
Showing posts from February, 2009

第29届 ‘五羊杯’ 圆满闭幕

Grandmaster Lu Qin won the Wu Yang Cup, Guangzhou, 2009. 第29届 “五羊杯” 2月26日圆满闭幕,吕钦勇夺冠军。 名次 姓名 (单位) 积分 小分 胜 和 负 1. 吕钦 (广东) ---- 8 -- 39 - 2 - 4 - 0 2. 蒋川 (北京) ---- 8 -- 36 - 3 - 2 - 1 3. 赵鑫鑫 (浙江) -- 8 -- 35 - 3 - 2 - 1 4. 许银川 (广东) -- 7 -- 32 - 1 - 5 - 0 5. 赵国荣 (黑龙江)- 6 -- 36 - 1 - 4 - 1 6. 徐天红 (江苏) -- 6 -- 33 - 2 - 2 - 2 7. 于幼华 (浙江) -- 5 -- 42 - 2 - 1 - 3 8. 洪智 (湖北) ---- 5 -- 36 - 2 - 1 - 3 9. 陶汉明 (黑龙江)- 4 -- 35 - 0 - 4 - 2 10.柳大华 (湖北) -- 3 -- 36 - 0 - 3 - 3

‘五羊杯’ 赵鑫鑫力克赵国荣

Round 5 of the Wu Yang Cup, Guangzhou, 25th February 2009. ‘五羊杯’ 第五轮,广州文化公园中心台,2009年2月25日。 红方:赵鑫鑫 (浙江) 黑方:赵国荣 (黑龙江) 赵国荣 (Zhao Guorong) 赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin) 红胜。Black resigned. 红棋:徐天红 (江苏) 黑棋:柳大华 (湖北) 柳大华 (Liu Dahua) 徐天红 (Xu Tianhong) 红胜。 Black resigned. 红方:蒋川 (北京) 黑方;吕钦 (广东) 吕钦 (Lu Qin) 蒋川 (Jiang Chuan) 双方愿和。 Draw agreed.

‘五羊杯’ 盛况空前

广州市文化公园中心台前,第29届 “五羊杯” 盛况空前。金羊网-羊城晚报记者郑迅拍摄。 A dramatic scene at the Wu Yang Cup, Guangzhou Cultural Park, where the 5th round is unfolding this evening. Photo by Mr. Zheng Xun. 这一幅照片源自今晚报。 This photo is from the evening paper Jin Wan Bao. (来源:广东象棋网 )

‘五羊杯’ 吕钦弃炮攻杀

Wu Yang Cup, 4th round, 24th February 2009, Guangzhou. “五羊杯” 第四轮,2009年2月24日,广州文化公园。 红方:吕钦 (广东) 黑方:赵鑫鑫 (浙江) 赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin) 吕钦 (Lu Qin) 红胜。Black resigned.


Two games from the Wu Yang Cup, 3rd round, played on 23rd February 2009. 第29届 “五羊杯” 全国象棋冠军赛第三轮,弈于2009年2月23日。 红方:赵鑫鑫 (浙江) 黑方:于幼华 (浙江) 于幼华 (Yu Youhua) 赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin) 红胜。Black resigned. 红方:蒋川 (北京) 黑方:陶汉明 (黑龙江) 陶汉明 (Tao Hanming) 蒋川 (Jiang Chuan) 红胜。Black resigned. 红方:柳大华 (湖北) 黑方:洪智 (湖北) 洪智 (Hong Zhi) 柳大华 (Liu Dahua) 黑胜。Red resigned.


In the 2nd round of the Wu Yang Cup, Guangzhou, the following 5 games were played on 22nd February 2009. 2009年2月22日,“五羊杯” 第二轮。 1) 于幼华先胜蒋川。 蒋川 (Jiang Chuan) 于幼华 (Yu Youhua) Black resigned. 2) 赵国荣先和许银川。 许银川 (Xu Yinchuan) 赵国荣 (Zhao Guorong) Draw agreed. 3) 柳大华先负赵鑫鑫 赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin) 柳大华 (Liu Dahua) Red resigned. 4) 洪智先负吕钦 吕钦 (Lu Qin) 洪智 (Hong Zhi) Red resigned. 5) 徐天红先和陶汉明 陶汉明 (Tao Hanming) 徐天红 (Xu Tianhong) Draw agreed.


这是名记者施绍宗先生镜头下的 “岭南双雄” 之一的许银川特级大师。 Grandmaster Xu Yinchuan in action, photo taken by well-known journalist Mr Shi Shaozong.

‘五羊杯’ 蒋川先胜徐天红

象棋通讯:“五羊杯”今(21日)在广州文化公园拉开战幕,据泓弈象棋网消息,第一轮比赛结果如下: 1. 蒋川先胜徐天红 2. 陶汉明先和赵国荣 3. 许银川先和柳大华 4. 赵鑫鑫先和洪智 5. 吕钦先和于幼华 Here is a game from the 1st round of Wu Yang Cup, which starts today: 徐天红 (Xu Tianhong) 蒋川 (Jiang Chuan) 红胜。 Black resigned. The game between Tao Hanming and Zhao Guorong was drawn. 赵国荣 (Zhao Guorong) 陶汉明 (Tao Hanming) 双方同意和 。Draw agreed. The game between Xu Yinchuan and Liu Dahua: 柳大华 (Liu Dahua) 许银川 (Xu Yinchuan) 双方愿和。Draw agreed. The game of Zhao Xinxin versus Hong Zhi: 洪智 (Hong Zhi) 赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin) 双方同意和。Draw agreed. The game of Lu Qin versus Yu Youhua: 于幼华 (Yu Youhua) 吕钦 (Lu Qin) 双方同意和。Draw agreed.


再次试发“象棋演播室”动态棋盘。“桔中秘”首局的顺炮横车弃马局。 Sometimes you see, sometimes not! Testing and put forward a famous text book game, with the familiar dynamic chessboard. Red to play and win in 13 moves. Checkmate with Double Cannons.

‘西联物流杯’ 精英赛才溢夺标

这是第二届“西联物流杯”中国西部精英赛的冠军争夺战,弈于2009年2月20日(第9轮)。 红方:四川 才溢 黑方:四川 谢卓淼 In the 9th and final round, Cai Yi (Red) defeated Xie Zhuomiao (Black) to win the top prize in the Xilian Wuliu Cup . 红胜。Black resigned.


The 10th Man versus Machine tournament was held on 14-15th of February 2009 at Taiwan University, with victory for the human players, final result 11-5. 本月14日至15日在台湾大学計算機資訊網路中心举行的第十届人机象棋大赛,结果人胜机器11比5。 1. ELP 先負 馬仲威 2. 馬仲威 先和 象棋世家 3. 陳慶文 先和 天馬行空 4. 千慮 先和 陳慶文 5. 象棋世家 先和 劉國華 6. 劉國華 先勝 ELP 7. 陳振國 先勝 千慮 8. 天馬行空 先和 陳振國

Result of Year of the Ox Tournament

二月七日在东伦敦Dockland举行的牛年春节棋赛,共有二十二人参加,气氛友好热闹。经过五轮激烈比赛,大卫杨四胜一和勇夺冠军,郭淑珑取得亚军,范宝池季军。 Result of the Year of the Ox Friendly Tournament, Saturday 7th February 2009, East London. Players/Points/Bucholtz/Opponents (Tourney no., result, adjustment) 1. David Young 4.5/13.5/15,1,+1/7,1,+3/5,1,+1/2,D.-16/6,1+5 2. Guo Shulong 4/12.5/10,1,+1/14,1,+2/13,1,+1/1,D,+16/5,D,-15 3. Pham Bao Tri 4/11/14,0,-31/6,1,+2/16,1,+3/8,1,+11/7,1,+1 4. Dam K.D. 4/8.5/13,0,-31/18,1,+1/15,1,+1/10,1,+1/16,1,+6 5. AnLum 3.5/14.5/8,1,+31/9,1,+29/1,0,-1/16,1,+27/2,D,+15 6. George Zhang 3/13/12,1,+5/3,0,-2/21,1,+1/13,1,+6/1,0,-5 7. Shao Nanfei 3/12/20,1,+2/1,0,-3/19,1,+9/11,1,+23/3,0,-1 8. Chen Fazuo 3/11.5/5,0,-31/19,1,+1/14,1,+1/3,0,-11/13,1,+1 9. Chu Zhixiang 3/10/17,1,+3/5,0,-29/10,0,-29/14,1,+4/15,1,+3 10. Tan Tran 2.5/13.5/2,0,-1/20,1,+5/9,1,+29/4,0,-1/11,D,+12 11. La Khan Hoa 2.5/9.5/19,1,+4/13,0,-28/17,1,+4/7,0,-23/10,D,-12 12. Alain Dekker 2.5/8.5/6,0,-5/15,0,-15/22,D,+4/19,1,+17/17,1,+17 13. Pin Yan...

'西联物流杯' 精英棋赛

第二届 “西联物流杯” 中国西部精英赛的一局棋,弈于2009年2月17日(第四轮)。 红方:贵州 陈柳刚 黑方:成都 王晟强 Xilian Wuliu Cup , 17th February 2009, Chengdu. The 5-day 9-round tournament was opened on 16th of February 2009, with first prize 15,000 yuan. 4th round, top board. Red: Chen Liugang (Guizhou) Black: Wang Cheng Qiang (Chengdu) 红胜 。 Black resigned.

”三李杯“ 两局棋

首届悉尼 “三李杯” 国际城市混双邀请赛的两个对局。 弈于2009年2月14日( 第 2 轮) 红方: 上海 单霞丽、谢靖 黑方: 河北 胡明、李来群 A mixed double from San Li Cup, Sydney, Australia. Hu Ming & Li Laiqun (Hebei) Shan Xiali & Xie Jing (Shanghai) 红胜。Black resigned. 又一局混双赛。 红方:台湾 高懿屏、吴贵临 黑方:澳大利亚 黄子君、张延平 Another game from the same tournament, round two. Red Taiwan's Gao Yiping & Wu Guilin, Black Australia's Huang Zijun & Zhang Xianping. 红胜。Black resigned.

‘迎春杯’ 圆满闭幕

(象棋通讯) 第15届“迎春杯”象棋团体赛,地中海国际地产队夺得冠军。 2月15日下午,“迎春杯”在广州文化公园圆满落幕。 共有36支棋队的150多棋手参赛。第一届仅有三个棋队,发展到本届的数目,可见影响力的不断提高,比往年有了更进一步的提高,香港派出两队,澳门也有一队。 吕钦、洪智、赵鑫鑫、庄玉庭、陈丽淳、郑一弘、汪洋、蒋川、汤卓光、李鸿嘉、黎德志、刘宗泽、李锦欢、张学潮等名手全都上阵,气氛热烈。 陈松顺、蔡福如、陈柏祥等棋坛元老在赛会期间,亲临现场指导。

‘合生迎春杯’ 一个对局

2009广州市第十五届 “合生迎春杯” 象棋团体赛 红方:吕钦 (惠州市华轩置业) 黑方:赵鑫鑫 (地中海国际酒店) 日期:2月14日(第4轮) 4th round of the Hesheng Ying Chun Cup team competition, Red: Lu Qin, Black: Zhao Xixin, played on February 14th 2009, Guangzhou. 双方同意和 。Draw agreed.


今天试发一个新棋盘。 “渊深海阔” 的一个残局,局名 金蝉脱壳。 红先和。 Today testing with a new chessboard. Endgame composition Escape of the Golden Cicada. Red to play and draw.


有棋友zhongtongchs在网上介绍了中炮过河车急进中兵对屏风马平炮兑车,是综合参考众多书籍和文章的努力成果。 A popular and exciting Opening of Central Cannon Advancing the Central Pawn, based mainly on various books and articles, a good effort by zhongtongchs. 黑有优势。With advantage for Black.


(象棋通讯) 第十五届 “迎春杯” 象棋团体赛,定于二月十四日到十五日在广州市文化公园举行。有三十二个棋队参加。冠军将可取得一万元人民币的奖励,亚军五千元,季军三千元,第六也有一千二百元。其余各队将获鼓励奖三百元。 The 15th Ying Chun Cup Team Tournament will be organized on the 14th-15th of February 2009, at Guangzhou Culture Park. 32 teams are going to take part, starting on Valentine's Day. 1st prize 10,000 yuan, 2nd prize 5,000 yuan, 3rd 3,000 yuan, down to 6th place with 1,200 yuan. 7th to last place each will receive 300 yuan as consolation. Top players are coming from many provinces, including Guangdong, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, together with Beijing, Hong Kong and Macau.


棋艺爱好者 “test2002” 在一个象棋网站发帖,摆了一个残局,说要摆一个月,看谁能破? A Xiangqi enthusiast named “test2002” has put up an endgame in a popular website in Guangdong, China, challenging anyone to solve it completely within a month!

A Friendly Game From Beijing

这是一位北京棋友寄来的一个友谊对局。北京棋友执红先行。 We are glad to share with our readers the following interesting game played by Tom, a Xiangqi friend from Beijing. The game was one of his favourite friendlies played with his chessmates in the past. In May 2008 Tom won 3rd place in a National Blind Tournament. Tom described, when players played, they spoke the move of chessmen, the referee would move the chessmen for them, because of the blind game, all players were muffled with opaque cloth. Chessmate Tom 红胜。Black resigned.


由澳大利亚象棋总会主办的第一届“三李杯”国际城市混双赛,定2月12日至17日在悉尼市举行,将有八大城市获邀参加。比赛先行分组作单循环赛,然后交叉名次进入决赛。用时每方30分钟,每步加20秒,棋手不必做记录。 混双赛由女棋手开局走第一步,然后男棋手走第二步,直至对局结束。对局过程不得由同一名棋手连续走棋,否则判犯规一次,比赛中犯规两次判负。 奖金第一名2,000澳元,第二名1,200澳元, 第三名1,000澳元。大会负担棋手食、宿和澳洲国内交通。 混双邀请赛组委会主席为澳大利亚潮洲同乡会会长周光明OBM,澳洲象棋总会会长常虹,副主席邓宜兵,颜种旺,麦仲永,卢永光。裁判长及副裁判长分别为陈德泰与颜种旺。 A Mixed Invitation Tournament of Cities will be held in Australia's Sydney for the first time, starting on the 12th and finishes on the 17th of February 2009. 1st prize 2,000 dollars, 2nd 1,200 dollars and 3rd 1,000 dollars (local currency). Eight cities have been invited to join the fun.


第29届五羊杯邀请赛 第29届 “五羊杯” 象棋邀请赛,定于今年2月21日至26日在广州文化公园举行。获邀请者有柳大华、吕钦、徐天红、赵国荣、许银川、陶汉明、于幼华、洪智、赵鑫鑫、蒋川。 “五羊杯” 比赛用时为红方用时60分钟,每走一着加30秒;黑方用时80分钟,每走一着加30秒。自然限着为50回合。 棋手可于2月12日前向中国象棋协会报名,联系电话:010-87559135,传真:010-87669133,联系人:郭莉萍女士。   The 29th edition of the traditional Wu Yang Cup will take place this year from February 21st to 26th inclusive, the venue will be at the Guangzhou Cultural Park, as for previous years. Invitations are sent to ten top players including GM Liu Dahua, Lu Qin, Xu Tianhong, Zhao Guorong, Xu Yinchuan, Tao Hanming, Yu Youhua, Hong Zhi, Zhao Xinxin, Jiang Chuan. ++++ 精彩的一盘五羊杯对局,许银川执红对陶汉明,1995年1月10日,广州文化公园。 Here is a Wu Yang Cup game played on the 1oth of January 1995, Guangzhou. Red: Xu Yinchuan Black: Tao Hanming Tao Hanming Xu Yinchuan 双方愿和。Draw agreed.

Dynamic Chessboard Is Back

The coming back of our familiar dynamic chessboard, after so long a time! As a test, we give the game of Markus Brenner vs Dr. Rene Gralla, played recently in Germany, see previous post. Dr. Rene Gralla Markus Brenner Checkmate. Black won.

Xiangqi News from Germany

We thank Dr. Rene Gralla, for contributing the following article, in the spirit of friendly Xiangqi news exchange among enthusiasts. -- ed Readers may have spotted some slight errors in the notation, in the game proper, 5.R2=3 instead of 5.R6=7, 8.R3=4 instead of 8.R7=6, 9.R4+2 instead of 9.R6+2, 10.R4-3 instead of 10.R6-3. -- ed Xie xie, Mrs. YuYing Huang - for teaching me The Windscreen Horses By: Dr. Rene Gralla, Hamburg/Germany The Lady against the Wild Man from the West. Mrs. YuYing Huang from Canada has fought a very interesting match against combative Michael Lee, San Francisco/USA, in 1999 on the occasion of the Forshang Cup. Because of that game - that has been published at news/orient/xiangqi/ brilliancy.html -- I have learned a lot about the way to play The Windscreen Horses. Now - after having studied that match some two years ago - there has been the chance for me to execute in reality that what I have learned by Mr...