
Showing posts from March, 2009

Red to play and draw

Red 6 pieces. Black 7 pieces. It is amazing what complicated variations can be produced in such situation. Red to play and draw as demonstrated in Main Variation. Based on the ancient book of collected problems “渊深海阔”, as edited and analysed by leading experts Mr. Liu Guobin and Mr Zhu Baowei. Main Variation 1. rR=6 C5=4 (variation 1) 2. R6=4 (var2) P6+1 3. R4-2 P5=6 4. K4=5 C4=8 (variation 3) 5. R1=5 B1+3 (variation 4) 6. C1+9 B7+9 7. C1=5 (var5) C8=5 8. C5-2 B3-5 9. R5+2 R4=5 10.R5-6 P6=5 11.K5+1 (draw) What would happen had Black played 1. ... R4-2 and captured Red Rook? (variation 1) Variation 1 1. ... R4-2 ? 2. R1=6 R4-2 3. C1+9 B7+9 4. C2+9 checkmate Again, look at variation 2, had Red played 2. R1=4 instead of the text move. Variation 2 2. R1=4 ? P5=6 3. K4=5 R4=5 checkmate Variation within a variation! In the above variation 2, what can happen if Red plays 2...


Jiang Chuan of China won the Vietnam Tournament, contested on 21-28th of March 2009, with Zhang Qiang runner-up. After two slow games, the top honour was finally decided on a final rapid-play. 象棋通讯:越南 “芳庄旅游杯” 象棋邀请赛3月28日圆满闭幕。中国棋手蒋川勇夺冠军,张强亚军,越南棋手阮黄林季军,阮成保殿军。   本次赛事参赛者共24人,越南方面18人,另邀请蒋川、张强、柳大华、吴贵临、陈强安、郑祥福等六人。比赛自3月21至28日举行。 下面介绍决赛的一局(快棋)。 2009年第三届越南 “芳庄旅游杯” 象棋公开赛。 红方:张强 黑方:蒋川 弈于2009年3月28日 (决赛快棋. Final rapid) 蒋川 (Jiang Chuan) 张强 (Zhang Qiang) 黑胜。Red resigned.

Central Pawn Advancing

Beginners are more or less afraid of the advancing of the opponent's Central Pawn. Here, Black deals with Red advancing the Central Pawn. Black is holding the situation. Further example, this time Red is discouraged to push forward the Central Pawn! With balanced position.


第三届越南“芳庄旅游杯”象棋公开赛。 红方:范启源 (越南) 黑方:吴贵临 (台湾) 2009年3月21日(第一轮) Further to our post on Saturday 14th of March, we present the following game between Vietnam's Fan Qiyuan and Taiwan's Wu Guilin, played in round one. 吴贵临 (Wu Guilin) 范启源 (Fan Qiyuan) 双方同意和。Draw agreed. 红方:张强 (北京) 黑方: 阮黄林 (越南) 2009年3月21日(第一轮) More game(s) of the Vietnam Open in round one. 阮黄林 (Ruan Huanglin) 张强 (Zhang Qiang) 最后红棋认负。Red resigned in the end. 红方:蒋川 (北京) 黑方:宗室日新 (越南) 2009年3月21日(第一轮) 宗室日新 (越南) 蒋川 (北京) 红胜。Black resigned.

Basic Opening Problems (2)

Basic Opening Problems (2) - Sped-up Thrust of "wrong" Red Pawn plus Red Horse on right wing versus Windscreen Horses By Dr. Rene Gralla, Hamburg, Germany In part 1 of our discussion of basic opening problems we have watched Red - in case of Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon Opening - pushing the "wrong" Red Pawn up right wing and across the river by P3+1+1 so that Black's foray of the C.K.Lai-Horse by H8+7+8 via Black's left wing against Red's right wing does not work smoothly. But the situation can even get more murky provided Red speeds up the thrust P3+1+1 so that Black can not even think of deploying the C.K.Lai-Horse. What to do now? The following encounter does not pretend to give an answer - but at least the protocol of that clash can give an idea of the possible consequences of the sped-up thrust of "wrong" Red Pawn. SPED-UP THRUST OF "WRONG" RED PAWN STOPS THE C.K.LAI-HORSE In the basic scenario of Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-C...


第一届世界智力运动会,洪智对许银川,第六轮(慢棋),弈于2008年10月9日,北京。 Battle of the Giants. Hong Zhi versus Gu Yinchuan in the 1st World Mind Sports Games, Beijing. Round six, 9th of October 2008. 许银川 (Xu Yinchuan) 洪 智 (Hong Zhi) 双方同意和。Draw agreed.

Basic Opening Problems

Basic Opening Problems - Advance of "wrong" Red Pawn versus Windscreen Horse Defence AND C.K.LAI-HORSE By Dr. René Gralla, Hamburg, Germany There is one basic problem that everyone faces who wants to learn XiangQi but who does not speak Chinese: the lack of sufficient literature on openings. You do not find answers even with regard to the most basic questions - and therefore you can only try out and find out by practical play. One example: What can Black do in case that Red - in the scenario of the Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses - does not advance the Left-wing Pawn by P7+1, as it is the convention? If Red unconventionally advances the RIGHT-(!!)-wing Pawn by P3+1? With the consequence that some tactical strikes that Black would routinely like to execute do not work now?! Herewith some examples of the author's own experiences with that variant of Red attack. Maybe those miniatures can serve as a kind of guidelines....


据荆楚网/楚天金报一则棋讯,应越南象棋协会的邀请,特级大师柳大华将于3月18日(星期三)前往风景如画的岘港,参加2009年越南象棋公开赛。 在越期间,柳大华还将与当地棋手进行1对10的盲棋表演。 象棋在越南很普及,得到政府重视,被列为学校一门课程,因而他们的整体水平相当高。电视每周有象棋节目,大街小巷,下棋者比比皆是。 “芳庄旅游杯”越南象棋公开赛定19日(星期四)拉开战幕,共有32名棋手参赛,其中16名越南棋手,16名其他国家和地区的象棋高手。 柳大华、蒋川、张强、李锦欢、赵汝权、吴贵临等人名字,出现在获邀请者名单中。 The 2009 Vietnam's Xiangqi Open Tournament will kick off on 19th of March, 32 players are competing in this prestigious tournament, 16 of them Vietnamese, the rest are invited from other countries and areas. Grandmaster Liu Dahua of China is one among the 16 invited players.


1990年10月20日,全国象棋个人赛(男子甲组),开局弃马攻杀,红棋二十三步胜。 A game played in the Xiangqi's Individual first division, on the 20th of October 1990. Red boldly sacrificed a Knight in the Opening, Black resigned on his 23rd move. Red: Yan Wenqing (Hebei) Black: Liu Dahua (Hubei) 柳大华 (Liu Dahua) 阎文清 (Yan Wenqing) 红胜。Black resigned.


今天又看到动态棋盘了(在我的电脑), 呵呵! Today the dynamic chessboards come to life again (on my machine)! That is fine.