Xiangqi held in more restaurants

We see more restaurants are sponsoring Xiangqi tournaments in big cities.

The "Beijing Fanzhuang Cup" will start on June 28th, finishing on 1st July. It is sponsored by the restaurant "Beijing Fanzhuang" (北京饭庄) of the city of Zhengzhou. 1st prize in the main section is 1,500 yuan, and in junior section 500 yuan.

象棋通讯: 由郑州市棋牌协会举办的 "北京饭庄杯" 棋王赛,定于6月28日到7月1日在该市 "北京饭庄" 举行,地点大学路与陇海路交叉口西南角。由火车站坐1路、4路公交车到路砦站下车即可到达。象棋爱好者均有资格报名参赛。

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