For the 10th World Xiangqi Championships, to be held in Macau in October, we are posting some more details here for those interested : The 10th World Xiangqi Championships, to be held from October 16th (arrival) to October 23rd (departure) 2007, venue of tournament is at Ta Shi Stadium, Macau. Competition Events: 1. Men's Team, 2. Men's Individual, 3. Women's Individual, 4. non-Chinese/Vietnamese Individual. Men's Individual shall be a 9 round competition, Men's Team result will be based on the individual places of the two players from the same team. For non-Chinese Individual, the results will be calculated separately. The first 8 places in Men's Team event, the first 12 in Men's Individual, the first 8 in non-Chinese/Vietnamese Individual and the first 4 places in Women's Individual will be awarded. The prizes (in Macao Patacas) for each event are respectively 20,000 for the 1st down to 2,000 for the 8th; 40,000 for the 1st down to 2,000 for the 12th; ...