
Showing posts from April, 2023

The ending of "棋艺" (Chess Art)

The Ending Of "棋艺" (Chess Art) Since yesterday, the Xiangqi community has had a shocking news. Founded in 1979, the "棋艺" (Chess Art) magazine will face a "suspension of publication" in July this year. Suddenly in an abrupt way, a very sad farewell and departure. Perhaps the traditional paper publications are now out of step with modern world after all. With this year's sudden Covid epidemic, the butterfly effect has spread to all economic and social fields, a straw that kills the camel. When I was in the fifth grade, there was a kiosk on the way to school that sold snacks and stationery, as well as various bulk magazines and publications. When most of my school friends were immersed in silly jokes, fantasy tales booklets and pirated comics, I had complete different interests, I can play Xiangqi, Pai Jiu, Mahjong, these were popular games among the middle-aged and elderly people, often I would search for "strategies" from p...

Xiangqi story from my heart

(译而再读之,亦是一种乐趣。译文曾于2006年2月22日发表) (It is nice sometimes to read again the older post, this one was dated Wednesday, February 22, 2006) Xiangqi story from my heart ~ by Da Mian Mao ~ Before I was 8 years old, no one in my village had heard anything about Xiangqi. The villagers did play a sort of game using muddy ploughing fields as chessboard, stones as chess pieces, even then this primitive native game attracted a big crowd whenever it was played. When I was 8 years old, suddenly the whole village was much attracted to the game of Xiangqi, it seemed that everyone was playing it, old and young. One evening, Hu Yong, a young helping worker of my family asked my father whether he knew how to play Xiangqi, on hearing this, my father was tensed, and quite emotioned, as if drunk, it took him a moment to answer a single word: yes. Later I realized that my father was a good player, when he was y...

Rivalries Among Grandmasters

Grandmaster Wang Tianyi(王天一), the leading Chinese Xiangqi player, had sometimes lamented rival Grandmaster Zheng Weitong(郑惟桐)of declining to share the point of an obvious drawn game, and to carry on playing a kind of chess grinding(磨)in the endgame stage. He also complained that Zheng Weitong liked to circling around him when he was playing in order to influence his play, further, he even accused Zheng Weitong of once carrying an electronic shielding device as if to prevent him from possible software cheating. The writer (of the article) felt that Zheng Weitong's above-mentioned three practices seem to be of human nature. In the chess world, quite many players are used to the practice of grinding their opponents (to a halt) in a balanced and even endgame, this is understandable. Take for example Grandmaster Lu Qin(吕钦), in the 2021 Fortuna Cup also did practice the grinding tactic against Grandmaster 'Siberian Tiger' Zhao Guorong(赵国荣). In a simply balanced an...

同舟共济 力战成和

Here is an interesting game between 2 players of the same UK team, Alain Dekker versus Peter Wood in 3rd round of the Paris World Xiangqi Championship 2005: 两名英国队棋手在2005年巴黎第九届世界象棋锦标赛第3轮相遇,迪克对比德乌,激战成和 : Alain Dekker v Peter Wood 1. 兵三进一 (P3+1) 马2进3 (N2+3) 2. 炮二平四 (C2=4) 炮8平6 (C8=6) 3. 马二进三 (N2+3) 马8进7 (N8+7) 4. 车一平二 (R1=2) 卒3进1 (P3+1) 5. 马八进九 (N8+9) 炮2进4 (C2+4) 6. 兵五进一 (P5+1) 炮6平5 (C6=5) 7. 仕六进五 (G6+5) 车9进1 (R9+1) 8. 相七进五 (B7+5) 车9平6 (R9=6) 9. 车九平六 (R9=6) 士4进5 (G4+5) 10. 车六进四 (R6+4) 车6进5 (R6+5) 11. 炮八平七 (C8=7) 车1平2 (R1=2) 12. 炮七平八 (C7=8) 车2平1 (R2=1) 13. 炮八平七 (C8=7) 炮2退2 (C2-2) 14. 马三进二 (N3+2) 车6退1 (R6-1) 15. 马二进三 (N2+3) 车6平5 (R6=5) 16. 马三进五 (N3+5) 车5平4 (R5=4) 17. 马五进七 (N5+7) 车4退4 (R4-4) 18. 马七进九 (N7+9) 炮2平1 (C2=1) 19. 炮七进三 (C7+3) 炮1退4 (C1-4) 20. 炮四平三 (C4=3) 炮1进2 (C1+2) 21. ...


欧洲的第一次。2005年第9届世界象棋锦标赛,是由法国象棋总会独力承办。 据法国象棋总会理事长许松浩表示,锦标赛主要赞助人是会长黄秋鹏先生。 黄秋鹏热爱象棋,他并不是什么大富豪。工作之余,喜与各地棋手结交朋友。 2001年第7届世锦赛本来由法国象棋总会承办,因事推迟。2003年则因“非典”疫症再次推迟。4年后的预算高达30万欧元。 一诺千金,黄秋鹏个人承担25万欧元,比赛奖金3万欧元由世界象棋联合会主席霍震霆提供,另外的2万欧元由黄秋鹏的朋友赞助补上。 2005年7月31日,巴黎新世界中国城拉开第9届世界象棋锦标赛帷幕。来自世界19个国家和地区的26支代表队参加了比赛。 世界象棋联合会主席霍震霆参加了开幕式。 法国内政部长萨科奇发来了贺信,并向华人社群表示敬意。 为期一周的锦标赛吸引了中国的吕钦、澳门的李锦欢、中华台北的吴贵临等国际高手参战。 战罢7轮,冠军争夺更加白热化。中国队吕钦、刘殿中与越南队阮武军同积6分,齐头并进。 女子组第6轮,中国郭莉萍后手战胜澳大利亚常虹,越南吴兰香先手击败中华台北高懿屏。 吕钦于第3轮输给了李锦欢,说这激起了他‘一把火’,决心尽最大努力下好每一盘棋。 8月6日,第9届世界象棋锦标赛在巴黎隆重降下帷幕。 中国驻法大使赵进军出席了闭幕式。 世锦赛组委会主席、法国象棋总会会长黄秋鹏表示,象棋冲出亚洲,是国际化的一个开端。 第9届世界象棋锦标赛参赛选手人数及奖金为历届之最,领队及棋手膳宿全部免费,赛事竟争异常激烈,气氛友好和谐。战果如下 : 团体赛 :冠军中国,亚军越南,季军中华台北,殿军美东,第5名中国香港,第6名新加坡,第7名美西,第8名中国澳门。 男子个人赛 :冠军吕钦,亚军李锦欢,季军阮武军,殿军刘殿中,第5名吴贵临,第6名李必炽,第7名郑亚生,第8名何荣耀,第9名赵汝权,第10名高维铉,第11名阮明昭,第12名赖汉顺,第13名纪中启,第14名鲁钟能,第15名黄俊铭,第16名吴震熙。 女子个人赛 :冠军郭莉萍,亚军高懿屏,季军黄玉莹,殿军常虹,第5名吴兰香,第6名殷美娴。 非华裔男子组 :冠军来自香港的邝伟德,亚军德国米歇尔·纳格勒,季军英国阿兰·迪克。 + + + + First time happened in Europe. The 9th World...


练习象棋减肥 有人曾经提到,练习象棋,是一项减肥的有效办法,信不信由你。 象棋是两个人在棋盘上进行智力较量的游戏。源远流长,千变万化。 开始时双方各16枚棋子 :车、马、炮、兵、将、士、象,分7个棋种,走法各不同,如马行日,象行田,炮隔子打子等。 假如找不到和你走棋的人,自己也可以和自己走棋。只要把棋盘摆好,自己轮流自己走,左手和右手走! 这样走棋,脑力和体力消耗很大。下完一盘“自助棋”,会觉得脑子细胞不够用似的,而且饿得很,真是有趣的减肥方法。 + + + + Practice Xiangqi to lose weight Someone once mentioned that practicing Xiangqi is an effective way to lose weight, believe it or not. Xiangqi is a game in which two people play an intellectual contest on a chessboard. It has a long history and the variations and combinations are ever-changing and limitless (almost). At the beginning, there are 16 Xiangqi pieces on each side: 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Cannons, 5 Pawns, 1 General, 2 Advisors, 2 Bishops, divided into 7 types, with different moves, such as Knight moves in a form of rectangle, Bishop moves obliquely across the field, Cannon strikes overhead and so on. If you can't find someone to play with you, you can play Xiangqi with yourself...


2022年1月23日,由澳大利亚与新西兰象棋好手组成的大洋洲队,挑战湖北省象棋冠军、棋王刘宗泽(刘师长) 领队的楚汉英雄会高手,在天天象棋网站展开隔空棋战。 双方同意走棋每局限时20分钟,每步限时3分钟,每走一步加10秒。 第一轮:楚汉英雄会,红棋先走: 1号台:湖北省象棋冠军、棋王刘宗泽 对 新西兰吴国华 (1-0) 2号台:陈秀轩 对 澳大利亚刘勤(1-0) 3号台:黄辉 对 澳大利亚申冠群(0-1) 4号台:屈海涛 对 澳大利亚阮日光(0-1) 5号台:许新平 对 澳大利亚阮陈杰(1-0) 6号台:许文强 对 澳大利亚杨恩(1-0) 7号台:陈鹏成 对 新西兰方文伟(0-1) 8号台:夏友生 对 新西兰周柏(0-1) 9号台:石教才 对 新西兰陈文伟(0-1) 10号台:田宇 对 新西兰钟敏(1-0) 第一轮双方成绩5胜5负,各取5分,打成平手。 第二轮:大洋洲队,红棋先走: 1号台:澳大利亚刘勤 对 湖北省象棋冠军、棋王刘宗泽(0-1) 2号台:新西兰吴国华 对 陈秀轩(1-0) 3号台:澳大利亚阮日光 对 黄辉(0-1) 4号台:澳大利亚申冠群 对 屈海涛(1-0) 5号台:新西兰钟敏 对 许新平(1-0) 6号台:新西兰陈文伟 对 许文强(1-0) 7号台:新西兰周柏 对 陈鹏成(0-1) 8号台:新西兰方文伟 对 夏友生(1-0) 9号台:澳大利亚杨恩 对 石教才(1-0) 10号台:澳大利亚阮陈杰 对 田宇(1/2 - 1/2) 第二轮总结成绩:大洋洲队6胜1和3负得6-1/2分,楚汉英雄会3胜1和6负得3-1/2分。 两轮20局总成绩:大洋洲队11胜1和8负得11-1/2分,楚汉英雄会8胜1和11负得8-1/2分. 大洋洲队胜出。 棋赛主办方希望以后能有更多机会,进行更多国际交流,促进象棋在世界发展,加强各国各地民众情谊。