
Xiangqi's "North Kunlun" Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong's visit to Xi'an

Early this morning, the reporter named Big Elephant(大象)led Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong(刘殿中)and his entourage to set off from Yan'an to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, the origin ancestor of the nation according to legend.

Maybe it was because he had a good rest last night, and Grandmaster Liu was talking and laughing along the way. It seems that last night's simultaneous exbihition unexpected lost game did not affect the old man's mood in the slightest.

The following are some of the interviews on the road, which are recorded as below:

Big Elephant: I remember that someone proposed to internationalize Xiangqi and make the chess set into three-dimensional pieces, why is it no more follow-up talk about it nowadays?

Liu Dianzhong: When Xiangqi was first excavated, the pieces were of the figurine appearance, later on for convenience sake they were gradually changed into flat disc, this really played a big role in the popularization and development of Xiangqi. The reasons were firstly, it is easier to carry and save space, secondly, when short of material, people can just find some paper or carton and write the piece names on them, how convenient!

Big Elephant: Now some people on the Internet say that Weiqi is much more complicated than Xiangqi, and Lao Nie and others think that Weiqi is more qualified to represent China's national game than Xiangqi, what do you think about this?

Liu Dianzhong: To say that Xiangqi is simpler than Weiqi is nonsense. I can just pick up a Xiangqi puzzle, and I dare say that those who play Weiqi would not be able to solve it for half a month! On the other hand, if they take the so-called Weiqi puzzle that they think is very difficult, we our Xiangqi players can solve it far easier, and surely that it will be sorted out say in less than three days.

Big Elephant: There are a lot of draws in the game of Xiangqi now, what do you think?

Liu Dianzhong: It is said that there are many draws in Xiangqi, however, there are also many draws in the other chess too, so why don't they change it?! Some of today's players are too enterprising, too utilitarian, and play tacit chess, or even concede chess. Therefore, it is not a chess problem, but a human problem. You can check the chess games we played in the seventies and eighties, every game was painstaking, serious work, and many of these games are very exciting even for nowadays.

Big Elephant: So what do you think of Grandmaster Hu Ronghua's plan to count a win for Black if game is draw?

Liu Dianzhong: The Black's counted victory in Xiangqi proposed by Lao Hu is pure nonsense. Originally, Xiangqi game has three results: a win, a draw or a loss, but his plan means there will be only two results remaining in Xiangqi game, would you not say that is too simple? However, his cooperation work with Shanghai TV in a Xiangqi entertainment program called "Play Xiangqi and Play It Big", he has done a very good promotion job!

Big Elephant: The Xiangqi 1999 rules and the Xiangqi 2011 rules, which do you think is more practicable?

Liu Dianzhong: The rules of Xiangqi are constantly kept changing, which make a lot of players feel very tricky and confused. Many players having played Xiangqi all their lives, do not understand what the rules actually are. In fact, Xiangqi can absorb some reasonable regulations of the Asian regulations. These regulations are easier to operate, and it is also more in line with some conventional ways of playing for ordinary people.

Big Elephant: Now many people hope that Xiangqi can obtain increase of the prize money and thus promoting strongly to the world as soon as possible, what do you think things will happen in the future?

Liu Dianzhong: This brings us back to the old topic of egg-and-chicken again. The mass base of Xiangqi is so good, but there is no news media to pay attention to it, and without the attention of the mass media, there will be no great influence of the product, and no one will be willing to invest without mass influence. Without investment, how can we talk about promoting the game to the world?

Big Elephant: What do you think of the current level of play of Xiangqi masters?

Liu Dianzhong: Nowadays, there are too few title holders of Xiangqi masters, we have only Grandmasters and Xiangqi masters, resulting in a lot of differences in the level among Grandmasters and among national masters. There are many players who got the title of Grandmaster as if they have got a precious academy diploma, they lacked the initial motivation and do not want to make progress anymore. There are even a few players who don't even dare to play, as if afraid with their master title.

Big Elephant: I don't think there are as many titles as our Shaanxi Xiangqi group (76119952). There are at least six levels in our group: third-level player, second-level player, first-level player, and third-level master, second-level master, and first-level master.

Liu Dianzhong: Hahaha...

Non stop talking and laughing all the way and we finally arrived at the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor safely...

+ + + +

Source : 陶山老妖的博客
Dated : 2014-June-12th


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