
Showing posts from September, 2024

Han Tang Cup Open In Xi'an City

(Xiangqi News) From Shaanxi Province, Northwest China: The 37th Huashan Lunjian Xifeng Company sponsored 'Han Tang Cup' Xiangqi Open Tournament is scheduled to be held from 3rd to 5th October 2024 in Lianhu District, Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi. The champion of the 'Han Tang Cup' will receive a prize money of 10,000 yuan and be awarded a trophy and certificate by the congress. The 2nd place winner will receive a prize of 6,000 yuan and a certificate. The 3rd place winner will receive a prize of 3,000 yuan and a certificate. The 4th to 24th place also receive bonuses and certificates. The competition will consist of eleven rounds. The time control will be at a quick pace: 30 minutes for each player to complete a game, with an additional 5 seconds added for each move. + + + + (象棋通讯) 陕西消息:西安市第37届华山论剑西凤酒品牌赞助的 '汉唐杯' 象棋公开赛,定于2024年10月3日...

When You Have Understand

Mr. Wen Shou Tian wrote the poetry. We tried the following translation : When you understood, you know you are limited Only those who are ignorant, think they are great Oh! Create new thing, create fresh, create origin Every moment with novelty and no limit no ending + + + + 识而知不足 (外三章) -- 文寿添 (作者)-- 识而知不足 无知自大狂 创新创新更创新 日新月异无穷尽 + + + + 赌瘾白粉 染上死紧 伤身破产 艰难翻身 + + + + 不如意事常八九 十全十美点甘好 月圆月缺必定有 时机际遇考智谋 + + + + (悲秋) 朝北晚南已入秋 阶前落叶使人愁 身心早已中年事 富贵功名未够喉 + + + +


2019年12月1日于新加坡象棋总会,棋坛前辈李志海回忆南洋往事。 言穆江、陈弈秋据录音整理。 象棋博客 ( Xiangqi En Blog ) 作摘要介绍。 主持人林关浩:有请李志海先生讲几句话。 李志海:谢谢,讲得不好,请大家原谅。 今天庆祝新加坡象棋总会八十五周年会庆,新加坡对我影响很大。新加坡象棋总会1968年发起东南亚比赛, 后来进一步是亚洲比赛。世界象棋联合会1993年在北京成立,第一届世界杯比赛是在新加坡举行。 我十多岁在广州拿冠军。棋王董文渊来香港比赛,结果我赢了。 上海棋王何顺安来香港,杨官璘和我两人跟何顺安比赛,结果赢了何顺安。 香港电台、报纸杂志,请我去讲棋、写文章。我出了很多棋书,分发到东南亚各地棋会、棋友。 新加坡1953年邀我去比赛。在 “快乐世界”,比赛了四个晚上。卖门票的,场场满座,每张门票都一块钱, 一晚收入一千多块。当时一千块很厉害的,请一个佣人一个月才几十块钱。四晚收入四千多块钱,我自己 可分到七成。 公开比赛过后,马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、越南、缅甸、台湾都邀请我去比赛。 “南洋商报”,为赈济芽笼地方火灾,邀请我跟蓝春雨比赛筹款。 新加坡棋会举办 “星槟港澳棋王赛”。由王柏芬、王倬绍、吴文英、李志海四棋王比赛,我拿到冠军。 新加坡税务局要我纳税。结果就纳了一千多块新加坡币。 新加坡电台叫我讲棋。丽的空中电台也叫我讲棋。 到吉隆坡,也是在电台讲象棋。还有写稿,出书。 香港的《生活报》、《华侨报》,美国的《吉尼斯世界》也请我写稿。新加坡《南洋商报》,吉隆坡《中国报》, 槟城《光华日报》,越南《越华晚报》,印尼《中华商报》,台湾《棋桥》等,每天单单写稿时间已经紧迫,没有 别的事情可做了。 单单写稿收入,在电台讲话,已经够开销生活全部了。我在香港买房子,供三个孩子念大学,都是靠象棋赚来的。 世界象棋联合会1993年在北京成立,第一届比赛也是新加坡棋会主办;新加坡对棋界贡献非常大。 世界象联对我的鼓励,使我感到对象棋一定要热心来推广,一辈子都要全身心投入象棋,我要带头。 还有坐我身旁的林关浩先生,他不但是新加坡象棋总会的会长,也是亚洲象棋会的秘书长。他二十多年来全心投入 这个象棋,不计...


(Xiangqi News) The 'Amateur Xiangqi King Tournaments' have multi-level selection competitions, and all Xiangqi enthusiasts have the opportunity to participate, as registration is opened to all. Since first established in 2016, it has sparked a greater craze for the game among ordinary people. It will enter the ninth edition in 2024, already it has achieved a significant impact on society. + + + + (象棋通讯) 棋坛综合消息:‘象棋业余棋王赛’ 以多级选拔赛为特色,凡象棋爱好者均有机会参与,自2016年创办到今,掀起了人们更大的象棋热,2024年已踏入第九届,对社会的影响甚大。 业余棋王赛九月继续在北京、天津、浙江、广东等赛区展开,参与者数以千计。 棋王赛新疆站 9月初,“棋王赛西部行” 象棋交流推广赛成功举办,吸引陕西、青海、甘肃、宁夏、新疆等地区棋手参加。 10月,将在石河子市举办社区比赛,会有约二千人参加。 棋王赛浙江赛区 浙江省绍兴市柯桥区预选赛吸引近百人参加。 棋王赛辽宁赛区 辽宁省盘锦市预选赛少年组,来自双台子区的高梓默夺得冠军。 棋王赛山东赛区 山东省德州赛区决赛暨德州第一届联赛,有二十二支代表队参赛。 棋王赛山西赛区 山西赛区分多个等级组别,有60多人参加,分别决出各组冠军。 + + + + ...

Top Teams of Chess Olympiad

The top 10 teams in the Open Section after round 4 of the 45th FIDE Chess Olympiad, Hungary were : Standings - Avg Ratings - Points - Tie Break 棋队 - 等级分 - 赛分 - 破同分 1. India - 2753 - 8 - 69 - (印度) 2. Spain - 2654 - 8 - 57 - (西班牙) 3. China - 2724 - 8 - 54 - (中国) 4. Vietnam - 2593 - 8 - 52 - (越南) 5. Azerbaijan - 2657 - 8 - 50 - (阿塞拜疆) 6. Poland - 2658 - 8 - 49 - (波兰) 7. Hungary - 2663 - 8 - 46 - (匈牙利) 8. Ukraine - 2650 - 8 - 44 - (乌克兰) 9. Norway - 2670 - 7 - 52.5 - (挪威) 10.Iran - 2659 - 7 - 44.5 - (伊朗) + + + + (世界棋坛通讯)第45届棋联奥林匹亚团体赛参赛队伍名单,包括男子团体及女子团体。 阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、安哥拉、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、阿鲁巴、澳大利亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、 巴哈马、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、比利时、伯利兹、百慕大群岛、不丹、玻利维亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、巴西、英属维尔京群岛、文莱、保加利亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、 柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、佛得角、开曼群岛、中非共和国、乍得、智利、中国、中华台北、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、 民主刚果、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼克、多米尼加共和国、 厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、英格兰、赤道几内亚、厄立特里亚、爱沙尼亚、斯威士兰、埃塞俄比亚、 ...

Baobao Cup On 2nd Round Today

(Xiangqi News) The highly anticipated 'Baobao Cup' Xiangqi Masters Invitational Tournament kicked off on September 12th in Xiaoyi, Shanxi. A total of 66 chess players from the Men's, Women's, the local invited and overseas groups, and youth groups together to compete for the crown and trophy of the 12th's version of the competition. The Invitational Tournament, with a 1st prize of 100,000 yuan, has high standards and great influence, and a new kind of competition format, and rather more fun. The Men's group gives odds of one move to the Women's group and odds of two moves to the Youth group. Due to the recent 'Xiangqi Recording Incident', the top ten rated national champions are not on the list of participants. Meng Fanrui, Xu Guoyi, Wang Yubo, Cao Yanlei are leading players attracting much of public attention. Yesterday in the competition's first round, Meng Fanrui, Xu Guoyi, Wang Yubo and Cao Y...

Baobao Cup Xiangqi Masters Opened Today

(Xiangqi News) The 12th 'Baobao Cup' Xiangqi Masters Invitational Tournament is scheduled to be held from September 12th to September 16th at the 'Emperor Hotel' in Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province. The organizers of the event include Shanxi Xiangqi Association, Xiaoyi Municipality, Shanxi Yongning Construction Group, Xiaoyi Sports Center and others. There are a total of 66 invited players in the competition, including 16 Men's Master group, 16 Women's Master group, 16 local Shanxi group, 18 local city and youth group. The competition also include Men's and Women's national champions, 2024 Youth champions, plus others. Winners of three consecutive tournaments will receive golden pieces of Xiangqi worth one million yuan as a gift. Prize money for the tournament is worth a total of 359,000 yuan. The tournament will bear the accommodation and food expenses of all participating players...

Candidates Tournament Standings 2024

(Xiangqi Newsletter) The Fide 2024 World Championship, scheduled to be held in Singapore from November 20th to December 15th, will feature China's Ding Liren facing challenger India's D. Gukesh. In the Challenger Qualification Tournament, three challengers from the 2023 World Cup, two challengers from the Swiss Chess Federation Tournament, one from the Fide Tour, and one from the 2024 highest rated player not yet qualified, along with last year's World Championship runner-up I. Nepomniachtchi, a total of eight players, participated in the fierce and endurance oriented double round robin contest. The qualifying round was kicked off in Toronto on April the 4th of this year, and the last round ended on April 22nd. Seventeen year old young challenger Gukesh has qualified for the right to challenge. Here is the results of the qualification rounds: 1. (India) D. Gukesh (9 wins in 14 sets) wins by 9 points 2. (USA) H. Nakamu...


(象棋通讯)定于11月20日至12月15日在新加坡举行的国际棋联2024年世界冠军赛,将由中国丁立人迎战挑战者印度多曼拉莱.古凯什。 在挑战者资格赛中,有入围的三名挑战者来自2023年世界杯赛,两名挑战者来自棋联瑞士制大赛,一名来自棋联巡回补选赛,一名来自2024年未入围的最高等级分棋手,连同去年世界冠军赛亚军涅波姆尼亚希,总共八名选手,进行了一场激烈及拼耐力的双循环决赛。 今年四月四日资格赛决赛在多伦多拉开帷幕,四月二十二日结束最后一轮比赛。十七岁的年轻挑战者古凯什取得了挑战资格。 我们探得该次资格赛决赛的结果如下: 1. (印度)多曼拉朱.古凯什 (14盘9胜)9分胜出 2. (美国)中村光 (14盘8胜1和)8分半 3. (棋联)涅波姆尼亚希 (14盘8胜1和)8分半 4. (美国)法比亚诺.卡鲁阿纳 (14盘8胜1和)8分半 5. (印度)拉梅什巴布.普拉格纳南 (14盘7胜)7分 6. (印度)维迪特.古吉拉蒂 (14盘6胜)6分 7. (法国)阿里雷萨.菲鲁兹雅 (14盘5胜)5分 8. (阿塞拜疆)尼贾特.阿巴索夫 (14盘3胜1和)3分半 又讯 :据了解,丁立人目前在杭州参加集训,备战本月十日到二十三日在匈牙利布达佩斯举行的第四十五届棋联奥林匹克团体赛。 + + + +