Mind sports in Potters' Bar

今年的智力奥林匹亚运动会,将移师到北伦敦的波特斯巴地方举行,比赛项目多种,其中的中国象棋定于8月17日到19日进行,有免费的示范工作坊,收费的半天快棋赛和两天慢棋赛。有兴趣的读者可与夏维利先生联络,电话 1293 767014, 传真 1293 772345, 手机 7834 801135.

This year the Mind Sports Olympiad will be moved to Potters' Bar, North London, as usual there will be many events, and the Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) schedules are arranged as follow :

1. Friday, August 17th from 15:00pm to 17:30pm : Teaching Workshop (code : CC-TW), all welcome, no fee.

2. Friday, August 17th from 19:30pm to 22:30pm : Quickplay Olympiad Championship (code : CC-QP), 15 minutes x 5 rounds. Entry Fee: £16 / £12

3. Saturday, August 18th to Sunday, August 19th from 10:00am to 18:00pm and from 13:30pm to 21:30pm, Olympiad Championship (code : CC-OC), depending on number of entries, each game may last up to 2 hours. Entry Fee: £16 / £12

For more details and/or entry form, readers can contact Mr. Andrew Havery, tel 1293 767014, fax 1293 772345, mobile 7834 801135.


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