Monday, February 23, 2009


In the 2nd round of the Wu Yang Cup, Guangzhou, the following 5 games were played on 22nd February 2009.

2009年2月22日,“五羊杯” 第二轮。

1) 于幼华先胜蒋川。

蒋川 (Jiang Chuan)

于幼华 (Yu Youhua)

Black resigned.

2) 赵国荣先和许银川。

许银川 (Xu Yinchuan)

赵国荣 (Zhao Guorong)

Draw agreed.

3) 柳大华先负赵鑫鑫

赵鑫鑫 (Zhao Xinxin)

柳大华 (Liu Dahua)

Red resigned.

4) 洪智先负吕钦

吕钦 (Lu Qin)

洪智 (Hong Zhi)

Red resigned.

5) 徐天红先和陶汉明

陶汉明 (Tao Hanming)

徐天红 (Xu Tianhong)

Draw agreed.

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