
The following English version is our rough translation of an interview given by Mr. Zhao Ruquan, Hong Kong top Xiangqi player for nearly half a century, to the celebrity reporter Mr. Ma Chunxiao of Shenghuo Daily.

Q: You won your game today, many congratulations for your victorious tour!
A: Thanks, I was a bit lucky.

Q: Is it the first time you visit Shandong?
A: This is the first time.

Q: What's your impression?
A: Very nice, people are warm and welcoming.

Q: Through these competitions, can you compare the Xiangqi of Shandong and Hong Kong?
A: It is not easy to make comparison, since Hong Kong is smaller, population fewer.

Q: In mainland China, Weiqi & Chess seem a bit more popular, is it same in Kong Kong?
A: No. In Hong Kong very few play Weiqi and Chess, many many people play Xiangqi.

Q: Does this mean Hong Kong has a better Xiangqi environment than mainland China?
A: I think mainland China is better, with the League, players's living are improved.

Q: As player No.1 of Hong Kong, can you get a living out of the game?
A: Just possible.

Q: You dominated in Hong Kong for over 30 years now, why nobody can displace you?
A: Maybe I have some natural ability for it. The game calls for clear thinking.

Q: You have played many mainland players, who do you admired most?
A: Yang Guanlin. His style flawless, even a humble Pawn is defended, good endgame.

Q: Among the players, whom you feel is the most difficult to cope with?
A: Previously it was Hu Ronghua, now it is Xu Yinchuan. It was not for nothing that Hu Ronghua had won dozen of Championships titles. Xu Yinchuan is skillful, very hard to win a game against him.

Q: Now you are 55 years old, how long you hope to carry on playing?
A: Unlike other sports, age does not make any difference, I will do so until the day I am unable to measure myself against the younger generation.

Q: What's your next important tournament?
A: Next month I will participate in the 10th World Xiangqi Championship in Macau. I was qualified through a series of competitions. Hong Kong is sending 2 players there.

Q: We wish you succes!
A: Thank you.

[转载] 香港棋王赵汝权:

最敬佩杨官璘 许银川难对付

生活日报 * 马纯潇 *

提起 “香港棋王” 赵汝权,在内地也是大名鼎鼎。他不但从上世纪70年代就开始统治香港棋坛,而且自1977年以来,在各种大赛中先后战胜过胡荣华、杨官璘、柳大华、李来群、王嘉良、吕钦、徐天红、赵国荣等八位象棋特级大师,1988年即获象棋特级国际大师称号。9月中旬,应山东省棋管中心邀请,赵汝权等港台地区及新加坡棋手来我省进行访问交流,先后在惠民、潍坊、高密、济南等地进行了交流比赛,山东棋迷有幸亲眼目睹 “香港棋王” 赵汝权的风采。9月19日,在他战胜济南棋手王军之后,本报记者马纯潇对他进行了采访。

记 者:赵先生今天获胜之后,本次访问交流保持不败。祝贺你取得如此优异的成绩!

记 者:赵先生以前来过山东吗?

记 者:那您这一次感觉如何?

记 者:通过与山东象棋界的交流,你能比较一下山东与香港的象棋水平吗?

记 者:现在在内地相对来说,围棋和国际象棋更热门些,而象棋的受关注度就差一点,在香港也是这样吗?

记 者:那是不是说,香港的象棋环境要比内地好?

记 者:那以你香港棋王的水平和身份,在香港能不能靠象棋谋生呢?

记 者:你已经称霸香港棋坛三十多年。为什么这么多年来,就没人能动摇你的地位?

记 者:你和内地很多棋手都有过交手,你最敬佩的棋手是谁?

记 者:棋手当中你感觉最难对付的是谁?

记 者:你现在55岁了,计划下到多大岁数?

记 者:那你最近还有重要比赛参加吗?

记 者:那祝你取得好成绩!

Source: Guangdong Xiangqi Website
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