
Showing posts from 2023


Tian He, the representive from UK, was placed 7th in the 18th World Xiangqi Championship held in US last month, he drew his games with the Champion Meng Chen of China, and with the runner-up Lai Ly Huynh of Vietnam. (美国棋讯)回顾第18届在美国举办的世界象棋锦标赛,来自英国的欧洲唯一参赛棋手代表田菏,第一次参赛,取得可喜成绩,在男子个人赛中,力压众多高手,排名第七,令人刮目相看。 11月20日上午,田菏先手负(香港)郑彦隆。同日下午,田菏后手胜(加拿大)郑德铭。 11月21日上午,田菏先手胜(东马)叶乃传。同日下午,田菏后手胜(日本)曾根敏彦。 11月22日上午,田菏先手胜(马来西亚)黎德志。同日下午,田菏后手战平(中国)孟辰。 11月23日上午,田菏先手战平(越南)赖理兄。同日下午,田菏后手负新加坡吴宗翰。 11月24日第9轮,田菏后手战平(新加坡)刘亿豪。 + + + + 报导者:小C

Meng Chen & Tang Sinan The New World Champions

The 18th World Xiangqi Championship hosted in Houston, is drawing to a close with an electrifying final that crowned new champions -- Meng Chen(孟辰)and Tang Sinan(唐思楠)of Team China. Demonstrating the global appeal of Xiangqi, which is often referred to as Chinese chess, the one-week prestigious event ended on Saturday night, marking the first time the tournament has been held on American soil. In the edge-of-the-seat Men's Final held on Friday,world Vietnamese star Lai Ly Huynh(赖理兄)clashed with Chinese Grandmaster Meng Chen in a game brimming with skillful plays and opportunities. Lai appeared poised to clinch his first World Championship title, dominating the early stages of the match. However, a pivotal error in the endgame led to a draw, pushing the match into a high-stakes sudden-death tie-breaker. Here, Meng's persistence and skill shone through. Despite the challenge of moving second, he managed a stunning comeback to defeat Lai. "P...


(象棋通讯)2023年世界象棋锦标赛,来自中国的特级大师孟辰勇夺男子世界冠军。 第18届世界象棋锦标赛十一月二十五日宣告落幕,孟辰夺得冠军,成为中国的第十位世界棋王。 2023年的世锦赛,中国队共获得男子个人、女子个人、女子团体、十六岁以下男子、十六岁以下女子,及十二岁以下男子组六项金牌。 孟辰二十四日在决赛中,与越南名将赖理兄再度相遇,首盘慢棋较量,孟辰后手而子少,局势不利,艰苦周旋,亦攻亦守,终成和局。 根据规定,加赛快棋,孟辰先手终于战胜赖理兄。 第18届世界象棋锦标赛首次在美国举行,对象棋在国际的进一步推广,有着重大意义。 美国象棋协会主席兼北美象棋协会主席郑勤霖担任本届世界象棋锦标赛组委会主席。 作为东道主的美国代表队,派出总代表郑勤霖,领队古奇天,教练沈浩,男棋手黎英豪、武冕、梅俊海、欧里瓦.特斯尔,女棋手龚勤,少年棋手胡佰恒、武家玮、王黄嘉欣、刘近山、戴子轩等盛大阵容,创美国队历届人数最多纪录。 据报道,决赛当日的全场焦点,是男子组争夺冠亚军的决战,由预赛第一的孟辰,对垒预赛第二的赖理兄。 双方预赛时曾交手,激战百多会合打成平手。甲组联赛有过一局,赖理兄执先取胜。此番移师新战场,冲击世界冠军宝座,意义非凡。 如孟辰胜,则成为首位未获全国冠军而先获世界冠军的棋手。如赖理兄赢,将是首个非中国籍的世界冠军。 赛前抽签,赖理兄抽得先手,执红先行。 决战进行的同时,其他各台第九轮也同步进行。新加坡队吴宗翰取得季军,中国台北队葛振衣第四,中国香港队黄学谦第五,马来西亚队黎德志第六,英国队田菏第七,新加坡队刘亿豪第八。 新加坡队取得男子团体冠军,越南队亚军,马来西亚队季军。 决赛赖理兄红棋摆出中炮阵,来势汹汹,孟辰应以起左马,布局双方中炮过河车对屏风马左马盘河横车。这个阵法,赖理兄多有习弈,红方布局占先,兑换一车后,红渡过七路兵,黑冲过7路卒。 两边进入中局对杀,互攻当中,黑方上士打车、下士又打车,依例需要变招,孟辰长考之后,非常勇猛,第五十二手强行挥马踩相,弃马进攻,势在必得。赖理兄素以攻杀闻名。此时黑不兑炮,而是弃子,红夺子之后,赖理兄十分凶悍,以攻对攻,凭借多子之势,眼看着化解对方攻势,逼迫黑棋简化,净多一大子形成胜利在望。 但残局阶段,赖理兄没有抓住,孟辰不再给赖理兄任何机会,黑横过河卒撞掉红边兵,放弃底象,棋...


2023 Malaysia National Xiangqi Veteran Cup (Open) 马来西亚全国象棋宿将杯公开赛(50岁或以上) 比赛日期:2023年12月2日 - 3日(星期六 - 星期日) 比赛地点:雪隆精武体育馆,Stadium Chinwoo SEL & KL 主办单位:马来西亚象棋总会 主要赞助:青年及体育部 协办单位:吉隆坡象棋公会,雪隆精武体育会智育部 参赛资格:凡年龄在50岁或以上,只限⻢来西亚公⺠,性别不限 比赛棋规:世界象棋规则 比赛用时:采用电子棋钟;每方每局25分钟,每步加5秒,无需记录 比赛轮次:采用积分编排结合决赛赛制(7+1),共8轮(1局制) 优胜奖励:第一名:RM3,000,第二名:RM2,000,第三名:RM1,000,第四名:RM800,第五名至第二十五名也有奖 附加奖励:最具运动精神奖三份 参赛名额:比赛总人数定为100位, 名额有限, 先到先得 报名办法:免费报名 住宿方式:棋手自理,(主办单位将给予每位棋手部份住宿津贴) 报名联系:石健伟 016-3029331,王伟麟 017-8866156 闭幕晚宴:12月3日晚上7时,在碧华楼宴会厅 (Maba House Jalan Hang Jebat) 报名截止:2023年11月26日(星期日) 比赛日程: 12月2日(星期六)0900时报到,1030时比赛第一轮,1200时比赛第二轮,1330时午餐 1430时举行开幕仪式。1530时比赛第三轮,1700时比赛第四轮 12月3日(星期日)1000时比赛第五轮,1130时比赛第六轮,1300时午餐 1400时比赛第七轮,1530时比赛第八轮,1900闭幕晚宴、文娱表演及颁奖典礼 + + + + Source: Go to 马来西亚象棋总会


Four days ago, Jilin's player Wang Kuo(王廓), like many other players who came to the Men's Individual Championship Tournament, hoped to play well and get at least a Xiangqi Master's title thus fulfilling their long-cherished wishes. And four days later, on January 15, Wang Kuo defeated Grandmaster Zhao Xinxin(赵鑫鑫)in the play-offs, and beyond all expectation, stood on the podium to receive the 21st Individual Championship title and the coveted Xiangqi King trophy. Wang Kuo the new Champion The situation was best described as "unprecedented". Years ago, Tao Hanming(陶汉明)had won the Championship as an amateur player, and now Wang Kuo doing the same, both of them are from around the mysterious area of Changbai Mountain(长白山). Born in Changchun(长春)in 1990's, he was winning competitions in his age group as a child, he was taught by master player Liang Wenbin(梁文斌)early on. After graduating from Shanghai University of Finance and Economic...


by Huang Shaolong (formerly Professor of Nankai University) Huang Shaolong on the ideal of Xiangqi I often went to the Lingnan Cultural Relics Museum(岭南文物宫)to watch Xiangqi exhibitions, the large board of demonstration was two-sided, one for Xiangqi and the other for Chess. The audience sometimes attended from one side and then moved to the other side, in this way both games were equally promoted, and that was how I got interested in Chess. In Chess the moves of Rook and Knight are quite similar to Xiangqi, and there are also many similarities in the principles of strategy and tactics, so it is easy to learn and be proficient. At that time, I have read in the newspapers that Xie Xiaxun(谢侠逊)was also good at Chess and he vigorously advocated it. He once defeated the British champion in a multinational invitational tournament held in Guangzhou and won the championship, causing a great sensation. I was very encouraged by this and wanted to find out about the game for ...


by Huang Shaolong (formerly Professor of Nankai University) After living at my uncle's house for more than half a year, at 12 years old I went to Hong Kong from Guangzhou with my parents to continue my schooling. In terms of Xiangqi, leaving my uncle's guidance and coming to the new unknown city, where will my chess destiny go? It seems that one can only rely on oneself to strive in the vast ocean of the game of chess. In the 50's of the 20th century, Hong Kong had a more vibrant style of Xiangqi life, with activities set up in playgrounds, teahouses, and even the radio stations, and many newspapers also publishing chess columns. At that time, the Xiangqi masters were mainly Li Zhihai(李志海), Su Tianxiong(苏天雄), Li Zijian(黎子健)and Liang Qingquan(梁慶全). Li Zhihai is originally from Xinhui County, Guangdong Province, a graduate of the first vocational school in Guangdong Province(广东省第一职业学校), he had excellent intelligence, oft...


Zheng Yanlong(郑彦隆)won the Hong Kong Xiangqi Individual First Division Championship! On 26 March 2023, the Hong Kong Open Xiangqi Individual Championship, hosted by the Hong Kong Xiangqi Federation and funded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, came to a successful conclusion. The competition was resumed in March after a three-year gap due to the pandemic. Games were conducted for four week-ends interval, arranged into four divisions: A, B, C and Women, with a total of 137 participants. After the month-long tournament, which was intense and bitterly fought, the newcomer Zheng Yanlong defeated veteran champion Huang Xueqian(黄学谦)and became Hong Kong's Champion for the first time. The division A tournament used the "8+1" format, which was an eight-round Swiss affair, the top two players going into qualifying final for 1st and 2nd places. Zheng Yanlong playing Red, made the first move, opening with the "Angel's Guidance...


共藏多少意,不语两心知---浅谈自己对象棋的认识 How many meanings are hidden together, and they know each other without saying anything. by Wind Snow of No Turning Back 1. What is Xiangqi? Xiangqi is a kind of self-cultivation entertainment, it is also a tool to enhance friendships, improve oneself, and communicate with one another. It is a platform to communicate one's thoughts by moving the chess pieces. 2. Before the practice of Xiangqi, practice the moral first Moral character first, be a person of character. In the same way, the more people with evil thoughts, the more will be the harm. 3. Treat the people you play with humanly I used to like to put others in dead-end for fun, and even treat the other party like an enemy, fortunately, I once read an article that corrected my mistake --- in fact, the person who plays chess with you is your friend, you play chess together to improve, what a good fate. With this attitude change, I have gradually learned to respect others and ...


Liu Yici and the "Angel's Guidance" Opening Liu Yici(刘忆慈)was a renowned Xiangqi player, people first knew him in "Xiyutai"(喜雨台)of Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province. In the mid-fifties, he participated in the National Xiangqi Championships, won twice third place and once fifth place. He played the "Angel's Guidance“(仙人指路)Opening, with rich characteristics and new innovation, and he was known as "Immortal Liu". Until his death in 1982, he was a celebrity in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and all over the country for more than 40 years. Liu Yici was 1.75 meters tall, big ears, well built, was kind and helpful towards people. Born in Hangzhou in 1916, he loved Xiangqi since childhood. In 1928 his parents sent him to Xu Chunquan's(徐春泉)oil paper umbrella shop as an apprentice. Xu Chunquan was already a famous chess master in Hangzhou, nicknamed the "leopard", one of the "five tigers and ...


Xiangqi's "North Kunlun" Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong's visit to Xi'an Early this morning, the reporter named Big Elephant(大象)led Grandmaster Liu Dianzhong(刘殿中)and his entourage to set off from Yan'an to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, the origin ancestor of the nation according to legend. Maybe it was because he had a good rest last night, and Grandmaster Liu was talking and laughing along the way. It seems that last night's simultaneous exbihition unexpected lost game did not affect the old man's mood in the slightest. The following are some of the interviews on the road, which are recorded as below: Big Elephant: I remember that someone proposed to internationalize Xiangqi and make the chess set into three-dimensional pieces, why is it no more follow-up talk about it nowadays? Liu Dianzhong: When Xiangqi was first excavated, the pieces were of the figurine appearance, later on for convenience sake they were gradually changed into fl...

Xiangqi's Obsession

Obsession with Xiangqi The years are long and interminable, who can draw a square circle with Xiangqi? How many times have you won or lost a game of chess? Alas, success is in such a hurry, defeat is also in such a hurry. Xiangqi is not a simple game, but an all-encompassing art and science. "The heart is like a spider silk swimming in the heaven's blue, and the body is like a cicada's envelop turning into a withered branch" is a silent beauty belonging to the chess player. "Winning brings in happiness, losing also can give us some thrill" is an open-minded elegance belonging to a player. "The world is like a game of chess, each of the game is not the same" is a profound perception belonging to the individual player. It is said that life is like chess, but I think chess is chess, life is life, and there are differences and similarities between the two. Chess is chess, but not always so, it can be...


Chengdu unearthed Xiangqi of the Tang-Song period Liu Guobin: worth at least hundreds of thousands yuan 30 Xiangqi pieces excavated Recently, while conducting archaeology project near Wan An Town(万安镇)in Chengdu New District area, the Relics and Archaeology Team unearthed a Xiangqi set in a tomb from the Northern Song Dynasty period. Due to such a long buried time, the chess pieces were stuck and glued together. These pieces were made of bronze, there were 30 in total, 2 pieces fewer than the modern Xiangqi set. We may ask which two pieces are missing? This needs to be further studied and investigated. Xie Lin(谢林), the head of the archaeological project, said that the tomb where the Xiangqi pieces were unearthed was from an ordinary family, the Xiangqi set was found next to the calf bone of the tomb owner, which suggested that the tomb owner may have been a chess enthusiast during his lifetime. It is understood that this bronze set is the first of its kind exca...


The 8th "Yangtze Cultural Tourism Cup" Open International Tournament was held on 21st October 2023 at Yuanbo Junlan Resort Hotel (园博君澜度假酒店), Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province, attracting 262 top amateur Xiangqi masters from four continents including Asia, Europe, North, Central and South Americas, and the Caribbean. The event has become one of the iconic event in Jiangsu Province. The venue was at the scenic Zaolin Bay (枣林湾). The sponsors were numerous including Jiangsu Yizheng Zaolin Bay Tourism Office, Yizheng Municipal Bureau of Sports, Radio and Television, supported by Yangzhou Xiangqi Association, European Xiangqi Federation, American Xiangqi Federation, Yangtze River Delta Xiangqi Association, Shanghai Xiangqi Sports and Culture Center and Yizheng Sports Federation. The tournament main organisor was Yizheng Xiangqi Association (仪征市象棋协会). Xiangqi has a long traditional background, the way of the game naturally gathered lots of players' wisdom. The city enjo...


(象棋通讯)2022年2月23日-2月27日,第三届新加坡“五粮液杯”象棋比赛,副会长林关浩视频专访: 这个比赛原本要在去年举办的,但是因为这个环境,这个疫情,那么我们一拖再拖,非常幸运的在中国白酒云总的大力支持下,终于今天能够开幕,也获得了多位棋手报名参加。这一次参加的比赛里面有很多高水平的,例如其中有一位是吴宗翰,那么他可说是多届的新加坡的个人冠军,是一个水平可说是新加坡最高的,其他的好几位呢是属于甲级的棋手。 所以我觉得这一次在中国白酒协会的赞助下,获得了这个棋友棋界的很大的一个响应,象棋就是能够启发人生,而酒也是一项在通过喝酒的故事里面,诗歌里面,也知道这个跟人生有很大的关系,这两个结合在一起的话,是非常非常融合,更能够去创造一个美好的人生的一个前景。 新加坡属于一个多元种族的一个国家,那么实际上新加坡的领导人,当时,我们的陈振声部长跟我讲过,象棋不能够太中国化,所以近年来,新加坡象棋总会,就推动了一个图形象棋,这个图形象棋,主要通过英文来解释象棋入门里面,我们就是会招收一些马来同胞,印度同胞,那么同时,每年在七月的时候,7月21号,有一个种族和谐日,我们当天,会举办一个比赛,而这个比赛,能够让非华裔的人士,能够来下象棋,或者参加比赛。 我们就是女棋手其实不是说很少,那么实际上也是很多女孩子好喜欢下象棋,但是要达到一定的水平,是不容易的,所以新加坡过去在亚洲赛或者世界赛,每一次都有派人参加,这个说明了新加坡在这个女子象棋事业的发展里面,还不是完全的就是零。 为什么象棋能够在学校里面能够变成一个项目来活动,因为大家都知道,象棋能够锻炼你的意志,修身养性,锻炼你的耐心,那么其实棋如人生,人生如棋,如果你把棋下得好的话,那就会很好的去规划你的美好人生。 学校的课程里面,没有一个科目是这样的,叫你怎么去规划你的人生,怎样去好像计划啦,做得更好。今年我们很多计划,我们五月会去有一个所谓第31届东南亚比赛,在越南,那么这个意义在哪里呢?就是第一次象棋被纳入东南亚运动会,跟好像游泳,田径,乒乓,篮球等等合在一起,这个意义非常的重大,无形中,也会提高象棋的地位。 另外一件事情是九月,在中国杭州他们办这个第19届亚洲运动会,那么象棋非常幸运的,第二次被纳入亚洲运动会里面的竞赛项目,那么这样一个能...


On November 23rd, 2018, in the final match of the "Borui Cup" National Individual Xiangqi Championship, Hubei's Grandmaster Wang Yang(汪洋)forced his opponent Chen Hongsheng(陈泓盛)to resign with a siege of 4 major pieces : Rook, Double Cannons and Knight, which means that he has won the coveted title of the championship, the 20th Qi Wang of China. As soon as the news came out, almost all the Xiangqi fans applauded him, they were so excited and relieved at the same time. They thundered his name in one voice: Wang Yang! The reason why it caused such an unprecedented sensation is because many people did not really expect his dream of success can be realized anymore now or ever. Firstly, the world of Xiangqi is full of talented young and not so young players, they either progressed very rapidly or hold on steadily, and the 34-year-old Wang Yang is obviously not dominant in terms of age. Secondly, Wang Yang is known as the "second person" and the "u...

Tale Of A Chess Set Gift

After the New Year, returning to my place of work from my hometown, I told many people around what has happened to me, but no one believed it, and this happening has always bothered me. In the end I decided to see a psychologist, and his advice was try telling my story to other people, friends and even strangers, as a cathartic way to release the inner tension and anxiety. I had planned to get married at 1st October of 2009, but because of work, I didn't go back to my hometown until the Spring Festival to get married. My hometown is in Urumqi. After graduation, I went to work in Chengdu, everything was relatively plain and smooth, I already found my loved one, had a good job, working as an engineering manager in a construction company. Times have faded away some strange memories deep in my heart. But just this Spring Festival, after my wedding... The day after the banquet, my wife got up early and at breakfast she told me that I rummaged through the drawers last night to f...


马来西亚沈毅豪:我的象棋梦想比收入更重要 Shen Yihao of Malaysia : My Xiangqi dream is more important than my income In the sixth version of the "Yang Guanlin Cup" National Xiangqi Open Tournament, there is a Xiangqi player from Malaysia, he is tall, fair complexion, and polite. He has a dream of one day becoming an International Grandmaster. His name is Shen Yihao(沈毅豪), a full-time coach of the East Malaysia Chuangxing Xiangqi Academy. Before 2014, Shen Yihao had not yet become a full-time chess professional, when he was employed in the Malaysian telecommunications industry, with a good salary, of a monthly income of about 8,000 yuan RMB, which was already a relatively comfortable life in Malaysia. 2013 was a year of confusion in Shen Yihao's life. What direction to take? Go left, or right? He eventually decided to quit his job and get himself to become a professional Xiangqi player. Shen Yihao, 30 years old now, has already started a family, and his wife is very supp...


新加坡出现绝顶象棋高手,打平许银川及王天一,击败中国棋王蒋川,勇夺冠军。 For a very long time, the world Xiangqi arena has been the playground of the Chinese team, and during the time of such Grandmasters Hu Ronghua, Lu Qin and Xu Yinchuan, players of other countries and regions were powerless to fight back. However, in recent years, these players have gradually begun to grow in strength, they are starting threatening the status of the Chinese team. In many international competitions, on the podium of the winning champions, there are other national and regional teams, the most extreme is Grandmaster Wang Tianyi together with Grandmaster Zheng Weitong participating both at the same time, and their championship ambitions were sidelined! Now it is just like reflecting the national individual competition in China, where amateur players can also win the championship. The game of Xiangqi inevitably advances, and with the changes of times players have made a lot of difference. A top chess master now a...

My Chess Dream of Broken Blue Bridge

My Chess Dream of Broken Blue Bridge by 随缘321 Different environments and lands will shape different people. People in the South are usually different of the North. In the Southern cities, signboards of Xiangqi and Card Clubs are more openly displayed, the activity more plenty and more convenient. In the North, the activity is not that openly supported, and it is up to the local authority to decide. A friend of mine has recently opened a Xiangqi and Card Club(棋牌会所)in a Southern coastal city, it is situated right in the city center, in the 3rd floor of an Hotel, with dozens of rooms to conduct club's activity. Having large scale and luxurious setting, with bars, lounges, plenty of mahjong tables, pool tables, table tennis, with abundance of snacks, tea and so on. In-room sofa, couch, air conditioning, TV, WiFi, restrooms, all are available. Xiangqi spans the major fields of Culture and Sports, and is officially recognized and enjoye...