Joy and happiness of play

Mr Zhu Baowei, a well known writer and arbiter of the game, when writing the Preface on his excellent book 'Basic Xiangqi Checkmate Methods', said: "The game of Xiangqi is similar to the deployment of forces for military operation. Though it is a battle on Xiangqi board, its theory is similar to the military strategy and tactics. As it is stipulated by the Xiangqi rules, the side that captures the opponent's King will be the winner of the game. Therefore, each side tries to outwit his opponent and strives to show his bravery in taking various kinds of checkmate methods and to do his best to seize every opportunity for winning the victory. The game of Xiangqi is rendered with a mysterious hue.

Nearly all Xiangqi players or fans understand that the checkmate method takes an important position in the Xiangqi game. However, some of the players believe that "the checkmate method can only play its roles in the end game." But in reality, we often see that in the heated mid-game battles, being eager to achieve a quick success and instant benefit, one side often neglects to defend his own King, offering the opponent an opportunity for making a counterattack or winning the game. Although sometimes, a player has a chance a take a successive checkmate, as he is rusty on the checkmate methods, he bungles a chance of winning the battle, or loses the game. Such cases are often seen in actual competitions. And there are numerous examples showing that some players take advantage of checkmate methods in seizing opponent's pieces. In fact, the checkmate methods play a very important role, directly or indirectly, not only in the end game, but also in the mid-game, even in the entire game.

To sum up, the checkmate method is the core of the Xiangqi skill. All players, no matter that they are rudimentary, or of certain level, should study the checkmate method and take it as an important subject in training. It is impossible for a player to defeat his opponent and win the victory if he overlooks this point.

Some people might think, since the checkmate method is so important, is there any short-cut for raising one's skill of checkmate method? To say frankly, Xiangqi is an art, and its checkmate methods are numerous and profound. There is no such short cut for us to take. Especially so for the beginners, they must start their study on the elementary knowledge. Based on his experience in teaching Xiangqi, the author has written this book, hoping that our readers can benefit from it."

Mr Zhu Baowei had concluded his Preface with the following remarks: "The book has included more than two hundred games (compositions). Subjectively, we try to achieve reasonable deployment of the pieces in each game. They should be interesting, of practical value, and concise in checkmate method. Here, we'd like to point it out that most of the checkmate methods are of the rudimentary level, and some of the intermediary or high level. By doing this, it can help our readers to have a better understanding of the checkmate method, so that those promising players can be upgraded into the ranks of the middle level Xiangqi players in a short time.

A brilliant checkmate method is of an aesthetic feeling as that of the art works. Let's jointly share the joys and happiness of the Xiangqi play.

Source: World Xiangqi Federation
Chinese Xiangqi Association


Anonymous said…
The piece most impressive for me is the canyon catapult, more tactic than queen in international chess. The strategy of a fast attack is common.

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