As part of the Chinese New Year Celebrations, welcoming the Year of the Rat, friendly and serious games of Xiangqi will be played on the following occasions :
1. Saturday 26th of January at Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue, London NW5 2RX (tel 020 7267 2751 John). Nearest Underground: Kentish Town. Admission free.
2. Saturday 2nd of February at Lambeth Town Hall, about 5 minutes walk from Brixton Underground.
3. On 9th-10th (Saturday and Sunday) of February at V&A Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL (tel 0207 942 2000). Nearest Underground: South Kensington. Admission free.
(1) 1月26日(星期六)上午11时到下午大约4点,展开象棋示范及棋友交流活动,以棋会友,欢迎参加,地址是多利燕瑙中心,99 Torriano Avenue, London NW5 2RX (tel 020 7267 2751 John). 最近地铁站: Kentish Town. 免费入场。
(2) 2月2日(星期六),在林拔扶华人协会举办的喜迎金鼠贺新春活动中,除舞狮、武术、中西舞蹈、魔术等节目外,还有传统的中国象棋项目,地点在离Brixton地铁5分钟步行的林拔扶市政厅,收入场费。
(3) 2月9日至10日,维多利亚与阿尔拔博物院举办大型鼠年迎春活动,节目多姿多彩,其中有中乐演奏、瑞狮迎春、国画书法展、歌舞、中国象棋、茶艺示范与品尝、少林功夫、气功、珠算、麻将、拉面、包饺子等。最近地铁站:South Kensington. 免费入场。
顺便一提的是,2月9日、10日两天在博物馆的象棋活动,地点是 Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL (tel 0207 942 2000),将有自由对弈、车轮战、有奖对抗赛、擂台赛、残局破解等多种形式。届时可与棋会的黎先生联络。