















第9届世界象棋锦标赛参赛选手人数及奖金为历届之最,领队及棋手膳宿全部免费,赛事竟争异常激烈,气氛友好和谐。战果如下 :

团体赛 :冠军中国,亚军越南,季军中华台北,殿军美东,第5名中国香港,第6名新加坡,第7名美西,第8名中国澳门。

男子个人赛 :冠军吕钦,亚军李锦欢,季军阮武军,殿军刘殿中,第5名吴贵临,第6名李必炽,第7名郑亚生,第8名何荣耀,第9名赵汝权,第10名高维铉,第11名阮明昭,第12名赖汉顺,第13名纪中启,第14名鲁钟能,第15名黄俊铭,第16名吴震熙。

女子个人赛 :冠军郭莉萍,亚军高懿屏,季军黄玉莹,殿军常虹,第5名吴兰香,第6名殷美娴。

非华裔男子组 :冠军来自香港的邝伟德,亚军德国米歇尔·纳格勒,季军英国阿兰·迪克。

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First time happened in Europe. The 9th World Xiangqi Championship 2005 was organized by the French Xiangqi Association.

Led by Mr. Kim Laurent the president, Mr. Francis Corrigan the general secretary, Mr. Liang Yeqing the chief arbiter, they were the leading light of making Xiangqi more popular in Europe.

According to Mr. Xu Songhao, committee chairman of the French Xiangqi Association, the main sponsor of the tournament was Mr. Huang Qiupeng, the president.

Huang Qiupeng loved Xiangqi, he was not a big wealthy man. Outside of work, he enjoyed making friends with Xiangqi players from all over the world.

The 7th World Xiangqi Championship in 2001 was supposed to be hosted by the French Xiangqi Association, but was postponed for various reasons. In 2003, it was postponed again due to the SARS epidemic. Thus four years later, with rising cost, the budget reached as high as 300,000 euros.

True to his words, Huang Qiupeng personally contributed 250,000 euros, the tournament prize money of 30,000 euros was provided by Mr. Huo Zhenting, president of the World Xiangqi Federation, and the other 20,000 euros were sponsored by Huang Qiupeng's friends.

On July 31, 2005, the 9th World Xiangqi Championship was held in New World Chinatown, Paris. 26 teams from 19 countries and regions around the world participated in the competition.

The president of the World Xiangqi Federation, Huo Zhenting, attended the opening ceremony.

French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy sent a congratulatory letter and complimented the Chinese community.

The week-long tournament attracted international experts such as Lu Qin of China, Li Jinhuan of Macao and Wu Guilin of Chinese Taipei.

After 7 rounds of intense competition, the race for top honour got more exciting and more heated. China's Lu Qin, Liu Dianzhong and Vietnam's Nguyen Wu Jun respectively scored 6 points and went hand in hand.

In the sixth round of the women's group, China's Guo Liping defeated Australia's Chang Hong with the Black pieces, while Vietnam's Wu Lanxiang defeated Chinese Taipei Gao Yiping with the Red pieces.

On August 6, the 9th World Xiangqi Championship came to a grand conclusion in Paris.

Huang Qiupeng, chairman of the World Championship Organizing Committee and president of the French Xiangqi Association, pronounced that Xiangqi is going to be an important player on the world stage.

The 9th World Xiangqi Championship in France had the highest number of players participation and prize fund ever, free meals and accomodations for all team leaders and players, and the competition itself was fiercest, the atmosphere most friendly. The grand results are as follows:

Team Competition: Champion China, runner-up Vietnam, third runner-up Chinese Taipei, 4th US East, 5th Hong Kong, 6th Singapore, 7th US West, 8th Macao.

Men's Individual : Champion Lu Qin, runner-up Li Jinhuan, third runner-up Nguyen Wu Jun, 4th Liu Dianzhong, 5th Wu Guilin, 6th Li Biji, 7th Zheng Yasheng, 8th He Rongyao, 9th Zhao Ruquan, 10th Gao Weixuan, 11th Nguyen Minh Chao, 12th Lai Han Shun, 13th Ji Zhongqi, 14th Lu Zhongneng, 15th Huang Junming, 16th Wu Zhenxi.

Women's Individual : Champion Guo Liping, runner-up Gao Yiping, third runner-up Huang Yuying, 4th Chang Hong, 5th Wu Lanxiang, 6th Yin Meixian.

Non-Chinese Men's Category: Champion Kwong Weide from Hong Kong, runner-up Michel Nagler of Germany, and third place Alain Dekker of Great Britain.



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