The ending of "棋艺" (Chess Art)
The Ending Of "棋艺" (Chess Art) Since yesterday, the Xiangqi community has had a shocking news. Founded in 1979, the "棋艺" (Chess Art) magazine will face a "suspension of publication" in July this year. Suddenly in an abrupt way, a very sad farewell and departure. Perhaps the traditional paper publications are now out of step with modern world after all. With this year's sudden Covid epidemic, the butterfly effect has spread to all economic and social fields, a straw that kills the camel. When I was in the fifth grade, there was a kiosk on the way to school that sold snacks and stationery, as well as various bulk magazines and publications. When most of my school friends were immersed in silly jokes, fantasy tales booklets and pirated comics, I had complete different interests, I can play Xiangqi, Pai Jiu, Mahjong, these were popular games among the middle-aged and elderly people, often I would search for "strategies" from p...