
Showing posts from October, 2023


Xiangqi's "North Kunlun" Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong's visit to Xi'an Early this morning, the reporter named Big Elephant(大象)led Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong(刘殿中)and his entourage to set off from Yan'an to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, the origin ancestor of the nation according to legend. Maybe it was because he had a good rest last night, and Grandmaster Liu was talking and laughing along the way. It seems that last night's simultaneous exbihition unexpected lost game did not affect the old man's mood in the slightest. The following are some of the interviews on the road, which are recorded as below: Big Elephant: I remember that someone proposed to internationalize Xiangqi and make the chess set into three-dimensional pieces, why is it no more follow-up talk about it nowadays? Liu Dianzhong: When Xiangqi was first excavated, the pieces were of the figurine appearance, later on for convenience sake they were gradually changed into fl...

Xiangqi's Obsession

Obsession with Xiangqi The years are long and interminable, who can draw a square circle with Xiangqi? How many times have you won or lost a game of chess? Alas, success is in such a hurry, defeat is also in such a hurry. Xiangqi is not a simple game, but an all-encompassing art and science. "The heart is like a spider silk swimming in the heaven's blue, and the body is like a cicada's envelop turning into a withered branch" is a silent beauty belonging to the chess player. "Winning brings in happiness, losing also can give us some thrill" is an open-minded elegance belonging to a player. "The world is like a game of chess, each of the game is not the same" is a profound perception belonging to the individual player. It is said that life is like chess, but I think chess is chess, life is life, and there are differences and similarities between the two. Chess is chess, but not always so, it can be...


Chengdu unearthed Xiangqi of the Tang-Song period Liu Guobin: worth at least hundreds of thousands yuan 30 Xiangqi pieces excavated Recently, while conducting archaeology project near Wan An Town(万安镇)in Chengdu New District area, the Relics and Archaeology Team unearthed a Xiangqi set in a tomb from the Northern Song Dynasty period. Due to such a long buried time, the chess pieces were stuck and glued together. These pieces were made of bronze, there were 30 in total, 2 pieces fewer than the modern Xiangqi set. We may ask which two pieces are missing? This needs to be further studied and investigated. Xie Lin(谢林), the head of the archaeological project, said that the tomb where the Xiangqi pieces were unearthed was from an ordinary family, the Xiangqi set was found next to the calf bone of the tomb owner, which suggested that the tomb owner may have been a chess enthusiast during his lifetime. It is understood that this bronze set is the first of its kind exca...


The 8th "Yangtze Cultural Tourism Cup" Open International Tournament was held on 21st October 2023 at Yuanbo Junlan Resort Hotel (园博君澜度假酒店), Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province, attracting 262 top amateur Xiangqi masters from four continents including Asia, Europe, North, Central and South Americas, and the Caribbean. The event has become one of the iconic event in Jiangsu Province. The venue was at the scenic Zaolin Bay (枣林湾). The sponsors were numerous including Jiangsu Yizheng Zaolin Bay Tourism Office, Yizheng Municipal Bureau of Sports, Radio and Television, supported by Yangzhou Xiangqi Association, European Xiangqi Federation, American Xiangqi Federation, Yangtze River Delta Xiangqi Association, Shanghai Xiangqi Sports and Culture Center and Yizheng Sports Federation. The tournament main organisor was Yizheng Xiangqi Association (仪征市象棋协会). Xiangqi has a long traditional background, the way of the game naturally gathered lots of players' wisdom. The city enjo...


(象棋通讯)2022年2月23日-2月27日,第三届新加坡“五粮液杯”象棋比赛,副会长林关浩视频专访: 这个比赛原本要在去年举办的,但是因为这个环境,这个疫情,那么我们一拖再拖,非常幸运的在中国白酒云总的大力支持下,终于今天能够开幕,也获得了多位棋手报名参加。这一次参加的比赛里面有很多高水平的,例如其中有一位是吴宗翰,那么他可说是多届的新加坡的个人冠军,是一个水平可说是新加坡最高的,其他的好几位呢是属于甲级的棋手。 所以我觉得这一次在中国白酒协会的赞助下,获得了这个棋友棋界的很大的一个响应,象棋就是能够启发人生,而酒也是一项在通过喝酒的故事里面,诗歌里面,也知道这个跟人生有很大的关系,这两个结合在一起的话,是非常非常融合,更能够去创造一个美好的人生的一个前景。 新加坡属于一个多元种族的一个国家,那么实际上新加坡的领导人,当时,我们的陈振声部长跟我讲过,象棋不能够太中国化,所以近年来,新加坡象棋总会,就推动了一个图形象棋,这个图形象棋,主要通过英文来解释象棋入门里面,我们就是会招收一些马来同胞,印度同胞,那么同时,每年在七月的时候,7月21号,有一个种族和谐日,我们当天,会举办一个比赛,而这个比赛,能够让非华裔的人士,能够来下象棋,或者参加比赛。 我们就是女棋手其实不是说很少,那么实际上也是很多女孩子好喜欢下象棋,但是要达到一定的水平,是不容易的,所以新加坡过去在亚洲赛或者世界赛,每一次都有派人参加,这个说明了新加坡在这个女子象棋事业的发展里面,还不是完全的就是零。 为什么象棋能够在学校里面能够变成一个项目来活动,因为大家都知道,象棋能够锻炼你的意志,修身养性,锻炼你的耐心,那么其实棋如人生,人生如棋,如果你把棋下得好的话,那就会很好的去规划你的美好人生。 学校的课程里面,没有一个科目是这样的,叫你怎么去规划你的人生,怎样去好像计划啦,做得更好。今年我们很多计划,我们五月会去有一个所谓第31届东南亚比赛,在越南,那么这个意义在哪里呢?就是第一次象棋被纳入东南亚运动会,跟好像游泳,田径,乒乓,篮球等等合在一起,这个意义非常的重大,无形中,也会提高象棋的地位。 另外一件事情是九月,在中国杭州他们办这个第19届亚洲运动会,那么象棋非常幸运的,第二次被纳入亚洲运动会里面的竞赛项目,那么这样一个能...


On November 23rd, 2018, in the final match of the "Borui Cup" National Individual Xiangqi Championship, Hubei's Grandmaster Wang Yang(汪洋)forced his opponent Chen Hongsheng(陈泓盛)to resign with a siege of 4 major pieces : Rook, Double Cannons and Knight, which means that he has won the coveted title of the championship, the 20th Qi Wang of China. As soon as the news came out, almost all the Xiangqi fans applauded him, they were so excited and relieved at the same time. They thundered his name in one voice: Wang Yang! The reason why it caused such an unprecedented sensation is because many people did not really expect his dream of success can be realized anymore now or ever. Firstly, the world of Xiangqi is full of talented young and not so young players, they either progressed very rapidly or hold on steadily, and the 34-year-old Wang Yang is obviously not dominant in terms of age. Secondly, Wang Yang is known as the "second person" and the "u...

Tale Of A Chess Set Gift

After the New Year, returning to my place of work from my hometown, I told many people around what has happened to me, but no one believed it, and this happening has always bothered me. In the end I decided to see a psychologist, and his advice was try telling my story to other people, friends and even strangers, as a cathartic way to release the inner tension and anxiety. I had planned to get married at 1st October of 2009, but because of work, I didn't go back to my hometown until the Spring Festival to get married. My hometown is in Urumqi. After graduation, I went to work in Chengdu, everything was relatively plain and smooth, I already found my loved one, had a good job, working as an engineering manager in a construction company. Times have faded away some strange memories deep in my heart. But just this Spring Festival, after my wedding... The day after the banquet, my wife got up early and at breakfast she told me that I rummaged through the drawers last night to f...


马来西亚沈毅豪:我的象棋梦想比收入更重要 Shen Yihao of Malaysia : My Xiangqi dream is more important than my income In the sixth version of the "Yang Guanlin Cup" National Xiangqi Open Tournament, there is a Xiangqi player from Malaysia, he is tall, fair complexion, and polite. He has a dream of one day becoming an International Grandmaster. His name is Shen Yihao(沈毅豪), a full-time coach of the East Malaysia Chuangxing Xiangqi Academy. Before 2014, Shen Yihao had not yet become a full-time chess professional, when he was employed in the Malaysian telecommunications industry, with a good salary, of a monthly income of about 8,000 yuan RMB, which was already a relatively comfortable life in Malaysia. 2013 was a year of confusion in Shen Yihao's life. What direction to take? Go left, or right? He eventually decided to quit his job and get himself to become a professional Xiangqi player. Shen Yihao, 30 years old now, has already started a family, and his wife is very supp...