Happy New Year! Year of the Ox tournament organized by UKCCA and kindly supported by the Vietnamese Community in East London, will take place on Saturday 7th of February 2009, venue as last year at Dockland Settlement Centre, 197 East Ferry Road, Isle of Dog, London E14 3BA, nearest station MUDCHUTE (Dockland Light Railway), about 5 minutes walking distance from station to the Centre. Eight prizes are on offered, first £150, 2nd £120, 3rd £100, down to the 8th with £20! 5 rounds Swiss System, starting time noon 12 o'clock, finishing around 19.00pm, refreshment and lunch available free for all participants! Entry fee £15 (under 18 £10). Closing date 6th February 2009 So something is exciting with the game, you can register your entry by emailing Mr Lai at: laiqi2@gmail.com 恭贺新禧! 牛年快乐! 2009迎牛年春节中国象棋友好赛,定于二月七日(星期六)举行,地点如往年春节在 Dockland Settlement Centre, 197 East Ferry Road, London E14 3BA, 最近轻铁站MUDCHUTE, 五分钟步行可到赛场。巴士有 D3, D6, D7 等。 赛事由英国象棋协会主办,东伦敦越南社区协会协办与热心赞助。旨在增进大众友谊,提高棋艺兴趣与水平,丰富社区文...