Friday, November 30, 2007


Here is a short and interesting game from the first round of the Worldmindmasters tournament in Beijing, played today between GM Zhuang Yuting and Yu Bing.

Yu Bing resigned on his 21st move.





1.马二进三 卒7进1 2.兵七进一 马8进7
3.马八进七 车9进1 4.炮八平九 车9平3
5.炮二进四 马7进6 6.车九平八 象3进5
7.车八进五 马6进7 8.炮二平三 卒7进1
9.车一平二 车3平6 10.车二进六 卒9进1
11.马七进六 马2进4 12.马六进四 车6平7
13.炮九退一 卒7平6 14.炮九平三 马7退6
15.车八平四 车7平9 16.马三进四 炮8平7
17.前炮进三 象5退7 18.炮三进八 士6进5
19.车二进三 炮7平6 20.马四进六 炮2退2
21.炮三平六 (红胜)

Thursday, November 29, 2007


The Worldmindmasters preliminary tournament in Beijing kicks off tomorrow 30th of November. Among the many pairings, GM Liu Dahua versus GM Yu Youhua will attract much attention.

象棋通讯: 11月30日上午8时30分,世界智力大师网络大赛(北京预赛),将拉开第一轮第一局战幕,下午将进行第一轮第二局比赛。


经过三轮现场预赛后,到12月4日,取得决赛资格的网络棋手,将要面对直接进入决赛的下列12位高手,他们是: 许银川(种子),吕钦(种子),洪智(种子),汪洋(种子),赵鑫鑫,王斌,孙勇征,蒋川,金波,徐超,王琳娜,赵冠芳。



The Hannover tournament

棋友亚兰。迪克不久前参加德国的一个比赛,地点在汉努沃 (Hannover) 城,同行的还有曼城的马丁。哈默。这是他的一篇报道。

Xiangqi tournament from Hannover, Germany

by Alain Dekker

Here is a quick tournament summary from the German Xiangqi tournament held last weekend (17/18 November 2007) in Hannover.

I was invited to this tournament informally by one of the German players, Karsten Hoffarth, when we met in Macau at the World Championships. For a few weeks I heard nothing, and then I received an invitation which sounded like it would be fun to accept.

My friend, and fellow Xiangqi-enthusiast, Martyn Hamer, agreed to come with me and we booked separate flights, Martyn from Manchester, and myself from London. We arrived at 23:30 in Hannover and proceeded to the train station, only to find out that for the first time in many years, the Germans were in the middle of a train strike! We ended up catching a taxi to Ludersen (where Karsten lives) south of Hannover and managed to wake Karsten up!

The next day we had a wonderful breakfast consisting of a great deal of excellent German cheese and bread before heading to the tournament held in a Buddhist/Vietnamese pagoda. The venue was very good. There is quite a big difference between the German tournaments, the tournaments I've attended in England and the World Championships. The Germans like things to be quiet and this is very similar to most Western Chess tournaments.

The first round was a small disaster for me. I blundered in the endgame! After initially rejecting a draw, I thought my opponent would swing his rook across and capture my advisor, but was a little stunned to find him retreating it one square, forcing my king forward and he then captured not my advisor, but my rook! Oh dear! Also winning their first rounds were Dhong Lai Hop and Michael Naegler.

In the second round, my opponent failed to see a retreat of my knight and gifted me his rook. He threw his hands in the air and said (in German of course), "Not again!". Unfortunately for him, exactly the same thing had happened to him in the previous round! Then in the 3rd round, I managed to win a rook for a cannon and then converted the tricky endgame.

That was the end of the first day, which found me on 2/3 which was a nice recovery after the first round loss. We found a take-away and ordered pizzas at prices that will seem very low for English readers - a tuna pizza for about 3 pounds! That evening, Michael Naegler, Lars (surname unknown) Bastian Gollmar, Karsten Hoffarth, myself and Martyn played a German card game called Doppelkopf (literally "Double heads"). Lars, a student from Lingen, proved to be very good at this game, and he won quite comfortably. I'm pleased to report that Martyn Hamer, playing in his first ever game of Doppelkopf, managed a respectable 3rd place!

The second day started very well for me. I was drawn to play Reinhard Knab, who is referred to by his fellow Germans as "The Wall"! This is a reference to the fact that he draws a lot of games, and very seldom loses. Reinhard is a very good player and was a member of the German team in both Paris, 2005, and Macau, 2007. I managed to outplay Reinhard and pin his rook against his king with my cannon. My rook was then free to terrorise his knight and I eventually managed to break through.

In the 5th round, I beat another member of the German team, Andries Klein. This game was probably the most complex game of Chinese Chess I have ever played. With apologies for any mistakes, here it is:

1.C2=5 N8+7 2.N2+3 N2+3
3.R1=2 R9=8 4.P7+1 R1+1
5.C8=6 P7+1 6.R2+6 C8=9
7.R2=3 R8+2 8.N8+7 R1=4
9.A6+5 C9-1 10.R9=8 C9=7
11.R3=1 R8+6 12.R1-2 C2=1
13.N7+6 R4=6 14.R8+7 R6=3
15.C6=7 C1+4 16.C7-1 C1=7
17.N3-1 C7+2 18.C7+5 C7=9
19.C7+2 C9-3 20.C5=3 C9=7
21.E3+5 C7+1 22.R8=7 E3+5
23.C7=4 N7-5 24.R7=6 R8=6
25.C4-3 N5-3 26.R6-1 C7=8
27.K5=6 C8+8 28.K6+1 C8-1
29.K6+1 A6+5 30.C3=4 R6=7
31.R6=5 C7+1 32.R5-2 C7=9
33.R5=2 P7+1 34.R2+5 P7=6
35.R2-7 C9+2 36.R2+2 C9=8
37.R2=4 R7-2 38.R4-1 R7-1
39.N6+5 N3+4 40.R4+1 R7+1
41.P5+1 R7=4 mate

Obviously 41.P5+1 is a blunder, but Red was running very short of time.
What a game! This left me with 4/5 and in second place for the final round. Michael Naeglar lost round 5 to the eventual winner, Dhong Lai Hop (and behaved rather badly!) so that meant I was to play Dhong in the final round.

Meanwhile, Martyn Hamer had picked up a rather nice win, to put himself on 2/5. Martyn got a draw in the final round to achieve a respectable 2.5/6. In the final round, I somehow managed to blunder 3 pawns against Dhong, but then played like a champion to make the win very difficult for him, but he eventually managed to make the extra pawns tell (though at one stage I thought I had succeeded to trapping and winning his knight on the edge of the board). That left me with 4/6 and 4th place, Michael Naeglar won to get into 2nc place, and a Chinese German whose name escapes me got 3rd place. Dhong achieved the excellent result of 6/6 which is apparently only the second time this has happened in German tournament history.

A most enjoyable experience in Germany and I hope I will have another opportunity to go there again to play Xiangqi.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


He had lost 2 games already. Picking up the stones for the third game, Zhiliang could not hold back his tears.

"What happened?" his friend was concerned and asked.

"Did you remember 10 years ago when we first met, I gave you odds of 6 stones? All these years I have been struggling getting a living, I could not find time to properly study and improve the game, what a hard and unfair life..."

[转载] 请关注一位浪迹江湖的棋手

* 红花海滨猫 *





田志良做为吉林省的一名业余围棋高手,境遇却始终不太如意,他没有正式工作,早期开过棋社,后来因为同行竞争激烈不干了,靠下彩棋为生在辽源这座小城毕竟很艰难,偶尔外地来些棋手水平又都很高,想赢人家钱也很不易,后来曾有一度他竟沦落到去开出租、干零活的境地,为了生活不得不一再离开棋枰,放弃他曾十分心爱的黑白子,想来他的内心一定充满了悲哀和无奈,有一年我们几个棋手到外地参加一项活动,临走前我想到他,便去找他,正开着三轮车为拉生意满街跑的他听说我的来意后,高兴得不知说什么好,立即封车就要和我们走,我开玩笑跟他说: “这一走可就耽误你挣钱了”,他却说: ““只要有棋下,我才顾不了那么多呢!” 那几天田志良异常兴奋,私下里跟我说,一年里这样快乐的日子真不多!


有一次我去找他,在他那间租来的简陋平房里弄了些酒菜,喝完后便取出棋盘,盘腿坐在炕上下起棋来,他连负两局,第三局未落几子,他的眼泪突然掉了下来,我说你怎么了?他说你还记得我们十多年前刚认识时我让你六子么?我说是啊,那时你在我心目中就像一座大山呀! 他说,围棋是我这一生的最爱,如果没有围棋,我这一生就会活得索然无味,可是现在你看,我一年里总共才能下几盘棋呀,有时看到那些专业棋手整日围着棋转,我真的羡慕得不得了,什么时候我也能真正坐下来安心研究棋艺呀,真要是那样的话,我这辈子都死而无憾了。我放下手中的棋子,看着这位最终把我引领上围棋之途的人,现在却为了生活而跟我在说这样的话,心中不禁万分感慨!

Source: Xinlang Xiangqi Website

The days of the Macau tournament

刚参加过上月在澳门举行的第十届世界象棋锦标赛的亚兰 . 迪克先生(英国队员),在文章中提出多项建议,其中一项是:


Macau Xiangqi tournament report

by Alain Dekker

Here is a very belated report on the Macau tournament. Firstly, I want to thank UK Chinese Chess Association and the World Xiangqi Federation for giving me the opportunity to play in Macau. The tournament was very well organised.

Getting to Macau proved to be fairly easy. The trick was to travel to Hong Kong and then to catch the jetfoil ferry across the bay to Macau. The ferry was pleasant but the 13-hours journey from London wasn't that great!

The hotel was situated on a hill next to the Ta Shi Stadium. The stadium was decked in a huge banner advertising the 2nd Asian Indoor games, and specifically the soccer tournament. I saw some adverts on TV for these games, which had the headline "Asian Power". The hotel itself was very nice, but I personally did not find the food that great since I prefer to eat vegetarian.

There is something interesting about the hotel which I thought I would mention here: There were 3 very good lifts which serviced all the floors. Usually, you were able to get from floor to floor quite easily, but at peak times, such as just before a round of Xiangqi, there might be a wait of several minutes.

Being the adventurous sort, I investigated the back stairs and found the contrast between the plush and spotless foyer of the hotel and the run-down and dirty back stairs quite surprising! One set of stairs led to the kitchens (where the staff were at a loss as to how I had even arrived there!) and the other passed several abandoned bits of cleaning equipment, unfinished woodworking and even (on the 3rd floor) a whole room with holes in the floor and piles of junk everywhere! Clearly using the back stairs was not expected of the guests :o)

The playing venue was inside the Ta Shi stadium across the road. In front of the stadium are some gardens named after the famous Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama. The hall was well lit and the seats comfortable. All in all, we were very well looked after.

There were a few big improvements in this tournament compared with Paris, 2005. The major improvement was in the use of clocks. Let me first recap on the situation in Paris. In Paris the clocks were started at 3:01 and they slowly ran down to 00:00. You had to meet certain move requirements at various stages along the timeline. There were at least half-a-dozen disputes regarding the time that I noticed, most due to the clocks starting at 3:01 (instead of the more normal 3:00).

In Macau, the situation was much clearer. We had 80 minutes for the game, but an extra 30 seconds was added for each move. There were no time controls to reach and no move number requirements, only that if you ran out of time, you lost. Simple! As far as I know, there were no disputes over time and I congratulate the organisers for doing so well in this regard.

On the other hand, I would say there were a few things that were not so good. As the tournament was generally very well run, I do no wish to dwell on these, but merely mention the issue of mobile (or cell) phones.

* Mobile phones: I noticed on several occasions, the arbiters (the helpers at each table) speaking (sometimes very loudly!) into their mobile phones while the players were still playing. While I would not be in favour of an outright ban, I certainly think that the arbiters and players should not use mobile phones during the game. If the phone does go off, they should immediately vacate the playing area.

Then there are a few small issues that I feel would improve the tournament. These are:

1) Number of rounds. More rounds are better, and Macau had only 9 which seems too few for a World Championship. The format in Paris allowed for 11 rounds, which is a more sensible number. If possible, fitting a day of rest somewhere in the middle of the tournament would also help.

2) Morning rounds. Given that players come from all over the globe, I feel that a 9am start was not a good idea. For players coming from Europe, for example, and suffering from jetlag (as happened to me), starting at 9am was very hard. If possible, the oranisers should consider either playing the 1st round of the day starting at 14:00 and the second round at 20:30, or perhaps starting the 1st round at 10:30 or even 11:00. If you look at the final results, it is striking to note that the players from Europe generally did quite poorly. This is partly our own fault, of course: We needed to arrive in Macau earlier to give ourselves time to acclimatise, but a later morningstart would have helped.

3) Female players. The WXF very kindly allows non-Chinese/Vienamese players to compete on nearly equal footing with the strong Chinese players, and merely separates them out at the end for a separate category of prizes. The tournament would be improved if the female playesr were treated similarly.

My suggestion in this regard is as follows:

a) All players, male and female, play in one big tournament (requires 11 rounds);

b) At the end of the tournament, the non-Chinese and female players can be separated out from the main pool to decide which placing they have achieved;

c) For the team event, widen the scope so that the team consists not of 2 male players, but 2 male and 1 female. This will encourage every country that participates in the team competitions to bring a female player.

Finally, I want to thank the organisers for the lovely opening and closing ceremony dinners. It was difficult to find good vegetarian food, but that didn't detract from the vast array of foods on offer and the good time had by all.

I finish with my own recommendation for overcoming jetlag (this affected me very badly in Macau):

Do not go to sleep when you arrive and have a larger than normal dinner. Around about 8-9pm, get into some shorts and find some stairs (the back stairs of the hotel will perform this task admiredly). Walk up and down these stairs as many times as you can manage to really physically tire yourself out. Go have a shower and go to bed...oh, and don't forget to ask the hotel reception to give you a wake-up call!

Thanks again to the organisers of Macau 2007. I look forward to seeing you all again in Vancouver, 2009.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Ms Zhang wrote about Xiao Houzi (Little Monkey),a blogger and writer who was exceptionally busy during the 10th World Xiangqi Championship in Macau, taking photo and sending out articles, night and day...

[转载] 猴哥和他的金箍棒(上)

* 张晓霞 *

"回去后, 我们一人写一篇文章,写对方,看谁写得好。"



猴哥的笔名是 "小猴子",起这个笔名,缘于属相是猴。如今,"小猴子" 在网络上名声远扬,他的文章现在不仅在广东象棋网、汕头棋院网上占有重要位置,还在中国象棋大师网及各个象棋网站上登载和转载,他的文章有激情、有色彩,好似一锅色香味俱全的文化靓汤,让人回味无穷,津津乐道。




猴哥是专程来澳门报道世界象棋锦标赛的,他主要将报道发布在他的网络根据地 -- 广东象棋网和汕头棋院网上(他是广东象棋网的超级版主),他的大型专题报道 "让象棋与世界没有距离",在网络上掀起热浪,斯时,各大网站及时转载他的同步报道,广大棋迷们一饱眼福,坐在家中,一敲电脑,尽观世界象棋比赛全貌,猴哥的文字报道和中国象棋大师网上的世锦赛比赛直播,相得益彰,中国象棋大师网的刘殿中、杨书全老师专程来直播比赛,他们为宣传象棋,皆做出了不可低估的贡献。






就这样,广大棋迷才能在网络上看到一篇篇妙趣横生、多角度多色彩的世锦赛报道,看到一幅幅精美的照片。上海著名编辑、棋界名流杨柏伟先生说:"小猴子大闹澳门了!" 是的,小猴子这个闹,是热闹的闹,更是精彩的闹,假若没有他在澳门,世锦赛真会少许多精彩呢!

Source: 晓霞的BLOG(The Blog of Xiaoxia)

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Grandmaster Liu Dahua won his 10-board blindfold exhibition today in Chi Feng City Stadium, Inner Mongolia by the score of 6 wins and 4 draws.

象棋通讯: 11月25日上午,特级大师柳大华在内蒙古的赤峰市体育馆,与赤峰市象棋个人赛前十名的优胜者进行一对十的交锋,比赛方式是柳大华闭目,对手全部开眼。


Simultaneous display and a blindfold

Yesterday Grandmaster Liu Dahua gave a 39-board simultaneous display in Inner Mongolia, winning 20 games, drawing 15 and losing 4.

Today Grandmaster Liu will be playing blindfold against a local tournament's top 10 players.




Saturday, November 24, 2007


今天在伦敦的 “多利燕纳中心” 有棋艺活动,气氛愉快。


Today at London's Torriano there was a Xiangqi practice, the atmosphere was relaxed.

Some photo are shown here:

在开局阶段 (An early start)

是中局吗? (Is it middle game?)

战斗 (The battle)

颁奖后 (After prize giving)

下次约会定于2008年1月26日(星期六)。 届时再见!

The next practice session at Torriano will be on Saturday 26th of January 2008, see you then.

Friday, November 23, 2007

"七斗星杯" 12月上海闭幕

Two more rounds to go for the 2007 Xiangjia League with the Shanghai team still leading.

The 22nd and last round of the season will be played on December 19th in Shanghai.

2007 "七斗星杯" 象甲联赛于11月21日进行第20轮比赛。





2007 "七斗星杯" 闭幕式典礼12月19日在上海举行。

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The other day a friend mentioned about a tournament held in Germany combining chess and boxing.

That seemed interesting.









Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The Agriculture University of Beijing has organized a Xiangqi tournament on 17th of November, attracting 42 players among them students, post-graduates, professors, researchers and staff of the Universty.

象棋通讯: 11 月17日,北京的中国农业大学举办了一项中国象棋比赛,42位学校象棋高手报名参加。





Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Lao Zheng taught the young man a lesson when the latter parked his car in the middle of the road, simply by placing his Rooks at the positions of Cannons!

[转载] 我们小区的棋迷 (摘录)

* 北京娱乐信报 *


棋迷郑大爷: 拿手绝招,以棋为教


那天,我骑车回到小区,见郑大爷和另一个棋迷把棋盘摆到了路边,我忍不住停下车来观战,看了两盘,我手痒得跃跃欲试,郑大爷扫了我一眼,似乎看穿了我的心事,他说: "过来和我杀一盘吧!" 我很得意,自然当仁不让了。

我选了有先行权的红方,摆好棋正准备拱卒,仔细一看,郑大爷的两条大车居然和炮调换了位置,这样我岂不是很吃亏,我不满地说: "郑大爷,您的车放错地方啦!" 郑大爷说: "哦!我这都是和你学的!" 我蒙了,我的棋子摆得好好的呀!郑大爷指了指我的自行车,说: "看看你的车,不是也是摆在道上!我放错了车,只不过让你输一盘棋,你放错了车,可就会影响整个路段的交通秩序,说不定..."






一次,我们战到险时,他的那匹马陡然来了个卧槽,我疑惑地问他: "你的马是什么时候过河的,我怎么不知道啊?" 他笑道: "当然不能让你知道了,这正是楚汉之争中韩信用的暗度陈仓之计。"


Source: Shandong Xiangqi Website
  jookoo announced by

Monday, November 19, 2007







At a community center today a game of chess was lively conducted.

相片主题一:沉思 (Reflection)

相片主题二:要出击了 (A time to attack)

相片主题三:对手有实力 (A formidable opponent)

相片主题四:观众是知音 (Friendly spectators)


一个故事 :






Sunday, November 18, 2007


一个名为 “智力运动会 (OlymChic Game)” 的大型活动,由香港亚洲展览、香港象棋总会联合主办,将于12月举行。

宣传资料指出,藉著北京2008奥运熱潮,聯合香港中國象棋、國際象棋、圍棋、花式跳繩、魔術、花式搖搖協會,与及其他組織、公司,举辦一個 “智力” 运運會,利用 “冬季購物節” 的人流,在會展中心舉行全港第一個綜合競技活動。





查詢电话:香港亞洲展覽: 2591 9823 (Peter),香港象棋總會: 2771 3751。

A new Mindsports Tournament to be officially known as OlymChic Game will be held in Hong Kong next month, jointly organised by Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association and Hong Kong Asian Exhibition.

Participants will compete in Xiangqi, Weiqi, Chess, Rope Skipping, YoYo, Magic and other disciplines.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


在世界任何地方,经常会听到 (或在网上看到) 棋友们热情建议,由爱好中国象棋的朋友组织一些聚会、联欢活动。

11月24日 (星期六) 上午11时开始,将有这样一个活动, 欢迎你的参与! 如自带好吃的东西、饮料和大家分享也行。

地点是在伦敦的 “ 多利燕纳中心” Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue, Kentish Town, London NW5 2RX. 电话 (0207) 267 2751, 联络人John.

最近地铁站:Kentish Town。


There will be a Xiangqi friendly get together, at the same time a practice and teaching session on Saturday 24th of November, the venue is at Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue, Kentish Town, London NW5 2RX. Tel John (0207) 267 2751.

All welcome, admission free but a little contribution is always appreciated.

Friday, November 16, 2007



It was a pleasant and relaxed afternoon at Concordia, Hastings where many children and their parents as well enjoyed a game of Xiangqi, after learning the moves a few moment before.

Here are two photo taken on the occasion.

This is picture no.1

And this is picture no.2

Click on the picture to enlarge.


今晨在世界智力大师网的博客 “博” 了一 “博” :


Thursday, November 15, 2007

一分耕耘 一分收获


"象棋初学门径" 的作者刘殿中说:


在这个学习过程中需要付出一定的时间和精力,也就是我们常说的 “一分耕耘,一分收获”。


Wednesday, November 14, 2007




红方: 柳大华
黑方: 黄志强

1. 兵七进一 卒7进1 2. 炮二平三 炮8平5
3. 马八进七 马8进7 4. 相七进五 车9平8
5. 炮三进三 卒5进1 6. 马二进三 马7进5
7. 兵三进一 象7进9 8. 炮三进一 卒5进1
9. 兵五进一 卒3进1 10. 士六进五 卒3进1
11. 车九平六 马2进3 12. 相五进七 车1进1
13. 马七进五 车1平6 14. 炮八平五 马5进6
15. 炮三平七 车8进6 16. 车六平八 士4进5
17. 车一平二 车8平7 18. 车二进六 马6进7
19. 马五退三 车7进1 20. 炮七进三 车7进2
21. 炮七平九 车7退4 22. 炮五进五 炮2平5
23. 车八进九 士5退4 24. 车八退二 士4进5
25. 车八平七 车7平5 26. 车二平八 (黑棋认负)

Above is a game played between Liu Dahua and Huang Zhiqiang, in the 2nd Asia Indoor Games, dated 27th of October 2007. Black resigned in move 26th.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


象棋通讯:11月16日(星期五)在英国南部旅游名城Hastings的Concordia 大礼堂,将有一场中国象棋示范,由象棋大师与棋艺爱好者向青少年学生讲解象棋入门。







The above passage when translated, simply is: when reading the score or following a game of chess, the important point is about understanding.



今早,在世界智力大师网的 “智力空间” 个人博客上,发表如下的象棋通讯(未加英文):

由特级大师李来群赞助的第一届 "来群杯" 象棋名人赛,定于今年12月21日至28日举行,地点是河北省承德市锦江文冠大酒店。



One post for two blogs, that's making thing easy.

Posted earlier in another blog that "Laiqun Cup" will be held in Hebei from 21st to 28th December 2007, with first prize of 200,000 yuan.

There will be 12 Men's and 8 Women's participants, namely Grandmasters Hu Ronghua, Liu Dahua, Lu Qin, Xu Tianhong, Zhao Guorong, Xu Yinchuan, Tao Hanming, Yu Youhua, Hong Zhi, Zhao Xinxin, Liu Dianzhong, Yan Wenqing, Wu Xia, Wang Linna, Jin Haiying, Zhang Guofeng, Dang Guolei, Zhao Guanfang, Tang Dan and You Yingqin。

The Sponsor of the tournament, Grandmaster Li Laiqun is a successful businessman, now more enthusiastic than ever for the game of his first love.

Monday, November 12, 2007





The Final of the Xiangqi tournament sponsored by Worldmindmasters will be held next month in Beijing from 4th to 12th inclusive.

The winner will be rewarded with US$20,000 while the runner up will receive US$8,000.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A striking contrast


贵宾席上,拍到了香港李志海先生(左侧)和法国黄秋鹏先生(右侧),都是笔者认识的。台上另两位贵宾则被众多 "摄记" 包围住。

Photo taken during the dinner party of Macau's 10th World Xiangqi Championship closing ceremony.

There was a striking contrast reflected in the photo, while vip guests were sitting and talking in quite voices in the front table, an exciting photo session was taking place on the center stage.

Saturday, November 10, 2007




A photo taken before the start of the banquet, on 22nd of October, during the prize giving and closing ceremony of the 10th World Xiangqi Championship, Macau 2007.

As one can see, the staff were giving the finishing touches, soon vip guests and invitees, players and team leaders and many more will fill the great hall.




Today test posting a game using my familiar dynamic chessboard at an internet cafe. At this time customers are few, unlike just a few months ago when it was always packed.

Played in round 9th of the Xiangjia League on 18th of July 2007. Tao Hanming versus Li Hongjia.

Red resigned.

2007年 "七斗星杯" 象甲联赛 (第9轮),弈于7月18日 (星期三)

红方:陶汉明 (黑龙江大庆市红岗)
黑方:李鸿嘉 (厦门港务控股) (25分)

1. 炮二平五 马8进7 2. 马二进三 车9平8
3. 车一平二 马2进3 4. 兵七进一 卒7进1
5. 车二进六 炮8平9 6. 车二平三 炮9退1
7. 马八进七 士4进5 8. 炮八平九 车1平2
9. 车九平八 炮9平7 10. 车三平四 马7进8
11. 车四退二 马8进7 12. 炮五平六 车8进2
13. 相七进五 车8平6 14. 车四进三 炮2平6
15. 车八进九 马3退2 16. 马七进六 马2进3
17. 炮六平七 象3进5 18. 炮七进四 炮6平7
19. 马三退五 卒9进1 20. 马五进七 前炮平9
21. 炮七平六 马3进4 22. 炮九进四 炮9进4
23. 炮九平五 马4进6 24. 炮五退一 炮7进2
25. 兵七进一 炮9进3 26. 兵七进一 马6进8
27. 马六退四 卒7进1 28. 兵七进一 马7进6
29. 炮五平四 炮7进6 30. 帅五进一 炮9退1

Friday, November 09, 2007

Uploading a photo


A rare UK team photo taken during the 10th World Xiangqi Championship Macau 2007. A sightseeing day on 22nd of October at various tourist spots.

From left to right Ms and Mr. Huang Chunlong, Mr. Chen Fazuo and Mr. Alain Dekker.






New Xiangqi game websites are multiplying.

Older websites are under more and more pressure to improve and be more user-friendly.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

1st Mind Sports Games Beijing '08


There have been Mindsports Olympiads many times in London and other cities. Now, we will have for the first time the International Mind Sports Games next year in China.

According to sports news, the 1st International Mind Sport Games will be held in Beijing in October, 2008. On September 26th this year, the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) President Jose Damiani announced that the four IMSA members of Go, Bridge, Chess, Draughts as well as Xiangqi will organised its first World Mind Sports Games in Beijing from 3rd to 18th October 2008, just a few weeks after hosting the Olympic games.

More than 2,500 players from over 100 countries are expected to compete in about 30 medal events in the 1st Mind Sports Games. There will be individual, team and pair competitions.

"Through the International Mind Sport Games, more people will become aware of the value and joy of mental competition," says Roy Laird, Chairman of American Go Associaton's Board of Directors.




Played some games this morning.

Sent a news item of the 10th World Xiangqi Championship to various known editors.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007





Today when surfing the net, I came across an item which mentioned that the following 10 cities in mainland China have been voted by 30,000,000 people as having the most happy and well-being feels (最具幸福感).

Zhuhai, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Ningbo, Qingdao, Taizhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Zhongshan。

After the 10th World Xiangqi Championship held in Macau was finished, we have an opportunity of making a short transit in Zhuhai on the way to Guilin. The impression was favourable.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007




在中国象棋比赛项目的荣誉榜上,男子团体冠军中国 (吕钦、柳大华组成),亚军越南 (阮成保、郑亚生组成),季军中国香港 (赵汝权、黄志强组成)。

男子个人冠军许银川 (中国),亚军阮武军 (越南),季军李锦欢 (中国澳门)。

男子快棋冠军汪洋 (中国),亚军康德荣 (新加坡),季军徐浩华 (中国澳门)。

女子个人冠军吴兰香 (越南),亚军陈丽淳 (中国),季军张心欢 (新加坡)。

Monday, November 05, 2007

Best among equals

An esteemed reader mentioned that Xiangqi sets made of plastic or cheap wood with paper boards are quite inexpensive, while Weiqi equipment can be quite expensive. Can this difference be taken as a sign of their different social status?

The answer is no, there is no social status difference for this matter. The Xiangqi sets can be made as expensive as one would like to. Instead of plastic or cheap wood, it can be made of gold or silver.

Both games are attractive and intellectually challenging. Both are as difficult (or as simple) for lifelong pursuing and / or researching.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

An old-master game

Grandmaster Li Yiting was born in 1937 in Wuhan, Hubei Province. He won the National Championship in 1958, at the tender age of 21, and became the second person ever to hold the lofty title since national competition was instituted, after the legendary Grandmaster Yang Guanlin.

Later, due to the Cultural Revolution and other circumstances, he turned his back on competition and vowed not to touch any chess pieces anymore, instead, he choose to concentrate on teaching the young. For some, he is a tragic figure, for others he is a model man of ideal.

The following game was played a few years ago by the old-master against Li Jinghua of Hong Kong in an rare public exhibition.



1.炮二平六 马2进1 2.马二进三 车9进1
3.车一平二 象3进5 4.马八进九 车9平4
5.士四进五 车4进3 6.车二进四 卒1进1
7.相三进五 马8进9 8.兵九进一 马1进2
9.兵九进一 马2进3 10.马九进八 车4平1
11.车九进五 车1进4 12.马八进七 车1平3
13.车二平七 车3进1 14.相五进七 马3退1
15.炮八进二 马1进2 16.相七退五 马2退4
17.兵三进一 卒7进1 18.兵三进一 炮8进1
19.马三进四 炮8平3 20.马四退六 象5进7
21.炮八进二 士6进5 22.炮八平五 象7退5
23.马六进五 炮3平4 24.兵五进一 马9进7
25.炮五平一 马7进5 26.兵五进一 象7进9
27.炮一平五 将5平6 28.兵一进一 炮2进2
29.炮六进一 炮4平1 30.炮六平四 象5进3
31.兵五平四 士5进6 32.炮五退一 炮2平5
33.兵四平五 士6退5 (和)

Back to basic with a game

Back to basic (without chessboard!)

Macau. October.

Round five. 10th World Xiangqi Championship.

A game between two players from Europe.

Red: Huang Chunlong (UK)
Black: Zhang Zhang (Germany)
Result: Red won

澳门。 零七年十月。

世界象棋锦标赛第五轮。 由欧洲棋手主导演出的一个对局。

红棋: 黄春龙 (英国)
黑棋: 张章 (德国)

1. 炮二平五 马8进7 2. 马二进三 车9平8
3. 车一平二 炮8进4 4. 兵三进一 炮2平5
5. 炮八进五 马2进3 6. 炮八平五 象3进5
7. 马三进四 炮8进1 8. 马八进九 车1平2
9. 马四进六 马3退1 10. 车九平八 车2进9
11. 马九退八 卒3进1 12. 车二进一 马1进2
13. 马六退四 炮8退4 14. 马四进五 炮8平5
15. 炮五进四 仕6进5 16. 车二进八 马7退8
17. 相七进五 卒9进1 18. 炮五平九 马8进9
19. 炮九退一 仕5退6 20. 马八进六 卒7进1
21. 兵三进一 象5进7 22. 炮九平三 象7进5
23. 炮三退四 马9进8 24. 炮三平一 马8进9
25. 炮一进四 马9进8 26. 兵五进一 马2退4
27. 炮一平六 马8退7 28. 马六进四 马4进2
29. 炮六退一 马7退6 30. 兵五进一 马6进5
31. 士四进五 马5进3 32. 炮六退一 卒3进1
33. 兵七进一 马2进3 34. 马四进三 前马退1
35. 炮六平一 马3退2 36. 马三进二 仕4进5
37. 马二进三 将5平4 38. 马三退五 马2退4
39. 兵五平六 马1退2 40. 炮一平六 将4平5
41. 士五退四 马2进4 42. 兵六进一 后马进2
43. 兵六平七 (红胜)


Ms Ngo Lan Huong of Vietnam is the Women's Xiangqi Champion in the 2nd Asian Indoor Games, held after the 10th World Xiangqi Championship. Both events were organized successfully in Macau.

Ms Ngo Lan Huong has not lost a single game in the two world-class tournaments. Furthermore in between the tournaments, she gave an eight-board simultaneous display, winning 3 and drawing 5 of the games.

[转载] 越南女杰吴兰香:


* 张晓霞 *


吴兰香的祖母是广东省人,祖父是越南人。吴兰香有一口流利纯正的白话 (粤语),她从小在家里就讲广东话 (粤语),普通话是她自己学的。她是四分之一的中国人,从血统上看,吴兰香是华裔越南人。

2007年是吴兰香的收获之年,吴兰香在第十届象棋世锦赛上,夺得的女子个人亚军成绩,刷新了越南棋手在该赛上的纪录,也是她象棋事业上的辉煌之光 (以往她在该赛上的最好成绩是2001年第七届世锦赛女子第四名),其后在第二届亚洲室内运动会象棋赛上夺冠,成就了她更精彩的篇章。连续两个重大比赛,竟然一局未负! 与中国棋手的对抗皆为和局。

并且,在世锦赛后与业余男子棋手的应众车轮战上,她也未失一局 (三胜五和),这样夺目的佳绩,在中国国内,也可以算是女大师中的强手,现在至以后,她仍是中国女将在国际比赛上最大的对手。有对手才有竞争,也有精彩的看点。



Source: The Blog of Xiaoxia晓霞的BLOG

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Xu Yinchuan, World Champion

第十届世界象棋锦标赛,录得男子个人成绩 :

Here is the list of the Men's Individual prize winners of the 10th World Xiangqi Championship, Macau 2007 :

1 许银川 Xu Yinchuan (中国/China)
2 洪 智 Hong Zhi (中国/China)
3 阮成保 NGUYEN Thanh Bao (越南/Vietnam)
4 阮武军 NGUYEN Vu Quan (越南/Vietnam)
5 庄宏明 CHONG Heung Ming (菲律宾/Philippines)
6 赵汝权 CHIU Yu Kuen (中国香港/China Hong Kong)
7 吴贵临 Wu Kui Lin (中华台北/Chinese Taipei)
8 黄志强 WONG Zhi Keung (中国香港/China Hong Kong)
9 马武廉 V. JIRAPARKDEEPAN (泰国/Thailand)
10 郑熙明 ZHENG Xi Ming (加中/Canada Central)
11 邓清忠 DANG Nicholas (法国/France)
12 黄俊铭 NG Jun Ming (新加坡/Singapore)

Xiangqi in Mauritius

An Open Xiangqi Tournament is going to be held for the first time by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Mauritius) in the next edition of China Town Food & Cultural Festival on the 5th, 6th and 7th April, 2008.

According to Mr. Philippe Fok Kan, Chairman of China Town Food & Cultural Festival 2008, this competition of skill and strategy will reward the winner with a challenge cup plus Rs.50,000 (about £800-£900) cash and the runner up with Rs.25,000 cash.

If you have any queries, kindly contact Ms Jessica (+230) 242 0156 or Mr. Ah Noo Lam Cham Kee (+230) 253 3068.

Friday, November 02, 2007







联络电话:(+230)242 0156 Jessica小姐,或(+230)253 3068 林努宏先生


Thursday, November 01, 2007

A problem to puzzle out




It seems there is problem with uploading the dynamic chessboard.

Caused by some software update? Hope to puzzle it out.








有二人乐队用手风琴和二胡,奏出 “ 二泉映月”及 “上海滩”。
