"Tiantai Cup" Invitational

Organized by the local culture and sport department, the "Tiantai Cup" Xiangqi Invitational is going to be held for the first time from 12th to 14th of June in the scenic Tiantai Mountain area of Shenmuxian, in the province of Shanxi (陕西省)。

Around twenty teams from three provinces are invited, though two of the provinces have the same name as Shanxi, which may seem a bit confusing for visiting guests, the written characters (and pronunciation) are quite different : one is Shanxi (山西), the other one Shanxi (陕西)。Teams from Inner Mongolia have also been invited.

象棋通讯:一个定名为 "天台杯" 的三省象棋邀请赛,将于本月十二日到十四日首次在神木县 (陕西省) 天台山旅游景区举行。


每一单位由领队一人、棋手五人组成。比赛将采用积分编排, 包干一局制。团体赛冠军奖3,000元, 亚军2,000元, 季军1,000元, 第六名也有奖。个人赛奖励前八名优胜者。

棋队往返交通费自理, 比赛期间由组委会安排参赛棋队食宿.

联系电话 (体育中心): 0912-8312125 -- 13389122225


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