如果向群众讲说象棋, 则群众如川流不息, 讲说者要口若悬河.
这是一个好办法吧, 给爱好者解释象棋如何走法, 用文字说明, 比说话少费气力了!
于是开创一个新的博客, 名为 象棋 explained
Yesterday created a new blog containing explanations of basic moves and rules of the game. Hope it is helpful.
如果向群众讲说象棋, 则群众如川流不息, 讲说者要口若悬河.
这是一个好办法吧, 给爱好者解释象棋如何走法, 用文字说明, 比说话少费气力了!
于是开创一个新的博客, 名为 象棋 explained
Yesterday created a new blog containing explanations of basic moves and rules of the game. Hope it is helpful.