
Showing posts from 2010

Christmas Xiangqi Tournament

A get together Xiangqi Tournament with 8 to 10 players will be held this Christmas in Acton, the date is most probably on the 18th of December, watch this space or contact the organisors if you are attracted to the idea. 象棋比赛兼联欢,在这个即将到来的圣诞期间,12月18日(星期六)从中午开始,到晚上尽興而止,人数将控制在10人之内,地点定于伦敦的Acton区。有意参与者可与博主及时联系。

14th Mind Sports Olympiad, Chinese Chess

第十四届智力奥林匹亚运动会,中国象棋比赛 14th Mind Sports Olympiad, Chinese Chess 2010年8月22日(星期日)上午十点半到下午六点 Sunday 22nd August from 10:30 to 18:00. 地点: 苏豪剧院 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE At the Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE 最近地铁站: Tottenham Court Road. Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road. Also within 5 minutes walk are Leicester Square, Oxford Circus & Piccadilly Circus. 欢迎报名参赛或到场观战。All welcome to the participation!


第26届“慕忠杯” 欧洲象棋锦标赛定于9月11-12日在德国汉堡举行,欢迎英国及欧洲其他各地象棋爱好者报名参赛,办法:可直接联系德国象棋协会Xue Zhong先生: 电话: +49 89 3260 3395 手机: +49 176 3201 2281 电邮: 或网上报名: 又或者开赛之前在现场报名。 The 26th European Xiangqi Championship will be held in Hamburg Yu- Garden on Sep.11-12, 2010. The German Xiangqi Association have invited the Chinese Grandmaster delegation (3 grandmasters plus 1 master) to visit the tournament and make a simultanous game show during the event. Invitation at the same time to all players and enthusiasts in Europe to the 26th European Xiangqi Championship at Yu-Garden in Hamburg. The German Xiangqi Association (DXB) ( will undertake the 26th European Xiangqi Championship in Hamburg on 11-12 September 2010. The tournament is listed as one of the key events on the occasion of Hamburg ChinaTime Festival 2010 for the celebration of Shanghai World Expo. Meanwhile DXB will invite Chinese Xiangqi Association (CXA) Grandmaster delegation ...

Play Online Games

现在给大家介绍多一个在网上可以下棋的地方,下棋之余,还可以听歌、看录影、写博客等。 这个新的网址是 ,不妨一试。 A new Xiangqi website is gradually getting itself known to the general public and online game enthusiasts, after the initial step of registration, members can play online games, save games (automatically) for review, connect with friends, take part in the site's tournaments, plus enjoying videos, music, blogs etc. If you want to broaden your online playing horizon, try it at the new


(象棋通讯)由南宁市体育局、南宁市体育总会、 广西象棋协会等单位承办,中国象棋协会指导的第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛,定于 2010年9月19日至25日在南宁市举行,比赛项目分为个人赛与及团体赛。 每队可报领队1名,运动员2名,性别、 年龄不限。 被邀请的国家和地区包括文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、 老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南、日本、 韩国、欧洲、美洲、亚太国家;香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、 中华台北。另外,广西壮族自治区和南宁市将各 有一 支代表队参赛。 第二届南宁象棋国际邀请赛将 采用瑞士制, 及采用亚洲象棋联合会象棋规则。同队棋手每轮均避免对碰。比赛用时每方基本60分钟, 每步加15秒,超时判负,棋手自行记录着法。 奖励办法: 团体赛奖励前六名,个人赛奖励前八名, 所有参赛者均颁发纪念品。各代表队比赛期间的食宿费、市内交通费、 游览费全部 由大会负责。 9 月 19 日 下午将 举行领队技术会议, 20 日下午6时30分 举行欢迎酒会, 24 日下午6时 30分 举行颁奖酒会,25日各代表队离会回国,或自费继续游览观光。 2nd Nanning Xiangqi International Invitational Tournament (Xiangqi news) Under the guidance of Chinese Xiangqi Association, the Nanning Sports Bureau, Nanning Athletic Federation and the Guangxi Xiangqi Association together with other official units undertake to organize the 2nd Nanning Xiangqi International Invitational Tournament, from 19th to 25th of September 2010 in the city of Nanning, the event consists of an Individual competition and a Team competition. Each team may ...


The traditional Xiangqi tournament organized under the auspices of UK Federation of Chinese Schools will take place on Saturday 29th of May 2010, at Lam Yin Chinese School and Tuition, Old Bethnal Green Road, Bethnal Green E2 9RG. The schools competition will include also an open tournament, specially for parents and players interested to join the fun. Entry fee £5.00, with free lunch provided. Tournament to start at 11.00am. Person to contact: Headmistress Stella Chung, 0788 6575467 英国中文学校联会今年度象棋比赛定于5月29日(星期六)举行,分学生组、教师组与公开组。地点在霖贤学院学校礼堂,Old Bethnal Green Road, Bethnal Green E2 9RG. 公开组报名费五镑,有午餐供应。上午11时开始比赛。有意参加者可联系校长 Stella, 0788 6575467

Checkmate with Checks

End game with 45 checks! From 108 Checkmates edited by Xiang Yu (翔宇) Checkmate

Enjoying a game

We thank our reader for sending the following game played a few days ago via internet. Enjoying a game is paramount. Red: Stephen_c, Black: Hanaphaco.

Tournament at Lambeth on 27th of May

More tournaments are coming in different styles and forms! On Thursday 27th of May 2010, at Lambeth Chinese Community Association, 69 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9PY (tel 020 7733 4377), there will be a Xiangqi tournament limited to not more than 12-players, this event is kindly supported by grant from Wakeham Trust. The spirit is for fun and friendship. First prize to be £30, 2nd prize £20, and 3rd/4th prizes £10 each. The tournament consists of a preliminary (10.00am-noon) and a final contest, and for those who are eliminated in the preliminary stage, they will still be able to stay on and to enjoy the BBQ (noon to 3.30pm).


芳庄旅游杯象棋决阶段第二轮,越南阮成保对中国孙勇征,弈于2010年4月28日。 Final stage of the Fangzhuang Cup , 2nd round, played on the 28th of April 2010, between Vietnam's Yuan Chengbao and China's Sun Yongzheng. 孙勇征 (Sun Yongzheng) 阮成保 (Ruan Chengbao) 同意和棋。 Draw agreed.


2010年第四届越南芳庄旅游杯决赛阶段,首轮第二局,4月26日,孙勇征先和宗室日新。 宗室日新 孙勇征 双方同意和棋。


2010年第四届越南 芳庄旅游杯 决赛阶段第一轮,越南宗室日新对中国孙勇征,4月26日弈于胡志明市。 Final stage, first round of Vietnam's Fangzhuang Cup , a game between Vietnam's ZongShi RiXin and China's Sun Yongzheng, 26th of April 2010. 孙勇征 (Sun Yongzheng) 宗室日新 (ZongShi Rixin) 黑胜。 Red resigned. 决赛阶段第一轮,另一局中国于幼华对越南张亚明。 Another game in the Final stage, first round. China's Yu Youhua versus Vietnam's Zhang Yaming. 张亚明 (Zhang Yaming) 于幼华 (Yu Youhua) 红胜。 Black resigned.


2010年中国全国象棋男子团体赛第四轮,4月25日,河北队 王瑞祥对 湖南队 倪敏,仙人指路对卒底炮。 China National Men's Team Tournament, 4th round, 25th April 2010, Hebei's Wang Ruixiang versus Hunan's Ni Min. 倪敏 (Ni Min) 王瑞祥 (Wang Ruixiang) 同意和棋。 Draw agreed. 同日,第四轮,湖南队谢业枧对河北队苗利明。 Same day, 4th round, Hunan's Xie Yejian versus Hebei's Miao Liming. 苗利明 (Miao Liming) 谢业枧 (Xie Yejian) 同意和棋。 Draw agreed.


第四届越南 芳庄旅游杯, 第四轮中国孙勇征对越南阮成保,开局是古典的中炮过河车对屏风马平炮兑车。2010年4月22日对弈 4th round in Fangzhuang Cup , Vietnam, 22nd of April 2010, between Sun Yongzheng of China and Yuan Chengbao of Vietnam. 阮成保 孙勇征 红胜。 Black resigned. 第七轮弈于四月24日,越南陈正心对中国孙勇征。 7th round, dated 24th April 2010, between Vietnam's Chen Zhengxin and China's Sun Yongzheng. 孙勇征 陈正心 黑胜。 Red resigned.


Time for relaxation. Red to play and draw! 轻松一下。来自网上的一则棋局,红先和。据介绍流行于四川成都。


2010年第四届越南“芳庄旅游杯”公开赛,4月21日第二轮,越南陈文柠先和中国孙勇征,仙人指路对卒底炮。 Vietnam's 4th Fangzhuang Tourism Cup , 2nd round 21st of April 2010, Vietnam's Chen Wenning versus China's Sun Yongzheng. 孙勇征 (Sun Yongzheng) 陈文柠 (Chen Wenning) 同意和棋。 Draw agreed.


2010年迎省运惠州华轩桃花源杯公开赛,第9轮广东黄海林对湖南谢业枧,弈于4月18日,结果黑胜,登上冠军宝座,赢得五万元奖金。 A game between Huang Hailin of Guangdong and Xie Yejian of Hunan, played in the 9th and final round of Tao Hua Yuan Cup , Guangdong's Huizhou, 18th of April 2010. Xie won the tournament and pocketed a first prize of 50,000 yuan. 黑方:谢业枧 (Xie Yejian) 红方:黄海林 (Huang Hailin)


2010年第四届越南“芳庄旅游杯”,这是第一轮的一个精彩对局,上海孙勇征先胜越南陶高科,仙人指路对卒底炮,弈于4月20日。9轮棋赛,20日开始,将于30日结束。 The 4th Vietnam's Fangzhuang Tourism Cup, 9 rounds starting 20th and finishing 30th April 2010. Here is an interesting short first round game between China's Sun Yongzheng and Vietnam's Tao Gaoke, played on Tuesday 20th. 陶高科 孙勇征 红胜。 Black resigned.


On Saturday 8th of May on occasion of a day of cultural activities, there will be a Xiangqi tournament at VLC Community Centre, 151 Whiston Road, Hackney, London E2 8BN (Tel 020 7739 3650). Starting time around 10.30am, no more than 5 rounds of play that day. Entry by email to : How to get there: Bus 149, 242 & 243 from Liverpool Station to Kingsland Road; bus 26 & 48 to Hackney Road; bus 394 from Homerton Hospital to Whiston Road stopping near the venue. 五月八日(星期六)在越、柬、老挝社区中心将有庆祝文化节日活动,同时举行象棋比赛,地点 VLC Community Centre, 151 Whiston Rd, Hackney, London E2 8BN (Tel: 020 7739 3650) 。 赛场设在楼下课室,上午十时卅分登记手续完成后,即拉开战幕。 第一名到第八名优胜者会有奖励。比赛轮数将不超过五轮,视参赛人数多少而定。 交通示意: 由 Liverpool Street 车站到 Kingsland Road 有巴士 149、242、243,同一车站到 Hackney Road 有巴士 26、48,由 Homerton Hospital 到 Whiston Road 有巴士 394。


Here is the result of UK Championship 2010 held successfully on Saturday 27th of March at Lam Yin Chinese School and Tuition, Bethnal Green: 英国象棋协会与霖贤顺德中文学院联合举办的2010年全英象棋锦标赛,于3月27日在 Bethnal Green 学校大礼堂圆满落幕,经过五轮激烈赛事,来自 Plymouth 的年轻好手彭铂四胜一和勇夺冠军宝座,黄春龙四胜一负取得亚军,谭庆全四胜一负因小分略低排第三。现公布全部参赛棋手成绩如下: 1. Bo Peng (彭铂) - 4.5 - (小分/Buch 14) 2. Huang Chunlong (黄春龙) - 4.0 - (小分/Buch 14) 3. K.D. Dam (谭庆全) - 4.0 - (小分/Buch 12) 4. Pham Bao Tri (范宝池) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 15) 5. Chen Fazuo (陈发佐) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 14.5) 6. David Young (大卫杨) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 12.5) 7. Thean Jern Yeoh (杨添任) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 14.5) 8= Shao Nan Fei (邵南扉) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 11) 8= Paul Byway (保罗拜维) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 11) 8= An Yang (安阳) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 11) 11.Vincent Song (宋宜骞) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 10) 12.Jenson Lee (李振昌) - 2.5 - (小分/Buch 13.5) 13.Nam Luong (梁南) - 2.5 - (小分/Buch 9.5) 14.Wu Cai Fang (吴彩芳) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 12.5) 15.George Zhang (张文彬) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 11.5) 16=Michael Chang (张永福) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 10) 16=Rudolf Reinders (莱德) - 2.0 - ...


感谢各网站的帮助,现在试发一个棋盘。 Thanks to all concerned. Testing a chessboard diagram.


霖贤顺德中文学院与英国中文学校联合会举办今年度学校学生、教师及公开组象棋比赛,日期定于5月29日(星期六),上午11时正开始。 地点: Old Bethnal Green Road, London E2 9RG 公开组参加者报名费五镑。 (有午餐供应)。 联系:陈慧贤校长 0788 6575467

Bo Peng won Dockland Tournament

The New Year traditional tournament at Dockland was held on Saturday 27th of February 2010, this time celebrating the Year of the Tiger, the atmosphere was fantastic, warm and friendly, highly competitive. Here are the participants and results achieved: 庆祝春节,迎接虎年,中国象棋友好赛于2月27日(星期六)在 Dockland 如期举行,当日气氛闹热而友好,赛事激烈。经过五轮比赛,现公布战果如下: 1. Bo Peng (彭铂) - 4.5 - (小分/Buch 13.5) 2. Thean Jern Yeah (杨添) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 14) 3. Pham Bao Tri (范宝池) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 13) 4= David Young (大卫杨) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 12) 4= Shao Nan Fei (邵南扉) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 12) 4= K.D. Dam (谭庆全) - 3.5 - (小分/Buch 12) 7. Chu Zhixiang (储志祥) - 3.0 - (小分/Buch 13) 8. Nam Luong (梁南) - 2.5 - (小分/Buch 12) 9. Jenson Lee (李振昌) - 2.5 - (小分/Buch 11) 10. Paul Byway (保罗拜维) - 2.5 - (小分/Buch 7.5) 11. Michael Chang (张永福) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 13.5) 12. Alain Dekker (阿兰迪克) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 11) 13. Dylan Li (黎岱亮) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 10.5) 14. Martyn Hamer (玛丁哈莫) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 7.5) 15. Frank Pisani (笔沙尼) - 2.0 - (小分/Buch 7) 16. La Khan-Hoa (罗卿华) - 1.5 -...

Dockland tournament on February 27th

Welcoming the Year of the Tiger, the traditional tournament at Dockland will be held on Saturday 27th of February 2010 (exactly one month ahead of the UK Championship at Bethnal Green), please send entry to Mr. Lai via e-mail : 庆祝春节,迎接虎年,中国象棋友好赛将于2月27日(星期六)在 Dockland 举行,欢迎棋艺爱好者报名参加,请发e-mail给黎先生 2 0 1 0 迎 虎 年 春 节 中 国 象 棋 友 好 赛 2010 Year of the Tiger Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Friendly Tournament 主办/Organizers: 英国象棋协会 (UK Chinese Chess Association) 协办/Co-Organisor: 东伦敦越南社区协会 (Vietnamese Community in East London) 宗旨:增进棋艺爱好者与社会大众友谊,丰富社区文娱康乐活动, 迎接虎年同庆新春 Aim: Friendship in community, cultural activity & Year of the Tiger's fun 日期/Date:2010年2月27日(星期六) Saturday 27.2.10 from 6.00pm 地点/Venue:Dockland Settlement Centre, 197 East Ferry Road, London E14 3BA 交通: 最近轻铁站 MUDCHUTE (Dockland Light Railway 轻铁) 约五分钟步行可到赛场。 巴士有D3、D7 (D6远些,步行约十分钟) Transport: Nearest Station MUDCHUTE (Dockland Light Railway), 5 minutes walk. ...


2010年全英象棋锦标赛定于3月27日(星期六)在伦敦东区的 Bethnal Green 举行,欢迎象棋爱好者踊跃报名参加,旨在提高棋艺,促进友谊。 报名办法简单,可给Mr Lai发电子邮件 We are glad to announce the following tournament to be held on Saturday 27th of March 2010, enthusiasts of the game of Xiangqi are welcome to participate. Please send your entry to Mr Lai via email: 2010年 “春节友好杯”全 英 中 国 象 棋 锦 标 赛 The "Chunjie Friendly Cup" UK Xiangqi Championship 2010 主办/Organizers: 英国象棋协会 (UK Chinese Chess Association) 协办/Supported:霖贤学院 (Lam Yin Chinese School & Tuition) 宗旨:增进棋艺爱好者与社会大众友谊,丰富社区文娱康乐活动, 支持民办中文教育 Aim: Develop friendship in communities, promote cultural activities 日期/Date:2010年3月27日(星期六)上午十时半到下午六时 Saturday 27th of March 2010 from 6.00pm 地点/Venue:霖贤学院(Lam Yin Chinese School & Tuition)at Raines Foundation Lower School, Old Bethnal Green Rd, E2 9RG 交通/Transport: 地铁站-Underground: Bethnal Green (6 to 8 minutes walk) from the station, go along Cambridge Heath Rd...


Following news item was received from Lambeth Chinese Community Association, mentioning that they are organizing a celebration of the Year of the Tiger on Sunday 21st of February 2010, venue at the Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW, with dancing and singing, Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) demonstration, Martial Arts Arts Crafts Raffle Draw, and much more. All welcome! By the way there will be an entry fee of £1.50 for each adult person... 瑞雪迎新岁,虎年 又 来 臨。 倫敦林拔芙華人協會暨林拔芙華文學校將于公曆二零一零年二月二十 一日星期日假位于碧麗斯頓區的林拔芙市政廰大禮堂隆重舉行《 迎福虎·喜洋洋》春節聯歡大會。中國民間傳統意識認爲 虎 是 聪明 、 勇敢 的象徵; 虎 年意味著人人發財致富、家家安康吉祥。 當今社會提倡和諧共處、民族和睦, 虎 年 的到來使這一意義更倍加鮮明。林拔芙協會的執委會、 工作人員以及義工爲此特地精心為會員、 華校師生及各界來賓觀衆安排一台精彩的文藝節目表演。初步確定的節目計有《醒獅拜年》、《南北武術》、《經典民樂》、《 南國粵劇》、《民族舞蹈》和《名歌翻唱》等。此外, 大廳内還將設有展示各種美術、藝術品的攤位。 由英國《 UK 中國象棋協會》派出的象棋好手屆時將光臨作示範表演, 並与來賓、觀衆當場對弈作樂。聯歡會還有《卡拉 OK 大家唱》 這個衆人喜愛的項目;而今年的抽獎獎品更爲豐富、多彩, 獎品更富留念價值。 林拔芙協會婦女組的義工還將特地為聯歡會製作各種品味的中式小吃 、家鄉糕點等。像往年的南洋咖哩雞飯、 羊城煎堆等都是格外美味可口的搶手貨。入場券(未包食物) 成人一鎊五十,五至十五嵗 儿 童 及 少年一鎊,五嵗以下小兒免票。 抽獎券每張五十便士。歡迎各界人...