xiangqi Federation, the 4th World Xiangqi Open 2024 will be held on August 10th-13th, at the Confucius Institute for Ireland, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland. The Ireland Xiangqi Association has joined the World Xiangqi Federation recently, it has hosted with success the European Xiangqi Championships last year and in 2022. Closing date for the Open tournament registration to be on June 30th, 2024. Competition events include Men’s team; Women’s team; Men’s individual; Women’s Individual, as well as youth group U18, U15 and U12. Expenses arrangement: Note that each team shall bear its own cost including international traveling expenses and local accommodations. Please book the hotels by yourselves, the Organizing Committee can offer help with recommendations. A warm ...

Weakness In Moving Forward

Weakness in Moving Forward by Wang Ran When verse evades my grasp, I grasp for it once more, In moments where progress halts, I press on as before. Eyes heavy, feet unsure, Yet grateful to persist, To gather fragments of life's lore, In joy or sorrow's midst. What flavour does it bear, This life of ours, we ask? As we glance back with a gentle air, All the triumphs, all the misdeeds Just laughable Before scattering in the breeze How to shake off these heavy tones, And let our spirit ease? Cold winds rush through my mind, Leaving thoughts behind. All empty like a void. Dead silence, all my senses are shutting down This moment of ‘lightness’ Enlightens me! + + + +

A Poem by Wang Ran (惘 然)

前 行 乏 力 (作者)惘 然 当不能作诗的时候 我又作诗 当无力前进时 我仍继续 眼像撑不开 脚轻浮浮 感幸来到这里 作一番体会 是甜是苦,是悲是欢 回顾,只能微笑 一切的愚昧 随风飘散 不知如何 卸下一切的"累" 愿像被冷风吹透(注) 一片空白 四周寂静 好想停留 片刻的"轻盈" (注):新诗里面一句应是: 頭像被冷风吹過, 不是(愿) + + + +

Through Time Machine back to bygone days

Through the "Time Machine", can we go back to the bygone days, so that we see and feel everything still remained the same, almost? A friend of mine told me frankly that lately there has been fewer updates to the blog, he wondered if there is a shortage of conversation topics, whether the usual activity is at a low point, fading? The writer searched the shelf and showed him an original diary manuscript that had been kept for a long long time, and after a while, both of us said, why not have it toured on-screen? Okay, let's go. We shall see whether the good old days and the present have anything in common? And sure, with the words "All rights reserved"! ...... ...... A new outlook Last year was quickly gone in the blink of an eye. It's a bit sad to say. Before you know it, a new year has already came into the world. How long has it been since I left my M place? Besides from my family, what happened to my frien...