

以大沙漠和大草原为背景的全国个人锦标赛 “伊泰杯” 男子组半决赛,将于明天 (14日) 举行, 由浙江的赵鑫鑫对黑龙江的赵国荣,广东的吕钦对浙江的程吉俊。 决赛将于后天9月15日举行。


With immense desert and prairie as background, the Yitai Cup Men's semi-finals will be played tomorrow afternoon 14th of September 2007 :

Zhao Xinxin of Zhejiang vs Zhao Guorong of Heilongjiang
Lu Qin of Guangdong vs Cheng Jijun of Zhejiang

The final to be held a day after, 15th of September 2007.

In the Women's section, the final will be contested on the 15th, between Tang Dan and Ouyang Qilin.


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