Monday, March 30, 2009

Red to play and draw

Red 6 pieces. Black 7 pieces.

It is amazing what complicated variations can be produced in such situation.

Red to play and draw as demonstrated in Main Variation.

Based on the ancient book of collected problems “渊深海阔”, as edited and analysed by leading experts Mr. Liu Guobin and Mr Zhu Baowei.

Main Variation

1. rR=6 C5=4 (variation 1)
2. R6=4 (var2) P6+1
3. R4-2 P5=6
4. K4=5 C4=8 (variation 3)
5. R1=5 B1+3 (variation 4)
6. C1+9 B7+9
7. C1=5 (var5) C8=5
8. C5-2 B3-5
9. R5+2 R4=5
10.R5-6 P6=5
11.K5+1 (draw)

What would happen had Black played 1. ... R4-2 and captured Red Rook? (variation 1)

Variation 1

1. ... R4-2 ?
2. R1=6 R4-2
3. C1+9 B7+9
4. C2+9 checkmate

Again, look at variation 2, had Red played 2. R1=4 instead of the text move.

Variation 2

2. R1=4 ? P5=6
3. K4=5 R4=5 checkmate

Variation within a variation! In the above variation 2, what can happen if Red plays 2. R6+4 instead of 2. R1=4 ?

Variation of a variation

2. R6+4 R4-6
3. R1-4 R4=8
4. C2=3 R8+7
5. R1=3 P6+1
6. R3=4 R8=7 checkmate

Look at variation 3, what can happen if Black played 4. ... R4=5 instead of 4. ... C4=8?

Variation 3

4. ... R4=5
5. K5=6 R5-7
6. R1=4 R5=8
7. C2=5 (note a) P6=5
8. R4+2 P5+1
9. K6+1 R8+7
10.K6+1 R8-1
11.K6-1 C4+5
12.K6=5 K4+1
13.R4+1 K4-1
14.C1+9 R8-7

Black having the advantage.

In the above variation, Red at move 7th (note a) played C2+5 instead of C2=5, now we see what can happen:

Variation 3 (note a)

7. C2+5 P6=5
8. R4=5 R8+2
9. R5-4 R8+1

With two more Bishops, Black is in better situation.

In variation 4, if instead of the correct 5. ... B1+3, Black played 5. ... C8=5?

Variation 4

5. ... C8=5?
6. R5=6 R4-4
7. C1+9 B7+9
8. C2+9 checkmate

(Var 5) Red plays 7. C1=5

7. C1=5

Reinforcing the defence in the centre, threatening to capture the Bishop followed by a backrank checkmate!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Jiang Chuan of China won the Vietnam Tournament, contested on 21-28th of March 2009, with Zhang Qiang runner-up.

After two slow games, the top honour was finally decided on a final rapid-play.

象棋通讯:越南 “芳庄旅游杯” 象棋邀请赛3月28日圆满闭幕。中国棋手蒋川勇夺冠军,张强亚军,越南棋手阮黄林季军,阮成保殿军。



2009年第三届越南 “芳庄旅游杯” 象棋公开赛。


(决赛快棋. Final rapid)

蒋川 (Jiang Chuan)

张强 (Zhang Qiang)

黑胜。Red resigned.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Central Pawn Advancing

Beginners are more or less afraid of the advancing of the opponent's Central Pawn.

Here, Black deals with Red advancing the Central Pawn.

Black is holding the situation.

Further example, this time Red is discouraged to push forward the Central Pawn!

With balanced position.

Monday, March 23, 2009



红方:范启源 (越南)
黑方:吴贵临 (台湾)


Further to our post on Saturday 14th of March, we present the following game between Vietnam's Fan Qiyuan and Taiwan's Wu Guilin, played in round one.

吴贵临 (Wu Guilin)

范启源 (Fan Qiyuan)

双方同意和。Draw agreed.

红方:张强 (北京)
黑方: 阮黄林 (越南)


More game(s) of the Vietnam Open in round one.

阮黄林 (Ruan Huanglin)

张强 (Zhang Qiang)

最后红棋认负。Red resigned in the end.

红方:蒋川 (北京)
黑方:宗室日新 (越南)


宗室日新 (越南)

蒋川 (北京)

红胜。Black resigned.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Basic Opening Problems (2)

Basic Opening Problems (2) - Sped-up Thrust of "wrong" Red Pawn
plus Red Horse on right wing versus Windscreen Horses

By Dr. Rene Gralla, Hamburg, Germany

In part 1 of our discussion of basic opening problems we have watched Red - in case of Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon Opening - pushing the "wrong" Red Pawn up right wing and across the river by P3+1+1 so that Black's foray of the C.K.Lai-Horse by H8+7+8 via Black's left wing against Red's right wing does not work smoothly. But the situation can even get more murky provided Red speeds up the thrust P3+1+1 so that Black can not even think of deploying the C.K.Lai-Horse.

What to do now? The following encounter does not pretend to give an answer - but at least the protocol of that clash can give an idea of the possible consequences of the sped-up thrust of "wrong" Red Pawn.


In the basic scenario of Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon Opening the commander of Red Army executes the sped-up thrust of the "wrong" Right Wing-Pawn across the river by 2.P3+1 ... & 7.P3+1?!?! ... after 5.R2+6 ... plus 6.R2=3xP ... so that Black can not even dare thinking of deploying the C.K.Lai-Horse by hypothetically 8. ... H7+8 after 1. ... H8+7.

Black gets nervous and hastily attacks Red Chariot by 7. ... C9=7?!? instead of cooly fortifiying the centre first by 7. ... A4+5. Therefore Black is forced to kill Red Pawn by 8. ... C7+3xP after 7. ... C9=7?!?, and the advanced position of Black Cannon is less than ideal now. Of course the possible consequence of 9.R4=3??? ... is not a real "trap" (9. ... C7+5xE check & 10. ... C7-6xR), and Red wisely moves his Right Wing-Elephant to the border (9.E3+1 ...).

Unfortunately Red Commander spoils his chances after a central melee since as a consequence of 11.C5+4xP check? ... and 11. ... H3+5xC he tries out the lethal "trading-in" of one Chariot against one Horse by 12.R4=5xR?? ... because he overlooks that Red Chariot could have escaped via 12.R4+2 ... in spite of the foregoing Black 10. ... C2+1.

The final attack starts after 20. ... R1+1!. The menace: 21. ... R1=6. If Red wants to buy time by attacking Black Cannon - 22.R9=8 ... - Black sacrifices that unit anyway: 21. ... R1=6 22.R8+3xC R6+8xA check 23.K5+1 R8-1 check 24.K5+1 R6-1!, and there is no way of preventing 25. ... R8-1 mate (25.H7-5 R8-1 mate).

Red tries to let his central Horse come to the rescue, but after 21.H5-6 ... Black gives up his Right-Wing Cannon anyway: 21. ... R1=6!, and, though Red wisely declines that offer - 21.H6-8xC R6+8xA check 22.K5+1 R8-1 check 23.K5+1 R6-1! 24.H7-5 R8-1 mate - by centralizing one of his Horses (22.H6-5! ...), the end is nigh after the Cannon's decisive back-swing 22. ... C2-3! - because of 23.R9+1 C2=5!.

Now Red Horse can not be saved - please see: 24. ... C5+4xH 25.E7+5xC? R8=6xA check 26.K5+1 R6+7 mate - , and 24.K5=6 ... is no option either: 24. ... C5+4xH. Since 25.E7+5xC ... still does not work because of 25. ... R7+8xA check 26.K6+1 R8-1check! 27.H7-5 ... (if 27.K6+1 ..., then 27. ... R8=1xR 28.H7-9xR? R6=4 mate) 27. ... R6=5! and menacing 28. ... R8=5xH check & 29. ... R5=9xR (if 28.K6+1 ..., then 28. ... R8=5xH and winning), Red resorts to a desperate 25.R1=5 .... But 25. ... R6=4 check enforces unconditional surrender: 26.R5=6 R8=6xA mate.

Red: Feng Xu
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

November 11th, 2004, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Cafe "Transmontana"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon and Over-the-River-Chariot versus Windscreen Horses

Dr Rene Gralla

Feng Xu

1.C2=5 H8+7 2.P3+1 P3+1 3.H2+3 H2+3 4.R1=2 R9=8 5.R2+6 C8=9 6.R2=3xP C9-1 7.P3+1?!?! C9=7?!? 8.R3=4 C7+3xP 9.E3+1 E3+5 10.H3+4 C2+1 11.C5+4xP check? H3+5xC 12.R4=5xH?? H7+5xR 13.H4+5xH R8+7 14.C8=5 C7+2 15.E1+3 C7+3 check 16.A4+5 R8+2 17.C5=4 C7=4xA check 18.C4-2 C4=6xC 19.A5-4xC C2+3 20.H8+7 R1+1! 21.H5-6 R1=6! 22.H6-5! C2-3! 23.R9+1 C2=5! 24.K5=6 C5+4xH 25.R1=5 R6=4 check 26.Resigns 0-1


The foregoing examples have demonstrated that the Over-the-River-assault of Red's Right Wing-Chariot can turn out to be risky. Therefore - still in the variant of pushing forward the "wrong" Red Pawn - Red sometimes tries out to move out Right Wing-Horse without the back-up by Red Chariot.

Black experiments with a dubious gambit (6. ... C8+5!?), but after winning some material Red ignores the attack by Black Horse (9. ... H5+4!). After the beginning of Black's bombardment (10. ... C2=5 check) Red stumbles into a central pin, thus being forced to station his Horse in the centre of palace (11.H7-5 ...). The swing of Black Horse - 11. ... H4+6! - is already the winner because of the pincer attack 12. ... H6+8xC and/or 12. ... H6+7 mate (12.C2=4??? R8+9xR).

Later on Black trades in one Horse for a Red Chariot and generously gives back some material (20.R6=7xP ... & 21.R7+4xE check ...) for the sake of the final attack: after 23. ... R2=6! there is no defence left against 24. ... R6+1xA mate.

Red: Jianwei Huang
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

January 29th, 2007, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon and Riverbank-based Right Wing-Horse
without Over-the-River-Chariot versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Jianwei Huang

1.C2=5 H8+7 2.P3+1 H2+3 3.H2+3 R9=8 4.R1=2 P3+1 5.H3+4!? A4+5 6.H8+7 C8+5!? 7.C5+4xP check! H3+5xC 8.H4+5xH H7+5xH 9.C8=2xC H5+4! 10.R9=8? C2=5 check 11.H7-5 H4+6! 12.R2+1 R8+7xC 13.R2=4 H6-5 14.R2+4 C5+4xP check 15.E7+5 H5+4 16.R8+1 C5-4 17.R8=6?? H4+6 check 18.R4-3xH R8=6xR 19.R6+4 R1=2! 20.R6=7xP R2+5! 21.R7+4xE check A5-4 22.P7+1 R2+1 23.R7-3 R2=6! 24.Resigns 0-1


Sometimes the sped-up Right Wing-red Horse (4.H3+4!? ... ) turns wild - by eating Black's Left wing-Pawn (5.H4+3xP!? ...). So what?! The winning formula can go like that: letting Red Horse idle away time on Red point 3vii / Black point 7iv - and speeding up attack via the opposite wing.

Black sacrifices one Horse (19. ... H4+6!) in order to conquer Red's "Wou Cao Xiang" on the right wing. Then Black crushes through Red defence via Black line 4 / Red line 6.

Red: Feng Xu
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

October 30th, 2004, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Cafe "Transmontana"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon and Riverbank-based Right Wing-Horse
without Over-the-River-Chariot versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Feng Xu

1.C2=5 H8+7 2.P3+1 H2+3 3.H2+3 R9=8 4.H3+4!? P3+1 5.H4+3xP!? H3+2 6.C8+5xC C8=2xC 7.H8+9 E3+5 8.H3-4 R8+6 9.H4-3 R8=7 10.R1+2 A4+5 11.R9+1 R1=4 12.R9=7 R4+5 13.P1+1 R4=7xP 14.H3-1 H7+6 15.C5+4xP FR7=5xP check 16.R1=5 R5+1xR check 17.E3+5xR R7+1 18.A6+5 H6+4 19.C5-1 H4+6! 20.C5=8xH H6+7 check 21.K5=6 R7=4 check 22.R7=6 C2=4 23.A5+6 R4+1xA! 24.C8-4 H7-5xE check 25.A4+5 C4+6xR 26.C8=7 C4=9xH 27.K6=5 R4+1 28.Resigns 0-1

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Battle of the Giants. Hong Zhi versus Gu Yinchuan in the 1st World Mind Sports Games, Beijing. Round six, 9th of October 2008.

许银川 (Xu Yinchuan)

洪 智 (Hong Zhi)

双方同意和。Draw agreed.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Basic Opening Problems

Basic Opening Problems - Advance of "wrong" Red Pawn versus Windscreen Horse Defence AND C.K.LAI-HORSE

By Dr. René Gralla, Hamburg, Germany

There is one basic problem that everyone faces who wants to learn XiangQi but who does not speak Chinese: the lack of sufficient literature on openings. You do not find answers even with regard to the most basic questions - and therefore you can only try out and find out by practical play.

One example: What can Black do in case that Red - in the scenario of the Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses - does not advance the Left-wing Pawn by P7+1, as it is the convention? If Red unconventionally advances the RIGHT-(!!)-wing Pawn by P3+1? With the consequence that some tactical strikes that Black would routinely like to execute do not work now?!

Herewith some examples of the author's own experiences with that variant of Red attack. Maybe those miniatures can serve as a kind of guidelines.


The commander of Red Army, a Chinese ex-patriate in Hamburg and an experienced amateur player, executes the thrust of the "wrong" Right-wing-Red Pawn (2.P3+1 ... after 1.C2=5).

Black has been inspired by Black's thrust of left wing Horse in the most instructive match >> C.C.Man vs. C.K.Lai << (London 1987) by 8. ... H7+8 (see: "Chinese Chess - Introduction to the Opening", Game 1, p.54) and proceeds like that (9. ... H7+8).

Red tries to counter that strike by the C.K.Lai-Horse by boldly pushing the advanced Right-wing Soldier one step further on across the River (10.P3+1?!?! ...), thus nonchalantly sacrificing his Right-wing Red Elephant (10. ... C7+8xE check) after letting his Right-wing Horse gallop to the Riverbank (8.H3+4!?! ...).

Red tries out the dubious sortie of Red King via the centre of Palace (11.K5+1? ...) after the demise of Red Elephant (10. ... C7+8xE check). But that leads - after 11. ... H8+9xP that menaces the brutal knock-out by 12. ... R8+8 mate - right into disaster.

Game No.1

Red: Da Lin
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

May 7th, 2008, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Da Lin

1.C2=5 2.H8+7 2.P3+1 P3+1 3.H2+3 H2+3 4.R1=2 R9=8 5.C8=6 A4+5 6.R2+6 C8=9 7.R2=3xP C9-1 8.H3+4 C9=7 9.R3=4 H7+8 10.P3+1 C7+8xE check 11.K5+1 H8+9xP 12.C6-1 C2+6 check 13.Resigns 0-1

--- In case of 13.C6+1 ... or 13.C6+2 ... pp., then 13. ... R8+8 mate ---



The case of colours reversed: The commander of Red Army, the co-owner of a Chinese restaurant in Hamburg, Germany that he runs together with his charming and energetic wife, Mrs. Peihua Chen, and who is a tough player of XiangQi, he executes the thrust of the "wrong" Left-wing-Red Pawn (2.P7+1 ... after 1.C8=5).

One more time Black has been inspired by Black's thrust of left wing Horse in the most instructive match >> C.C.Man vs. C.K.Lai << (London 1987) - that very 8. ... H7+8 (see: "Chinese Chess - Introduction to the Opening", Game 1, p.54) - and proceeds like that (9. ... H3+2).

Red tries to counter that strike by the C.K.Lai-Horse by boldly pushing the advanced Left-wing Soldier one step further on across the River (10.P7+1?!?! ...), thus nonchalantly sacrificing his Left-wing Red Elephant (10. ... C3+8xE check) after having let his Left-wing Horse gallop to the Riverbank (4.H7+6!?! ...), whilst Black has carelessly moved the somewhat wrong Bodyguard into the centre of Palace (5. ... A4+5?!? instead of correct 5. ... A6+5). After the check by Black Cannon Red correctly moves up the Left-wing Advisor (11.A6+5).

Black attacks via the right wing by cavalry (11. ... H2+1xP), and instead of trying to kill that Horse after hypothetically 12.R6=9xP ..., Red grabs Black's central Pawn first by Horse (12.H6+5xP ...) and then by Cannon (13.C5+4xH check).

That central position of Red artillery could be lethal, and Red proceeds to trying to enforce checkmate by Red chariot via Red line no.6 / Black line no. 4 on Red point 6x/Black point 4i after 15.K5=6 ... . But that sortie of Red King comes too late because Red has lost precious time by a mundane 14.C2+2? ... .

Consequence: Right-wing Black Chariot rumbles forward to Red base line (14. ... R2+9!), and after Red's Royal attack after 15.K5=6 ... (threatens checkmate indeed by 16.R6+3 mate ...), Black Horse speeds into action from Black point 1vii / Red point 9iv (17. ... H1+3 check). Checkmate is imminent after Red loses his Right-wing Chariot (18. ... C6=9xR check) and moves the surviving Advisor (19.A5-4? ...).

Game No.2

Red: Jianwei Huang
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

February 20th, 2007, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Right-to-Centre-Left Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Jianwei Huang

1.C8=5 H2+3 2.P7+1 R1=2 3.H8+7 H8+7 4.H7+6 P7+1 5.R9=8 A4+5 6.R8+6 C2=1 7.R8=7xP C1-1 8.H2+3 C1=3 9.R7=6 H3+2 10.P7+1 C3+8xE check 11.A6+5 H2+1xP 12.H6+5xP H7+5xP 13.C5+4xP check E3+5 14.C2+2 R2+9 15.K5=6 C3=6xA check 16.K6+1 R2-1 check 17.K6-1 H1+3 check 18.K6=5 C6=9xR check 19.A5-4 R2+1 check 20.Resigns 0-1

--- In case of 20.R6-6 ... , then 20. ... R2=4xR mate ---



One more case of colours reversed: The commander of Red Army executes the thrust of the "wrong" Left-wing-Red Pawn (2.P7+1 ... after 1.C8=5).

One more time Black has been inspired by Black's thrust of left wing Horse in the most instructive match >> C.C.Man vs. C.K.Lai << (London 1987) - that brilliant 8. ... H7+8 (see: "Chinese Chess - Introduction to the Opening", Game 1, p.54) - and proceeds like that (10. ... H3+2).

Once more again Red tries to counter that strike by the C.K.Lai-Horse by boldly pushing the advanced Left-wing Soldier one step further on across the River (11.P7+1?!?! ...), thus nonchalantly sacrificing his Left-wing Red Elephant (11. ... C3+8xE check) after having let his Left-wing Horse gallop to the Riverbank (7.H7+6!?! ...).

Red loses time by pointless 9.R6+2 ... , and Black again attacks via the right wing by cavalry (12. ... H2+1xP). When Red tries to kill that cocky Horse after 12.R6=9xP ..., Black sacrifices that Horse for the sake of rushing to Red base line by Chariot (13. ... R2+9?!?!?!).

Red can not make up his mind to eat that Horse (after 14.R9-3xH ..., Black wins back that Horse by 14. ... C3=6xA check 15.A5-6 C6=8xH check), but grabs Black's central Pawn first by Cannon (14.C5+4xP check ...) and then by Horse (15.H6+5xH), a new try after Red's grabbing of Black's central Pawn first by Horse (12.H6+5xP?? ...) and then by Cannon (13.C5+4xH check) in >> Jianwei Huang vs. Dr. Rene Gralla (Hamburg, Germany, February 20th, 2007, casual)<<.

Consequence: Red loses his Right-wing Horse after 16. ... C6=8xH check and opts for perishing in style by sacrificing his Right-wing Chariot against Black Cannon (17.R1=2xC check ...). Black sacrifices his Horse by 20. ... R9=8!!, and if Red would have eliminated that squadron by Chariot (21.R6=7xH ...), the game would have continued as follows: 21. ... C4-2 check 22.K5+1 R8+7xC, and there is no defence against checkmate: 23. ... R2-1 check 24.K5-1 R8+2 mate.

But Red kills Horse by Cannon (21.C2=7xH ...), thus winning back some material. Unfortunately that does not stop the Black onslaught.

Game No.3

Red: Jianwei Huang
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

July 31st, 2007, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Right-to-Centre-Left Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Jianwei Huang

1.C8=5 H2+3 2.P7+1 R1=2 3.H8+7 H8+7 4.R9=8 P7+1 5.R8+6 C2=1 6.R8=7xP C1-1 7.H7+6 C1=3 8.R7=6 A6+5 9.R6+2 C8-1 10.R6-2 H3+2 11.P7+1 C3+8xE 12.A6+5 H2+1xP 13.R6=9xP R2+9 14.C5+4xP check H7+5xC 15.H6+5xH C3=6xA check 16.A5-6 C6=8xH check 17.R1=2xC check C8+8xR check 18.E3+1 H1+3 19.R9=6 C8=4xA 20.R6-4 R9=8 21.C2=7xH R8+9 check 22.K5+1 R2-1 check 23.K5+1 R8-2 mate 0-1



This time the colours are reversed totally. Red opens the match by Pawn Opening (1.P3+1 ...), and Black counters by transforming the match into
Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses. Again it is the push of the "wrong" Right-wing Pawn (6. ... P3+1) of Black army that attacks by Central Cannon, and the "wrong" Pawn storming across the River (9. ... P3+1!?!?) in an attempt to outplay Red's C.K.Lai-Horse move (9.H7+8 ...).

Once more it is the early sortie by Right-wing Horse to the Riverbank (7. ... H3+4), the loss of Black's Right-wing Elephant (10.C7+8xE check ...), the sacrifices of Red's left wing Horse for the sake of rushing to Black base line by Chariot (11.R8+9?!?!?! ...). Again Black can not make up his mind to eat that Horse (after 12. ... R1-3xH ..., Red wins back that Horse by 13.C7=4xA check A5-4 14.C4=2xH check E7+9 15.C2=6xA pp. ...).

Black tries out a new idea, namely to move Central Cannon one step right (!) of centre (12. ... C5=4!?) with the plan to counter Black's discovered check (13.C7=4xA check ...) by shielding Black King by Cannon (13. ... C4-2).

Red wins the Left-wing Black Horse (14.C4=2xH check ...) and succeeds in exchanging Cannons afterwards (15.C2=6xC ...). But then a horrible blunder by Red: He could have easily won the match by 16.R8-4! H4+3 (16. ... R1-3xH 17.R8=6xH ...) 17.H1+2 ... pp., but he hastily proceeds by 16.H1+2?? ... (thus "menacing" 17.R8=6xA check ...). Now Black finds the brilliant move 16. ... H4-3!!, and Red must give up his Horse again in order to save his Chariot (17.H2-4 check C8=4xH 18.R8-1 ...).

However, after that goof there will be one more Black goof later on, so in the end Red wins that match.

Game No.4

Red: Dr. Rene Gralla
Black: Jianwei Huang

February 2nd, 2009, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Red Pawn Opening and Windscreen Horses

Jianwei Huang

Dr. Rene Gralla

1.P3+1 C2=5 2.H8+7 H2+3 3.R9=8 R1=2 4.H2+3 R2+6 5.C8=9 R2=3xP 6.C9-1 P3+1 7.A4+5 H3+4 8.C9=7 R3=4 9.H7+8 P3+1 10.C7+8xE check A4+5 11.H8+9xP R4=1xP 12.R8+9 C5=4 13.C7=4xA check C4-2 14.C4=2xH check E7+5 15.C2=6xC A5-4xC 16.H9+8 H4-3 17.H2-4 check C8=4xH 18.R8-1 ...

After one more Black goof Red army manages to defeat Black army in the end. 1-0



Finally it is not the early thrust of the "wrong" Right-wing Red Pawn across the River in Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon versus Windscreen Horses. Instead it is some wild play Teehouse-style: Black manages to advance the C.K.Lai-Horse by 8. ... H7+8, but faces a severe crisis after forgetting to strengthen the centre by A4+5.

Red tries to exploit that weakness by 9.R4+2!?!?... , and Black is forced to trade in the C.K.Lai-Horse against Red's Horse at the Riverbank (10. ... H8+6xH).

But again there is the chance to invade Red's base line by Chariot (11. ... R8+9!). Black wins Red's Left-wing Horse (14. ... C4=2xH), but the situation remains volatile, because of Black having not played A4+5 before (15.R6+5xA check ...).

But then a Red goof - Red wants to attack Black Cannon (17.C8=7??? ...), but overlooks a somewhat hidden checkmate (17.... R8=6 mate).

Game No. 5

Red: Da Lin
Black: Dr. Rene Gralla

March 4th, 2009, Hamburg, Germany; friendly game, Restaurant "Suedsee"

Left-to-Centre-Right Wing-Cannon-Over-the-River-Chariot Opening versus Windscreen Horses

Dr. Rene Gralla

Da Lin

1.P3+1 P3+1 2.C2=5 H8+7 3.H2+3 H2+3 4.R1=2 R9=8 5.R2+6 C8=9 6.R2=3xP C9-1 7.H3+4 C9=7 8.R3=4 H7+8 9.R4+2 C7+8xE check 10.A4+5 H8+6xH 11.R4-4xH R8+9 12.K5=4 C7=4xA check13.K4+1 R8-1 check 14.K4+1 C4=2xH 15.R4+5xA check K5+1 16.R9+1 C2-1 17.C8=7 R8=6 mate 0-1

Saturday, March 14, 2009







The 2009 Vietnam's Xiangqi Open Tournament will kick off on 19th of March, 32 players are competing in this prestigious tournament, 16 of them Vietnamese, the rest are invited from other countries and areas.

Grandmaster Liu Dahua of China is one among the 16 invited players.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



A game played in the Xiangqi's Individual first division, on the 20th of October 1990. Red boldly sacrificed a Knight in the Opening, Black resigned on his 23rd move.

Red: Yan Wenqing (Hebei)
Black: Liu Dahua (Hubei)

柳大华 (Liu Dahua)

阎文清 (Yan Wenqing)

红胜。Black resigned.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


今天又看到动态棋盘了(在我的电脑), 呵呵!

Today the dynamic chessboards come to life again (on my machine)!

That is fine.