
昨天在图书馆主持一场中国象棋活动, 男女老幼大家齐齐参与, 场面热闹非常.


It was an enjoyable Saturday afternoon at West Norwood Library where we gave a few hours of Chinese Chess demonstration. The atmosphere was lively, even complete beginners were playing the game boldly after 5 minutes of basic introduction !

Frankie came with his newspaper containing an interesting endgame puzzle, we are glad to post the puzzle today, thanks to our friend and to the editorial staff of Herald Europe Bi-monthly.

炮兵攻城 (Attack of the Gunners and Soldiers)

Red won.

1. 炮二平五 将5平6 2. 兵四进一 象5退3
3. 炮五进一* 象7退9 4. 炮五平四 将6平5
5. 兵四进一 象9进7 6. 炮四进五 象7退9
7. 兵四进一 象9进7 8. 炮四平八 象7退9
9. 炮八进三 象9进7 10. 兵四平五 将5平6
11. 炮八平六 (红胜)

* 重要的等着. Vital waiting move, the soldier will advance when the defender's Bishop is unable to play towards the center.


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