How To Win In 18 Moves

红棋:刘宗泽 (Liu Zongze)
黑棋:洪 智 (Hong Zhi)

1. 马八进七 -- 马8进7
2. 炮八平九 -- 炮2平4
3. 车九平八 -- 马2进3
4. 兵三进一 -- 卒3进1
5. 马二进三 -- 象7进5
6. 马三进四 -- 炮8进3
7. 马四进三 -- 炮8进1
8. 相七进五 -- 马3进4
9. 车一进一 -- 车1进1
10.车一平四 -- 马4进3
11.车四进二 -- 马3进1(a)
12.车八进二 -- 炮8退6
13.车八平九 -- 炮8平7
14.炮二平三 -- 车9平8
15.马七进六 -- 车8进7
16.相五退七 -- 炮4平3
17.士六进五 -- 车8平7(b)
18.车九平三 -- 炮7进3(c)

(a) bravely attacks the border Cannon.
(b) a surprising move.
(c) the Cannon attacking the Rook which cannot escape.

Liu Zongze is known as the Captain, a leading amateur player. Born 1966 in the city Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Hong Zhi is known as the King, has won the title of individual championship. He was born in 1980, from the same city as Liu.

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