Victories All The Way Game 1

Further to our post of 8th August, here is the Victories All The Way's

Game No.1

“自”字 信手炮(共五局)

1. 炮八平五 炮2平5 2. 马八进七 马2进3
3. 车九进一 车1平2 4. 车九平四 士6进5
5. 车四进七 马8进9 6. 兵三进一 车2进6
7. 马二进三 车2平3 8. 马三进四 卒3进1
9. 马四进三 炮8平6 10. 马三进二 炮6平8
11. 车一进一 卒3进1 12. 车一平八 车9进1
13. 车八进七 卒3平4 14. 车四进一 士5退6
15. 马二退四 车9平6 16. 车八平四 士4进5
17. 车四进一 将5平6 18. 炮二平四 (1-0)

Game No.1

1. C8=5 C2=5
2. N8+7 N2+3
3. R9+1 R1=2
4. R9=4 G6+5

Notes & Interpretations

This is the "Same Direction Cannons (顺炮)with Vertical Rook (横车) versus Horizontal Rook (直车)" Opening. Black reinforces the centre with the Guard, here it is better to play 4. ... G4+5; another alternative move, 4. ... R2+4 with the Rook patrolling the River can also be considered.

5. R4+7 N8+9
6. P3+1 R2+6
7. N2+3 R2=3
8. N3+4 P3+1
9. N4+3 C8=6
10. N3+2

Notes & Interpretations

The position taken up by the Knight is also known as "Horse in the stable (卧槽马)",comparable to the modern day's "Horse in the stable", having the same attacking power against the enemy's King.

10. ... C6=8
11. R1+1 P3+1
12. R1=8 R9+1
13. R8+7! P3=4
14. R4+1

Notes & Interpretations

Black is making too much Pawn moves, thus handicapping the fuller play of other pieces, and this, in turn, allows Red to make a Rook sacrifice for the kill !

14. ... G5-6
15. N2-4 R9=6
16. R8=4 G4+5
17. R4+1 K5=6
18. C2=4 Mate

Views & Impressions

In this opening Game No.1, the successful design of the attacking campaign is simply stunning, with checkmate coming several moves only after the first shot is fired. Red's 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th moves are difficult to imagine, they constitute a fine example of how to conduct a successful lightning attack at the start of the middle game, with most of the pieces still on the board. The two Rooks sacrifices is specially delightful for the connoisseurs! The last move C2=4 can also be replaced by the alternative C5=4! Black's single handed development of the right hand Rook, contrasted strongly with the underdevelopment of the major pieces in the left flank.

(Remark: Notes & Interpretations by Tu Jingming, Chief Editor of Encyclopedia of Chinese Chess; Views & Impressions by Lai)


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