
Celebrating the Chinese New Year, there will be Lion Dance, Tai Chi, Xiangqi, songs and other cultural performance by school children at the Lambeth Town Hall, Assembly Rooms, Acre Lane, Brixton, London SW2, on Saturday 2nd of February 2008, organised by Lambeth Chinese Community Association.

农历新年又到,象棋爱好者将趁这个节日同大家乐一乐。2月2日(星期六)在林拔扶市政府大礼堂 (Lambeth Town Hall, Assembly Rooms, Acre Lane, Brixton, London SW2),由林拔扶华人协会举办的春节庆祝活动,在传统的舞狮、舞龙、歌唱、跳舞文娱节目中,还包括人们喜见乐闻的中国象棋示范、交流活动,另外也有幸运大抽奖,欢迎踊跃参与,同庆新春。


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