
The 4th Dadi Fangchan Cup Open Tournament in Guangxi Province successfully concluded today, with Wang Yang taking the 20,000 yuan first prize, followed by Jiang Chuan for the second prize with 15,000 yuan.

150 players took part in the 13-round Swiss system competition, which lasted 5 days. According to a source close to the organisers, next year the first prize will be raised to 30,000 yuan.

象棋通讯: 第四届 “大地房产杯” 象棋公开赛今天 (2月18日) 在广西省北流市圆满结束,初次来广西参赛、湖北的汪洋以9胜3和1负的好成绩勇夺冠军,获得20,000元奖金,北京的蒋川取得亚军,获15,000元奖金,湖北的刘宗泽与广东的黎德志因绩分相同,并列季军。



据最新消息报道,2009年第五届 “大地房产杯” 象棋公开赛,冠军奖金将由20,000元提高到30,000元,其它奖金也会跟着水涨船高。


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