
Showing posts from January, 2006

A pursuit in regret

A pursuit in regret - Yan Wenqing the chief coach of Hebei Xiangqi team As a member of the three times national team champions, Yan Wenqing who is known far and wide as master of opening theory, has done his own best for the team. Now as a chief coach player, he is once again shouldering the high responsibility of rebuilding the Hebei Xiangqi team. His great dream is when can he take his team to the national champion's throne again. Misery and joy of the chess world Yan Wenqing was born in Tangshan city, of Hebei province, in year 1967, influenced by his family and neighbours, he loved the game since his childhood, he was clever and quick in learning, at the age of 5 or 6 he already knew how to play, when a little bit older, at about 10, he was able to play with grown up persons. Talking about his childhood, Yan Wenqing would happily give a laugh, he said from primary school to his middle school days, he was very much attracted by Xiangqi, whether he was having a meal, walking alon...

[转贴] 遗憾中的追求 . . .

不时转贴, 也把搜到的象棋故事或文学收到我的博客中,是一件乐事, 希望为它翻译一下. [转贴]遗憾中的追求 - 记河北象棋队主教练阎文清   作为一名队员, 有布局大师之称的阎文清为河北象棋队三夺全国团体冠军立下过汗马功劳, 而今作为象棋队的主教练兼队员, 他再次承担起了河北象棋队振兴的重担. 现在, 他心中最大的梦想, 就是何时能把河北象棋再次带到全国冠军的宝座.    棋坛苦乐    1967年阎文清出生在河北省唐山市, 受家人及四邻的影响, 阎文清自小就酷爱象棋, 加上天资聪慧, 五六岁就会下棋, 十几岁就能与大人过招. 谈起童年的记忆, 阎文清笑了,他说, 我上小学和中学时, 对象棋简直到了痴迷的程度, 无论是吃饭、走路还是上课, 满脑子想的都是下棋. 有一次上课的铃声响了, 我还背着书包在大街上看人下棋, 老师带着全班同学找到我, 揪着我的耳朵问, 阎文清你是下棋还是上学. 我知道自己旷课不对, 也知道老师是为我好, 可我心里就是放不下象棋. 说来也怪, 虽然我旷课不少, 可是每次考试前, 我只要把书本翻一翻, 考试成绩总是名列前茅.   后来, 在当地棋手曹小宝的引见下, 阎文清在唐山著名教练陈春江和开滦棋手程福银的指导下棋艺水平迅速攀升. 1982年, 15岁的阎文清首次参加省象棋赛便夺得少年组亚军. 1983年进入省象棋队后, 在刘殿中、李来群这两位国内著名象棋大师的悉心指导下, 阎文清在技艺、心理素质等多方面都有了长足进步. 1985年, 18岁的阎文清就和刘殿中、李来群一起夺得了全国团体赛冠军. 此后, 他多次征战国内国外重大赛事, 并在1999年和许银川一起代表中国参加第六届世界象棋锦标赛, 获得团体冠军.    重任在肩    近几年, 随着队内的 "领军人物" 李来群淡出棋坛, 刘殿中年事已高, 加上政务缠身, 河北象棋队也到了青黄不接的时候, 作为队内的中坚力量, 阎文清义无返顾地接过刘殿中的帅印, 出任河北象棋队主教练, 担当起了振兴河北象棋的重任. 谈到角色的转变, 阎文清坦言, 现在比以前责任更重了, 从前作为棋手, 只要下好自己的棋就行, 而现在队员的棋我也要帮他们摆一摆, 这对我的要求更高了. 同时, 队员的水平提高, 队伍后备人才的培养都要费心.   多年来, 河北象棋队一直在国内名列前茅, 成绩也非常的好...

An Elephant found under a chair

A Xiang (Elephant) found under a chair This morning I was writing a few lines about the story of the 'missing piece', at the same time surfing other websites, which brought me to some 'blogs' hosted by a 'portal', clicked for 'comments' as the figure 72 was mentioned, just at that time my computer's screen blacked out ! This is the real thing of the 'missing piece', I lost what I wrote, it was quite annoying ! The nice thing was my friend had a kind message for me, "dear youhao, thank you for organising the chess to-day. It turned to be quite a success which everyone seemed to enjoy. It was good to meet old friends - and make some new ones. I have the missing piece (red žn) found under a chair." A chess piece of Xiang (Elephant) found under a chair ! All right, things can be recovered, life admittedly is full of surprise in a way. Though my lost original writing will never be found again, I would also be a little bit wary to visite ...

Welcoming the Year of the Dog

Welcoming the Year of the Dog at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, 29th January, 2006. I think I speak for the thousands of people who attended the museum today to enjoy the celebration of the Chinese New Year. The programme was so comprehensive and varied that all tastes and interests were catered for. The list of activities is too long to detail but it covers events under more than 25 headings. So there was something to fascinate everyone who attended - young and old, London residents as well as tourists. There seemed to be nothing but praise for the organisers and enjoyment of the visitors lucky enough to attend. It was truly a fun day and one appropriate for welcoming in the New Year. FP


布莱尔首相祝贺中国新年 英国首相托尼·布莱尔从唐宁街10号发表中国新年的祝贺, 他说他高兴给中国社区他的最好的愿望, 每个人在即将来临的狗年幸福快乐. 布莱尔首相说, 中国新年庆祝现已伸展到中国社区之外, 和不同背景的人一起分享.

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square in central London on Sunday Celebrating Chinese New Year Sunday 29 January 2006 The Grand Parade from Charing Cross Road to Trafalgar Square, arriving at Trafalgar Square around 11.45am. In the afternoon there were Dragons and Lions Dance, Shaanxi and Beijing Dance Troupes, Shenzhen Arts Troupe, Martial Arts, Children's Folk Dance, Acrobats from Hunan, 1st Fireworks in Leicester Square 14.00pm, 2nd Fireworks 15.00pm, events finished around 17.30pm. Meanwhile in Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL, celebrations continues from 11.00am until 17.00 with song, dance, music, painting, tea ceremony and the Xiangqi. Beginners of the game were quickly given initiation with the following concise instructions written specially by XIANGQI EN BLOG for the occasion : Soldiers march forward Gun fires over mountain The Horse gallops in L shape The Elephant runs 4 corners The Car is driven straight on The Guard in good company Making one diag...

究竟在哪里能玩一盘中国象棋 ?

究竟在哪里你能够试玩一盘中国象棋, 同时也庆祝狗年的到来? 来自我的博客的一个暗示: 就在2006年1月29日(星期日), 地点: 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,克伦威尔路, 伦敦SW7 2RL, 从上午11点到下午5点, Raphael Court. 同时其他有吸引力的节目包括茶座,拉面条,水果和蔬菜雕刻,中国珠算等等. 在授课剧院(Lecture Theatre),会有舞狮,功夫,中国歌剧,民间舞蹈,杂技, 甚至一次神秘的魔术!

Where to try out Chinese Chess ?

Where on earth can one be trying out Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) and celebrating The Year of the Dog at the same time? A hint from this blog: it is on Sunday 29th January 2006, that is tomorrow ! Join the Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL, from around 11.00am to 17.00pm at Raphael Court. Meet the strong and enthusiastic Xiangqi players and play/or learn to play some friendly games. At the same time, again at Raphael Court, there will be other attractive programmes including tea tasting and ceremony, noodle pulling, fruit and vegetable carving, Chinese abacus demonstration. While in the Lecture Theatre, there will be performances of Lion Dance, Shaolin Kung Fu, Chinese opera, folk dance, acrobats and even a magic show !

Xiangqi Master Zhu Jianqiu

Xiangqi Master Zhu Jianqiu Written in memory of deceased Xiangqi Master Mr Zhu Jianqiu Chapter One I wrote down the title, and felt a little shiver. I can remember him clearly, the author of 'Ghost Hand Hundred Games', the Xiangqi Master Zhu Jianqiu, who was no more in this world. He was sitting in his small sandwich room measuring 10 square metres, writing his chess book --- 'Ghost Hand Hundred Games', when I gave him a visit, I sat opposite him, besides the Baxian table, as usual, on the table there was set up a chess board with its pieces, and also there were manuscript. That was the year when he was of 74 or 75 years old, and because he was quite thin, he looked older than his real age. His face still of a light pale colour, however, with deep wrinkles and fallen corners of the mouth, with veines of the neck eminently sticking out, he gave me the impression of a concrete column of an abandoned building site. His eyes were thinly veiled by cataracts, envelopped in hi...

[转帖] 象棋大师朱剑秋

主要的是, 把这个故事搜集在我的象棋博客中, 在故事消失在薄薄的空气中以前. 我希望把故事翻译为英文, 简单的也行. [转帖]象棋大师朱剑秋 谨以此文纪念已故象棋大师朱剑秋先生. 第一章 我一写下这个题目, 就不禁打了一个寒颤. 我面前出现了他, 《鬼手百局》的作者, 有 "象棋大师" 称号的, 即拥有 "象棋大师 " 这个国家级专门职称的, 已故专业棋手, 朱剑秋. 他坐在他那间十平方米的夹板房中. 他正在写着他的那本棋谱 --- 《鬼手百局》. 我去看望他. 我们对坐在他的那张八仙桌两侧. 桌上一如既往地摆着一盘棋, 还有 文稿. 他那年大约七十四、五. 因为过瘦, 他显得比实际年龄要老. 他的脸面虽然白净, 但沟壑赫然, 横向的在额头, 纵向的在两颊, 嘴角被这些深深的皱纹牵拉得松松地垂了下来. 他的脖子饱绽着几根粗筋, 令我想起烂尾工地里耸立着的水泥立柱. 他的蒙着白翳的两颗眼珠, 被包裹在糜红潮湿的眼眶里. "鬼手, 是我们象棋术上的一个专用名称," 他向我解释道, "诡异, 奇谲, 攻时出其不意, 守则难以预料, 一招出手, 便通盘弥漫鬼气....". "常常因此而造成千年难解之残局." 我说. "唉 --- " 他长长地叹了口气, 红红的眼眶里灰白的瞳仁悲哀地对住了我, 同时摇着头, "又来胡说. 鬼手是鬼手, 残局是残局, 鬼手是招数, 残局是结果, 两者根本就风马牛不相及 ! 我早就说你永不会成为真正的棋手. 你不动脑筋...." 他一摇头, 两颊就凄凉地微微晃动, 筋骨突现的脖子显得格外地细弱了. 我连忙给他的茶杯续上热水, 以此打断他的话头. "这是我刚从杭州龙井村买来的雨前狮峰, 泡出第二道来, 才香呢 ! " 我说. 除了棋, 他只有另一宗嗜好, 那就是茶, 好茶. 他啜了一口茶, 点点头, 只是不再理我, 顾自摆开了棋局. 他住在我们全楼结构最差的三层夹板房内. 面积约有十二三平方. 左邻是我家, 前厢房, 面临山东路; 右邻是后厢房, 窗下是弄堂, 叫永乐里, "文革" 期间改称过 "永斗里", 现在自然又改回来了, 一度住过母子俩,姓吴,...

Champion not the finish line

Champion is not the finish line - Ms Zhang Guofeng's told us her inner world. After I have won the title of women's national champion of Xiangqi, the state of my mind has become complicated. I am feeling very happy and calm. What has made me feel happy is that my efforts in the past several years are now paid. However, I am not so exhilarated as I had expected, because the way ahead is still very long, and there are so many other champions that are waiting for me to take up challenges. Thanks to my luck, I won the championships this time. I met Zhu Weiying (Shanghai) in the third game. When I was in an inferior position that I would definitely lose the game, Zhu committed a big blunder. This was a good chance for me that I never had in so many years. I thought that I must not let the chance slip away. In the subsequent games, I defeated Zhao Guanfang and Wang Linna and became the sole leader with 5.5 points. I played Guo Ruixia in the seventh game and thought I must win the gam...

烟花庆祝 ~ Fireworks

烟花庆祝,有时是为了例如完成我的博客生活一个月,为一场成功的比赛,为中国新年的到来, 就是这样. There is always occasion for a fireworks display, like for example completing a month of my blogging life, the successful conclusion of a chess tournament, the arrival of the Chinese New Year, and so on.

北京 "狗不理杯" 棋赛成绩

北京市首届 "狗不理杯" 象棋大奖赛完全成绩 名次/姓名/积分/对手分/赢棋 1. 魏国同, 9 83.0 8 2. 何建中, 8.5 78.5 7 3. 靳玉砚, 8.5 78.5 6 4. 才 溢, 8.5 75.5 7 5. 袁洪梁, 8.5 72.5 6 6. 张 鹏, 8.5 69.5 8 7. 洪磊鑫, 8 75.0 7 8. 刘克非, 8 73.5 5 9. 宋世军, 8 73.0 7 10. 高 来, 8 70.5 7 11. 张 伟, 8 69.0 6 12. 张任远, 8 68.5 7 13. 郭光耀, 8 67.0 8 14. 田长兴, 7.5 75.5 7 15= 蒋国彬, 7.5 73.5 6 15= 荆 聪, 7.5 73.5 6 17. 商思源, 7.5 73.0 7 18. 韩选城, 7.5 72.5 5 19. 刘 智, 7.5 71.5 6 20. 张卫东, 7.5 71.0 5 21. 钱 钧, 7.5 67.5 5 22. 庞会来, 7.5 65.0 7 23. 唐文祥, 7.5 63.5 6 24. 梁 勇, 7.5 60.5 7 25. 殷广顺, 7 76.5 4 26. 董子仲, 7 75.5 6 27. 张锦旗, 7 74.0 6 28. 孙光琪, 7 73.0 5 29. 庞瑞德, 7 72.5 6 30. 赵 立, 7 72.5 5 31. 舒雨腊, 7 70.0 5 32. 孙 博, 7 70.0 4 33. 唐 丹, 7 68.0 4 34. 任 刚, 7 67.5 5 35. 高锡昆, 7 66.5 5 36= 毕洪奎, 7 64.5 6 36= 李玉成, 7 64.5 6 38. 王 昊, 7 60.0 6 39. 李永泉, 7 59.0 6 40. 周正海, 7 56.0 7 41. 张一男, 6.5 75.0 5 42. 于 川, 6.5 73.5 5 43. 付学礼, 6.5 72.0 6 44. 彭 铂, 6.5 71.5 5 45. 杨永明, 6.5 71.0 4 46. 罗春阳, 6.5 70.0 5 47. 田振忠, 6.5 69.0 6 48. 张国权, 6.5 69.0 5 49. 马 维, 6.5 68.5 6 50= 孙伟吉, 6.5 67.0 6 50= 郭 宇,...

Wei Guotong winner of Goubuli Cup

Wei Guotong victorious in Goubuli Cup A replay of part of the tournament. On Saturday 21st, 3 more rounds were contested. Jin Yuyan played brilliantly winning all his 3 games thereby joining the leading group, while the tournament leader Wei Guotong was beaten by Cai Yi. These leading players each had scored 7.5 points. They were chased closely by He Jianzhong, Hong Leixin, Song Shijun, Yuan Hongliang and Jiang Guobin, all of them scoring 7 points, only half a point behind the group leaders. The 'child genius' Dong Zizhong, aged 12, is left far behind, positioning himself in 19th place with 6 points. After two more rounds, the Goubuli Cup is now successfully concluded, and the winner is Wei Guotong, runner-up is He Jianzhong, third is Jin Yuyan and fourth is Cai Yi.

[转贴]一代宗师 超凡脱俗--我所认识的象棋大师胡荣华

[转贴]一代宗师 超凡脱俗--我所认识的象棋大师胡荣华 我在43年前就认识了胡荣华. 那时因为要学围棋, 常到上海棋社找老先生们下指导棋, 就看见胡荣华不时过来专注地观看棋局. 1964年我从少体校调到上海棋社当专业棋手, 在宿舍里和胡荣华是上下铺, 这以后就和只比我大两岁的胡荣华非常熟悉了.   触类旁通    很多人可能不知道, 有一度上海市体委领导准备让胡荣华改行学围棋. 但胡荣华训练不到半年, 又因故重新再下象棋. 正因为有这么一段因缘, 所以胡荣华的围棋水平相当高. 我刚进队的那一年, 几乎每天晚上都要和胡荣华下围棋, 那时他让我一先.    有一次, 胡荣华在角上下了一个变化. 我告诉他这样下亏了. 胡荣华不服气. 我正好用棋书上看来的"解剖"原理, 用改变行棋次序的方法证明胡荣华的下法确实不行. 胡荣华当时听后显得非常有兴趣, 而且事后连连夸围棋的解剖法很有道理.    过了一个月, 广东象棋队到上海来与上海队下对抗赛. 第二轮由胡荣华先走对陈柏祥. 胡荣华先摆了当头炮, 但第十一步时又主动把中炮卸了下来. 结果这盘棋陈柏祥输后连连搔头说: "小胡架上中炮又卸掉, 以后我就不会下了."    当时跟着去观战的我, 在回棋社的路上就问胡荣华: "你把中炮架上又卸掉, 这不白白浪费一手棋吗?" 胡荣华得意地说: "这是学习围棋的解剖法才领悟到的. 因为虽然卸中炮浪费了一手棋, 但却让对手的车炮全不在好的位置上. 而对手做调整至少要花二三手棋, 所以实际上还是我便宜了手数."    据说这以后, 胡荣华对传统的象棋布局都进行了脱胎换骨的改变. 一些本来偏门的如 "飞相局", "龟背炮" 等布局也在胡荣华手里大放异彩, 胡荣华进入了一个创新的丰产期.   无字天书    象棋运动员训练, 大都一个人对着棋盘来回挪子, 专业术语称为"拆棋". 拆棋结束后, 棋手便把成果记录在自己的本子上. 因此, 象棋手的训练本本, 一般是不能轻易给别人看的. 因为密密麻麻写着的各种变化全是自己研究的心血, 生怕有人会盗用了它.    记得我正式进队后, 象棋队员个个都在每天训练结束后, 非常仔细地把训练本本放进有锁的抽屉, 然后再用手拉拉...

Portrait of a Xiangqi Master I knew

Original title: 一代宗师 超凡脱俗--我所认识的象棋大师胡荣华 I have first known Hu Ronghua 43 years ago. At that time I was learning the game of Weiqi, I often went to Shanghai Qishe (chess centre) to take coaching lessons from the veterans teachers, and very often I saw Hu Ronghua came to my table and watched attentively the game. In 1964 I moved away from the youth sporting school class were I was attending to Shanghai Qishe to become a specialised chess player, in the dormitory I and Hu Ronghua shared the same bunker, one slept in upper deck, the other in lower deck. Since then I was very acquainted with Hu Ronghua, who was two years older than me. He learned the quick way Not many people know that at one time the Shanghai sports committee leaders had decided sending Hu Ronghua to study Weiqi instead of continuing with his Xiangqi study, however, after less than half a year's of Weiqi training, he was again transferred back to Xiangqi. Because of this development, Hu Ronghua can play Weiqi to a good...

Joy and happiness of play

Mr Zhu Baowei, a well known writer and arbiter of the game, when writing the Preface on his excellent book 'Basic Xiangqi Checkmate Methods', said: "The game of Xiangqi is similar to the deployment of forces for military operation. Though it is a battle on Xiangqi board, its theory is similar to the military strategy and tactics. As it is stipulated by the Xiangqi rules, the side that captures the opponent's King will be the winner of the game. Therefore, each side tries to outwit his opponent and strives to show his bravery in taking various kinds of checkmate methods and to do his best to seize every opportunity for winning the victory. The game of Xiangqi is rendered with a mysterious hue. Nearly all Xiangqi players or fans understand that the checkmate method takes an important position in the Xiangqi game. However, some of the players believe that "the checkmate method can only play its roles in the end game." But in reality, we often see that in the hea...

Astonishing memory of Liu Dahua

With Xiangqi text books full in his head, Grandmaster Liu Dahua plays Xiangqi wherever he is. In appearance, he is tall and robust, with swarthy skin, looking like a man from the north of China. But when you talk to him, what you can hear from him is the pure Hubei accent. Then, you can believe that he is born and raised in Hubei. As a common person, he is honest and kind when getting along with people, never giving thought to his personal gains and losses. As a Xiangqi master, he always fights for every move of his game, never showing leniency toward his opponent, even when he has gained the initiative. Sometimes, some amateur Xiangqi players request a draw, he would say bluntly, "I think I have the chance to win." Then, he would win the game straight away, without any consideration of the sensibility of his opponent. This is Liu Dahua, a name that can 'rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing' in the Xiangqi circles. He has put an end to the twenty years' monopol...

"狗不理杯" 棋赛奖金高

"狗不理杯" 象棋大赛奖金高 中国象棋现在有越来越多的杯赛, 奖金越来越丰富. "狗不理杯" 象棋大奖赛是北京一次高奖金的比赛, 天津狗不理王府井总店赞助, 2006年1月19日至22日举行. 奖金冠军30,000元, 亚军15,000元, 第16名也有奖. 男子国家大师以外的业余象棋爱好者, 都可参加, 不收报名费. 比赛进行了多轮, 争夺十分激烈, 前三轮全胜领先的有才溢、张一男等, 靳玉砚、"神童"董子仲以半分差距咬紧. 朝阳区乐澜宝邸赛场,连日来成了一个很热闹的地方, 北京和天津的棋手就有200人, 加上家人, 亲戚, 朋友,以及观众,王府井总店的人气和吸引力大大增加了.

La Coupe Goubuli attire la foule

La Coupe Goubuli attire la grande foule Le tournoi de Xiangqi de la Coupe Goubuli est sans aucun doute ayant un des plus grands fonds à Pékin, avec un premier prix totalisant 30.000 yuan, le deuxième prix de 15.000 yuan, jusqu'à le 16e prix. Sauf les Maîtres Nationaux et les Grand-maîtres, tous les joueurs d'amateur sont qualifiés pour enregistrer libre pour la compétition. Le tournoi est organisé de dix-neuvième à 22e janvier 2006, déjà le résultat du premier trois ronds est annoncé, Cai Yi et Zhang Yinan mènent avec 3 points de 3 jeux, suivant d'un demi point moins sont Jin Yuyan et Dong Zizhong, le dernier n'est qu'un 'enfant génie' agé de 12 ans ! Les combats d'échecs de plus en plus intenses et difficiles sont prévus jusqu'au dernier moment.

Goubuli Cup attracts big crowd

Goubuli Cup attracts big crowd Gou Bu Li Cup (狗不理杯) Xiangqi tournament is undoubtedly one of the biggest chess prize funds ever offered in Beijing, with a first prize money totalling 30,000 yuan, runner-up prize money of 15,000 yuan, and other prizes down to the 16th. Except for National Masters and higher titled players, all other amateur players are qualified to register free for the competition. The tournament is being conducted from 19th to 22nd January 2006, already the result of the first three rounds are announced, Cai Yi and Zhang Yinan are leading with 3 points out of 3 games, half a point behind are Jin Yuyan and the 12 years old 'child genius' Dong Zizhong. More intense and difficult chess battles are expected until the last minutes of the competition.

Invitation from Mr. Kong Guang Xi

Have seen an Invitation addressed to Mr. Michael Nägler in the Chinese website, with a request for help to pass it on to its destination. Mr. Kong Guang Xi is really keen to send out the Invitation to Mr. Michael Nägler, so here we are, we hope it is helpful by re-publishing it here to achieve Mr. Kong's purpose of delivering the Invitation to the recipient, it is also a good test to see if my blog is reaching as far as Germany ! Invitation Dear Mr Michel·Negarer, Vice-chairman of the World Chess Association It’s six years since we played together in the chess match “Guo Gong Pao” in Shanghai. I’m very grateful when thinking of it. We are going to hold a “Shangchong Cup” tournament in which famous chess players are invited to make a research of the new rules for the game “Guo Gong Pao” on January 31, 2006 in my home town—Shangchong village, Leliu town, Shunde district, Foshan city, Guangdong Province, China. Mr Hong Zhi, champion of the Chinese chess this year is going to play agai...


[转帖]象棋:何时能走出华人圈 (今天看到一篇文章,我也乘机说说个人的两点见解. 大家对想法的交流, 对于象棋社区发展是有好处的吧? 1) 华人是推动象棋走向世界的一份重要核心力量. 2)象棋需要多多进入华人圈(社区), 否则不久后它将完全消失 !) [转帖]象棋:何时能走出华人圈 工人日报记者童德芸 (获全国日报体育好新闻三等奖) 象棋是中华民族灿烂的文化奇葩, 已有上千年的历史, 在世界各地, 凡是有华人的地方就有它的存在. 但是作为一种智力竞技项目, 象棋由于缺乏高水平的非华裔选手参与, 因而无论是亚洲锦标赛还是世界锦标赛, 其比赛的激烈程度、影响力以及在国内受关注的程度都处于一种比较尴尬的境地. 对此, 不少人慨叹—— 象棋只是华人圈的体育活动 第13届亚洲象棋锦标赛本月22日在北京举行了比较隆重的开幕式. 记者在开幕式上发现, 各个参赛队无论官员、运动员,全部都是东亚、南亚人的长相, 看上去非常亲切. 而且与其它项目的洲际比赛不同的是, 在有14个国家和地区参加的国际赛事中竟然通用中国普通话, 而且没有语言障碍. 象棋裁判王孔兴告诉记者, 本届亚锦赛虽然有14个国家和地区参赛, 但除了一个地道的日本人外, 包括澳大利亚队在内, 几乎都是有中国血统的华裔. 其实, 象棋在世界发展的现状也是如此, 亚洲锦标赛也好, 世界锦标赛也好, 历史超过千年的象棋依然只是全球华人圈的体育赛事. 在中国的三大棋中, 象棋有着最为广泛的群众基础. 在中央电视台收视率的调查中, 象棋仅次于足球、赛车,列赛事转播收视率第三位. 据说有2亿中国人都会下象棋. 但是, 从事这样一项有着非常广泛群众基础运动的棋手的生存环境却处于比较尴尬的境地, 远不如围棋、国际象棋选手. 象棋特级大师胡荣华在解释这种现象时说, 围棋是因为有中国、日本、韩国三国对垒, 而且有外国资本的注入; 国际象棋因为是有100多个国家参与的世界锦标赛、奥林匹克团体赛等世界级赛事, 中国队的成绩好, 同样也吸引国人的关注; 而象棋参与的基本是华人, 除了中国大陆外, 其他地方的都是业余选手, 水平根本无法与中国的专业选手比, 比如, 此次亚锦赛三项冠军毫无悬念地均被大陆选手囊括. 没有竞争对手, 自然就不会引起人们太多的关注. 欧美人并非拒绝东方文化 象棋不仅体现了深厚的中国文化, 同时也有丰富的变化, 具有非常大的...


(这是转帖,一时间不知道谁是作者,如果任何人知道作者是谁, 请转告他我们的感谢.) [转帖]我一直想把他的故事写出来 我一直想把他的故事写出来 30多年前, 在美国南方乔治亚州, 有一位11岁的少年. 一天, 他哥哥从外面学了下国际象棋, 回到家教他, 很快他就下赢了哥哥. 哥哥觉得没意思, 再也不跟他下了. 少年长大参加了空军, 退役之后到加州的一个机场工作. 休息时, 偶尔会到一个海湾俱乐部找人下下棋. 一次, 一个对手问他, 是否看过棋书? 他大吃一惊: "下棋还会有书么?" "当然. 如果你看些棋书, 会下得很不同的." "于是在我22岁那年, 第一次翻开了一本棋书." 斯蒂芬 . 默罕默德回忆说. 又是20来年过去了, 他成了一位职业棋手. 在乔治亚州, 他的国际等级分(2390)排名第一, 多次获得州冠军, 并数次在正式慢棋赛中战胜特级大师. 他是成年以后, 完全靠自学成功的. 我一直想把他的故事写出来, 给那些成年以后才接触国际像棋的棋迷们作为参考. 之所以迟迟未动笔, 是因为前年的州杂志上刊登了他获得国际大师的报导, 当时说他是历史上第二位获国际大师头衔的黑人棋手; 而国际棋联的网页上, 他的头衔至今仍是棋协大师. 我想一定是哪个环节出了错, 比方国际棋联没有承认他参加过的某次大赛, 所得到的序分无效之类. 然而在我心目中, 他是值得尊敬的真正的大师. 我经常在比赛时见到他, 不下棋的时候笑眯眯的, 一到赛台上则全神贯注, 盯着棋盘一动不动, 活像一位得道的老僧. 当孩子不认真考虑就轻率走棋的时候, 我就会说: "你看看默罕默德, 他是怎么想棋的?" 默罕默德跟卡斯帕罗夫年纪相当. 在卡斯帕罗夫登上棋王宝座的时候, 默罕默德才开始学棋; 现在棋王已经宣布退役, 默罕默德还未实现自己的奋斗目标, ──特级大师头衔. 但他仍不松懈, 仍努力靠近这一目标. 在一个月前结束的全球挑战赛中, 他又一次战胜一位特级大师, 来自南斯拉夫、比自己年轻10余岁的 Vladimir Georgie(2563). 这次大赛,是可以计大师序分的. 作为棋手, 他的日子过得并不富裕. 要经常参赛, 就不能花太多时间和精力教棋挣钱; 而钱挣得不够, 就无法参加国际级的大赛. 但他依然目标坚定, 十分...

A memorable evening of music

Many thanks to our enthusiastic contributor and music lover FP who wrote the following article immediately after attending the performance ! Virtuoso performances on Biwa, Pipa and Oud (types of lute from Japan, China, and Arabia) . A full house at SOAS was treated to a memorable evening of music on Wednesday 18 January performed by accomplished players from Japan, China and Arabia. Music, old and new, was played and was greeted by considerable applause. The contrasts between the various instruments were brought out by the players with pathos and emotion holding the audience enthralled. A brilliant final piece, in which all three took part, was presented with beauty and delicacy. I am sure that everyone left the theatre with memories to treasure. ~ by FP ~

Stories and allusions

Origin of Chu River and Han Boundary Where is the Chu River and Han Boundary which the Xiangqi board refers to? If you travel to Zhengzhou, a city in the Central Plains of China, from where you can take a car to Xingyang county in 30 minutes, and then drive to Guangwu Mountain, there, you can find a canyon dividing the Guangwu City into the eastern part and western part. This is the boundary separating the Chu and the Han as the historical story goes. According to the historical material, during the Chu-Han warring period, the two armies led by Xiang Yu and Liu Bang pitted against each other. For several years, the troops of both sides were deployed in the Guangwu Mountain, but separated by the canyon. As Liu Bang had intercepted the supplies from Jiang-Hui area, Xiang Yu's men in the rear was weakly defended and his army would become an isolated force. Xiang Yu was so anxious that he wanted to challenge Liu Bang alone in single combat, in a attempt to win the victory by his indivi...

The Red King and the Black King

The Red King and the Black King. The formation of Xiangqi is closely related to the historic "Chu-Han Contest". Xiangqi pieces are divided into red and black, so also the King of each side. There is also an allusion about it. In the early days when Xiangqi just came into the playing development, Red King used to refer to Liu Bang, and Black King to Xiang Yu, that is, red representing Liu Bang's army, black the Xiang Yu's army. The story told us that Liu Bang was leading around that time an uprising in Mangdang Mountain and one night, he slaughtered a big white snake. This story is still very popular among the people. After the snake was killed, an old lady climbing the mountain, was heard crying. When asked, she said that his son was the son of the White Emperor, changed into a snake playing in the mountain. After telling these words, the lady disappeared. This story was a suggestion that the former Qin Dynasty (which had just been destroyed) would soon be replaced by...

Artists with Biwa, Pipa and Oud

Three artists with Biwa, Pipa and Oud in Lute Festival. G and F whom I have met on a Sunday Xiangqi tournament, have let me know of a Lute's concert tomorrow. Here are the informations given to me which they wished also to pass on to people who may be interested. Perhaps the blog is of some use in this way. Biwa, Pipa, Oud: Lute Fest! Cheng Yu (Chinese pipa) Ahmed Mukhtar (Arabic oud) Wednesday 18 January, 7.00pm Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre SOAS Thornhaugh Street, Russell Sq, London WC1X Admission FREE, NO ticket required These three widely recorded artists introduce the ※pear-shaped lutes§ of their cultures in a unique comparative concert. Each performer will showcase their instrument via both a traditional and a modern piece, and the evening will conclude with a short jam session. Junko Ueda is at home both with the traditional satsuma-biwa repertoire and with the works of contemporary composers such as Takemitsu. Her teacher, Tsuruta Kinshi, was the artist for whom Takemitsu ...