Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"东伦敦杯" 棋赛2月24日举行

这是2007年英国棋坛活动的第一炮! 欢迎棋艺爱好者踊跃报名参加, 激活社区大众文娱康乐活动.

Welcome to the first of the 2007 Xiangqi activities in London, and it is just a week after the Chinese New Year...

2 0 0 7 年 " 东 伦 敦 杯 " 中 国 象 棋 新 春 友 好 公 开 赛

The "East London Cup" Xiangqi New Year Friendly Open Tournament 2007

主 办/Organisor: 东伦敦越南社区协会 Vietnamese Community In East London

协办/Co-Organisor : 英国象棋协会(UKCCA) 赞助/Sponsors : PENTAGON CO.

宗 旨 : 促进棋艺爱好者及社会大众友谊,提高对象棋兴趣和水准,丰富社区文娱康乐活动

Aims : Develop friendly relationship among all communities, increase interest and level of the game, and for healthy leisure activities of all ages

日 期 : 2007年2月24日(星期六)上午十时到晚上七时
Date : Saturday 24th of February 2007 starting from 10.00am to 19.00pm

地点/Venue: Dockland Settlement Centre, 197 East Ferry Rd, London E14 3BA

交 通 : 最近车站MUDCHUTE (DLR轻铁), 约四分钟步行可到赛场。巴士则有D7, D3 (D6远一点,步行约 10分钟)

Transport: Nearest Station MUDCHUTE (DLR train), 4 minutes walking from Station to the Centre. For buses there are D7 and D3 (D6 will take 10 minutes walking time).

安 排 : 五轮瑞士制, 每轮45分钟.

Schedule: 5 roung Swiss system. 45 minutes per player per game.

奖 励 : 棋艺与友谊并重,设冠军奖£150,亚军£100,第三£75,第四£50,第五£40,第六£30,第七£25,第八£20。总奖金为£490,另外可有其他鼓励奖品。

Prizes : Eight prizes 1st £150, 2nd £100, 3rd £75, 4th £50, 5th £40, 6th £30, 7th £25 and 8th £20. Total prize fund £490 ! Plus gifts/souvenirs.

棋例/报名费 : 亚洲棋例。报名费£10.
Entry Fee : Asian rules. Entry fee £10

截止日期 : 2007年二月二十二日
Closing date : 22nd February 2007

Entry via e-mail acceptable, please send to

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