Instant celebrity

In the Tie Dong community, through leaflets, emails and various means of communications, the inhabitants were invitated to participate in a Familial Xiangqi Tournament, and exactly on the 25th of June at 6:30pm, in the community centre, more than 20 sets of chessboards were laid on tables, and around 50 players from retired persons down to little kids turned up for the competition.

Everybody was surprised to see one 5-year old beat 4 adult players in 4 successive rounds, the child instantly became a celebrity !

[转载] 社区象棋赛开战 五龄童打败四名对手

北方晨报 * 常琳 *


  “QQ通知:6月25日晚六点半,明达社区将举行社区家庭象棋比赛,希望有兴趣的家庭踊跃参加。” 前不久,明达社区居民从网络QQ、邮箱和小区门口贴的通知上得知这一 “重大赛事” 即将开战,退休的、上班的、上学的就连上幼儿园的都抢着到社区去报名一试身手。


  前日晚 6:30,比赛准时开始。50多位选手被分成八个组,两次循环赛进行捉对厮杀。其中年龄最小的选手张浩伦成为全场瞩目的焦点。别看张浩伦小朋友年龄只有五岁半,但是棋艺了得,他一口气赢了四位对手频频报捷,而且选手都比自己年龄大。

  “这孩子有天分,好好培养培养将来当个世界冠军。” “了不得、了不得,我都不是这孩子对手,这孩子长大肯定有出息。” 围观的居民对张浩伦的棋艺佩服不已。不过据张浩伦的家长说,他从来没有去外面学过下象棋,只是在家经常和大人一起边下边学。



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